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Posted By: SuperRoo I'm soooo embarrassed! Duck, duck goose! - 07/17/06 10:39 AM
Oh dear. I don't have to worry about too many FOLC Manitobans seeing me on the news and laughing, so I'm going to express my embarrassment here!

There was a snow goose and about 40 white ducks by my apt yesterday. I live along a river in our downtown and it was an usual site. Usually we just see Canadian Geese and Mallards.

They unforutnately were not that afraid of people.

I fed them twice yesterday. Others did too. One lady brought water becasue it was very hot and no one saw them venture down to the water. She was interviewed too. It looked like the ducks and goose had not been in the water b/c they were so white and clean! The river water is muddy. By the end of the day they were turning grey with dirt.

One the second feeding the CKY news crew member for the city popped by. He interviewed me and boy do I look bad and I didn't have anything interesting to say. My husband is on there too. They didn't use his clip because he said, "All I want to know is where the h*ll they come from". Gee, very ... nice. Mr. Mild Mannered Underwriter couldn't think of a nicer word acceptable for dinner time TV viewing.

If I get around to finding a place to put pictures of the odd group of ducks, I'll put a link. My bird books does not have them listed and I have not had time to do an internet search. So, I don't know what the ducks were.

I really wish I knew where they came from!

Not only adding to my embarrassment I have to endure my co-workers singing me happy birthday this afternoon. I'm turning 29 today.

Gee and I thought I was loosing weight! hmmm...I hope that saying is true...something about the camera adds 10 lbs?

Hope your day isn't filled with any embarrassment.
Posted By: Shadow Re: I'm soooo embarrassed! Duck, duck goose! - 07/17/06 03:56 PM
Have a good birthday!!


And a big LOL to your husband's comment! I probably would have said something similar.

Posted By: shells Re: I'm soooo embarrassed! Duck, duck goose! - 07/17/06 08:02 PM
Happy Birthday SuperRoo!

You're just barely older than I am - I'll be 29 tomorrow!

I hope you had a great rest of your day - outside the duck incident, that is smile

Sorry I missed it - Happy belated birthday, Roo!

And Happy birthday you too, Shells!

See ya,
AnnaBtG. smile
Posted By: TOC Re: I'm soooo embarrassed! Duck, duck goose! - 07/18/06 02:12 AM
Happy belated birthday, Roo, and happy birthday, Shells!

I would like to see that duck interview, though! wink

Happy belated birthday, Roo and happy birthday, Shells!!! clap

Andreia dance
Ah thanks for the birthday wishes smile

Hope everyone is having a fab day!
Posted By: jackiek Re: I'm soooo embarrassed! Duck, duck goose! - 07/18/06 11:00 AM
Happy Birthday Roo and Shells! smile

Jackie/ a fellow Manitoban who did not happen to catch the news last night.
Posted By: shells Re: I'm soooo embarrassed! Duck, duck goose! - 07/18/06 08:24 PM
wow - thanks, everyone for the birthday wishes! i hope everyone had a great day!

I found out where the ducks came from. Yes, just the ducks. They escaped from a Hutterite Colony just outside the city.


I have not seen them since that day, but I heard there is a lone white goose around.
Posted By: jackiek Re: I'm soooo embarrassed! Duck, duck goose! - 08/12/06 10:30 AM
rotflol I'll keep in eye out for that goose. wink

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