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Posted By: SuperRoo I'm so mad! - 12/17/06 04:21 PM
Well I got a call from my brother last night. My mum's house got broken into (he lives there, but my parent's are 'up north' at the moment). It's never happened before and I know he got off light - but of course we are still so mad...sad...arugh.

I was supposed to be picked up by my brother so we could put up the Xmas tree at his/my parent's house, but that never happened. He came home from work and found the back door and wall busted.

Well I short story of all this is they just went and stole my brother's stuff. On the main floor (bungalow) his room has all the fun stuff. They only had time to steal about $2000 worth of DVDs (60) and video games (left the systems). He's heavily into Anime and gaming so they were $$$.

He's totally heart broken b/c that is what he does...all he does sadly enough. The kid (23 or 24) needs to smarten up in RL, but he didn't deserve that. I know no one does, but I'm glad he wasn't hurt and nothing was broken. We did a sweep of the house with weapons (the ever handy car 'club' and my Filipino flighting sticks) in hand and found the two that were in the house ran out the front, but we don't know when. There was a watcher at the back, and took off down the lane (his prints show). The cops came about eleven hours later. Pretty good for a Saturday night. We know they can't do anything, but hey the cop was cute.

I'm glad they didn't smash any of my mum's stuff or steal anything personal. Well my brother's stuff will be next to impossible to replace (all anyways)since some of it was special edition and imported. Some of it he never even go to play yet. At least now my parents have decided to get an alarm, a light for the back yard and get a decent door with a good door frame in. I know an alarm isn't 100%, nor a door, but hey it's handy if you are home alone and you might as well try instead of just saying 'hey' I'm the easiest one on the street! Sometimes just making yourself feel better is cool.

I think we were pretty lucky the way my family was. They were dumb and crazy while I was growing up. No deadbolt on the back door until about four years ago. Often forgetting to lock the door. Grounding me for being livid about the whole situation when I was a teenager. dizzy

Man, just before Xmas too!

My mum is coming home two days early. She has to take a plane and then a 10 hr bus ride and won't get to take the direct flight home as planned. The back door we can't close - of course laugh - but we can't find a key for the front door so he can't leave despite beefing up the back door best we could. So he doesn't have to go to work.

The kicker is my brother broke so many rules in the "reduce your chance for getting your house hurt". He left flyers in the mailbox. He totally lied to my face and said those just came. My mum's van in the back had a pile of snow on it. No light at all in the back yard (not installed) or front (can't go on for about seven years).

So I was up all last night cheering up my brother (He thinks his life is in the toilet. It's just another thing to add to his pile) and cleaned up the house. He lives like a pig. If my Mum has to deal with this, I don't want her to have to deal with a pathetic dirty son.

Gee. I am never going to have a free weekend again. I think the world is out to steal every weekend I have! I have only had one or two since April. At least I didn't get to experience a B&E - knock on wood.

Ah, not a full descriptive rant, but I feel a bit better!
Posted By: Tank Re: I'm so mad! - 12/17/06 06:42 PM
For all the mistakes your brother might have made, it's still a pretty crappy thing to happen. Especially around Christmas time.

I have a good friend who is part owner in one of the largest Comic and Game stores in the upper midwest. Send me a list of what your brother has lost and can't easily replace along with some email contact information and I'll give it to him.

He'll be able to tell you what is and isn't available and if it can be ordered and what it would cost.

Tank (who is not a gamer, but knows how 'into it' some folks can get)
Posted By: SuperRoo Re: I'm so mad! - 12/17/06 08:26 PM
Wow! That is such a kind offer. Really, thanks Tank. When my brother's mind has stopped spinning I'll ask him.

Again, thanks smile

(On top of it now, his computer has decided to not work. He just started to laugh. Gee wiz. When is my brother going to get some good luck. laugh )
Posted By: SuperRoo Re: I'm so mad! - 12/19/06 04:09 PM
Well my mum has come back to the city (my step-dad later tonight on what would have been their regular flight back in for the holidays).

She looked around the house and noticed some other things gone. A large chef's knife that I got my brother last christmas was gone. That's replacable but the cops say that was probably grabbed for self-defence (whatever) so that mad my brother's face just go white.

What making us all sad is they stole a honey pot (it wasn't but that's what we called it) that my step-dad made out of wood on a lathe. they left the lid but took the pot b/c it was full of pennies. Oh dumb is that. OOOOH robbers are going to spend their Saturday nigth rolling pennies. Whatever. Well if they took 'em hopefully they use them at least. i hate it when people just garbage pennies and other small change. it's so sad b/c we all loved that pot and we'd fight over it (who would get it when they would move out....I moved out but never took it, but I had some ideas MUAHAHA).

Well there is happy news! My mum is bringing a puppy from up north. It didn't have a home, so now it does smile It was an outdoor puppy and some of the kids took it and threw it up on the roof. It just sat there until one of the good kids came and got him. Poor thing. Those kids are so wild up there (poor kids). This reserve is one of the worst in Canada - she works in the RCMP detachment up there.
Posted By: LNCroxmysox Re: I'm so mad! - 12/19/06 10:40 PM
Oh Roo, that's terrible. frown We've had our house burglarized twice (once last year, once in the late 80's), and it's just awful when they take things that meant something to you. Even if they can be replaced, it's like hey... what right had they to do that? Besides, they also take away any sense of security you may have had... and for me it took a LONG time to get it back. I'm still sort of paranoid.

One mistake we made (and hopefully others might see this and not make the same one) was this: our house is attached to our garage. The big garage door is electric, and the door from the garage to the house has a lock -- but we never used to lock it. We figured no one could get in the garage without the garage door opener, so they wouldn't be able to get in the house. Wrong. Somehow someone found a remote that worked on our garage door (at least this is what we believe happened), then because that side door was unlocked, they got free reign of the house. So word of advice -- lock ALL doors leading into the house.

My mom says if someone's determined to break in, they will... locks or no. But I believe the jerks who robbed us last year were kids or teenagers (they took DVDs and a Nintendo but didn't even bother with my mom's jewelry, even though they went in her room and took a few dollars), and based on the amount they took I think they (maybe even just one person) made only one trip. And I think if we'd had that door locked, this particular time they would have just given up and moved on. But who knows.
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