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Posted By: woody Smalville Crimson - 02/02/07 01:36 AM
What a wonderful episode. Kind of hated the whole "crashing the party part", but the part with Lois eating the desserts afterwards and wallowing was so LnC. Loved the "Lois and Clark Forever", Chloe's response to it, and the scene at the end where Lois is asking about what happened and Clark milks the embarrassment out.
Posted By: RL Re: Smalville Crimson - 02/02/07 03:23 AM
I liked parts of it, but other parts I could have done without. The whole Lana obsession really isn't healthy for Clark. And he really ended up treating Lois rather badly even if he was under the influence of red K. As Martha said, red K loosens his inhibitions but doesn't change who he is. Is Clark really the type who would treat a woman that badly? Anyone else cringe when Clark saw the invitation sticking out of Lois's purse, knowing for sure what was coming next? Ugh.

Miller and Gough really want to push the idea that Lois and Clark would be together someday but they're sure doing a lousy job of it. Their Clana plotlines have gotten really old and the more they beat that dead horse, the older and deader it gets. Get over it, already! Lois and Clark does have a really good sound to it, though. smile

I think I'd classify this as a very poor attempt at Pheromone, My Ugly. Jealousy and hurt are more prevalent in this episode than love or lust, which was the emphasis in the L&C episode of PML. I could have done without the entire second half.

Poor Chloe. I've said that a lot lately. Poor Chloe. She loves Jimmy and she loves Clark and can't have either one of them. frown Clark, take her out of your back pocket (Clark's words, not mine) and treat her right. I've always been a Chlark shipper. Of course, Clark is treating everyone so badly now that I've lost sympathy for him. He doesn't deserve someone as loyal and good as Chloe. I'll stay a Chlark shipper, though, just because I like Chloe so much and she likes Clark.

At least one good thing came out of this episode. Clark's practically admitted feelings, however small, for all three women in his life: Lana, Chloe, and Lois. wink

One thing that did intrigue me was the depth of evilness Lex is capable of. For the first time, he reminded me of L&C's Lex Luthor who would do anything to beat "Superman" to get his woman, even to the point of probably impregnating her unnaturally. At least that's what the doctor strongly implied. Go Lex!
Posted By: DSDragon Re: Smalville Crimson - 02/02/07 09:31 AM
Well, I missed the first 20 mins of this episode because I was setting up the channels on my TV and VCR in my new place. But I'm going to catch those first 20 mins either today or tomorrow on my parents' TiVo, so it's all good. I'll hold off on commenting on the episode itself until then.
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: Smalville Crimson - 02/02/07 05:29 PM
Well... for the second time, I have something in one of my stories that turns up in the show -- that kiss where Lois recognizes Clark, I had exactly that in "Cut from the same cape" that I posted earlier this week. Makes me look like I'd seen the ep already or something... Or perhaps it's a sign I could write episodes of Smallville just as well as they can. *lol*

Very amusing, but the end really killed it for me. And oh, please, stop bringing Lana back! PLEASE.
Posted By: DSDragon Re: Smalville Crimson - 02/02/07 05:43 PM
Well, I saw the first twenty minutes this afternoon, and the major points were pretty much as I'd suspected.

It's kind of intriguing, what the doc said about the pregnancy.

And I totally loved the Lois & Clark action.
Posted By: Classicalla Re: Smalville Crimson - 02/02/07 05:52 PM
I could see bits of the episode that seemed like they could have come from LnC. I didn't like the last bit either when Clark crashed the party. If he really loved Lana like he claimed, he wouldn't have hurt her like that in front of all those people. Maybe he thought he was hurting Lex by announcing the pregnancy, but he really hurt Lana. Of course, he is only supposed to be 19 or 20 (and Tom Welling can no longer pass for someone 10 years younger than he really is so it makes it seem like Clark is older), and sometimes we all do foolish things in our youth, so maybe that's what the producers are thinking instead of thinking that's really how Clark / Superman would act.

My thoughts on the Lana pregnancy and what Lex said is that maybe the baby really is more Zod's than Lex and Lex really remembers more of that whole thing than he is letting on (or a part of Zod still exists within him).
Posted By: DSDragon Re: Smalville Crimson - 02/02/07 08:35 PM
If he really loved Lana like he claimed, he wouldn't have hurt her like that in front of all those people.
He was under the influence of red kryptonite, therefore he had no inhibitions. Normally, Clark would NOT have crashed the party like that, but since Lois's lipstick had red kryptonite in it, voila (pardon my non-use of the accent, as I'm on a laptop keyboard at the moment)! Party Crasher Clark!
Posted By: ccmalo Re: Smalville Crimson - 02/03/07 04:40 AM
Roger said:
As Martha said, red K loosens his inhibitions but doesn't change who he is.
If that's the case then Smallville Clark, when he crashes that party and makes that announcement, is showing a core streak of meanness.

Posted By: DSDragon Re: Smalville Crimson - 02/03/07 10:45 AM
Where was it that I heard/saw/read Lois (LnC Lois) say to (LnC) Clark that maybe deep down when they both get to their real selves, he's a little meaner, and she's a little nicer? And then Clark says something like, "We can't let this get out."

That could apply to this particular episode of Smallville.

Another theory I have is that they (the writers/producers/whoever of Smallville) are shaping Clark's "love" for Lana based on TODAY'S society's view of what love is--shallow, obsessive, and over-posessive.
Posted By: ccmalo Re: Smalville Crimson - 02/04/07 04:38 AM
Think that business about being mean probably comes from a fanfic, Darcy. So not sure that's quite canon. Besides, saying something in that teasing sort of banter is not the same thing as actually *doing* something. smile

Posted By: SmirkyRaven Re: Smalville Crimson - 02/10/07 12:14 AM
Do you think that Lana's baby isn't Lex's after all?

Random thought. I don't even like Smallville that much, but I watched this one and couldn't help but think...what if the baby is Clark's?

<shrugs> I may not like the idea, but you never know in SV universe, and it was the first thing that came into my mind.

And Lana should die. Preferrably painfully, but as long as she dies, it can be quickly if it must. And coming from me, that is scary to hear...

Why does anyone even *like* her? Just kick her off a cliff and be done with it all!


Posted By: LabRat Re: Smalville Crimson - 02/10/07 05:44 AM
I don't even watch this show, but I agree - there should be a tragic accident involving Lana and a threshing machine, down on the farm....

LabRat smile
Posted By: DSDragon Re: Smalville Crimson - 02/11/07 12:29 PM
Random thought. I don't even like Smallville that much, but I watched this one and couldn't help but think...what if the baby is Clark's?
Not feasible. Lana and Clark hadn't had sex since before he got his powers back, and that was about a year and a half ago.

I'm probably among a minority here, but I don't hate Lana. I hate some of the things she's done, yes, but I don't hate HER. She's simply doing what she thinks is best with the information and situations she's been given. I can't fault her for that.
Posted By: Xcully Re: Smalville Crimson - 02/14/07 08:36 AM
I like so much this episode, so funny at the beginning but at the end so drammatic and intese!
But Clark....STOP WITH LANA!!!!!!! clap clap clap
Posted By: Lady_Mirth Re: Smalville Crimson - 02/14/07 08:47 AM
Having only recently begun to watch Smallville, I have to say: why does everybody hate Lana? She's a strong, loyal person. NOT the woman I want to see Clark end up with, but still... no reason to hate her. confused
Meh. Honestly can't see what's so special about Smallville. Especially since Jonathan died.
Posted By: Xcully Re: Smalville Crimson - 02/14/07 08:52 AM
I don't hate absolutely Lana but I prefer the strong charachter in general and for me she is "flat" and always uncertain.
Johnathan???? whinging whinging whinging whinging whinging whinging
I miss him a lot! frown
Posted By: Bettina Baumann Re: Smalville Crimson - 02/14/07 09:39 AM
Originally posted by Lady_Mirth:
Having only recently begun to watch Smallville, I have to say: why does everybody hate Lana? She's a strong, loyal person. NOT the woman I want to see Clark end up with, but still... no reason to hate her. confused
It is easy to start hating her because the producers and writers have been going on about the whole Lana-love-of-his-life thing for all six seasons and it's been bugging more and more people as time went on wink Lana fits into the show and I have no problem with her continuous appearance, it's the part she plays in Clark's life I don't like or even remotely want to see.

A thing I really enjoyed while watching season six is that the show gets darker by the minute. For example, the existence of several 33.1 labs all around the world is something they wouldn't have had the guts for in earlier seasons. Lex is leaping forward to embrace his dark destiny, even Lana grows up to let distrust rule her life (ie spying/stalking of Chloe and Clark) and also lets herself be swayed by Lex' convictions. While all of that makes me not like respectively hate singular characters it adds to the show's atmosphere and leaves the door open for amazing storylines.

SV has reached a rather uninspired mid-season though because honestly, I was very much looking forward to a strong season six where Clark can do some needed growing up and those escaped zoners should have been a good inspiration for this deed. Instead it's Clark who is mostly written into foreign plots like he's the odd man out in Lexana, not fitting into the Justice League, the third wheel in Chimmy's relationship and don't even think about Lollie. What has really been about him are few and in between episodes that were partly just awful (remember Wither?).
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