Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Selinde Burnt Toast - 07/04/06 12:34 PM
Has anyone read Burnt Toast yet? [new book of Teri] & is it good? Cuz I'm thinking about ordering it but since it's not available around here I'll have to get it shipped and stuff.. So I figured it was best to first ask if it's even a good book goofy otherwise I'll go through a lot of trouble for nothing.. whinging jump
Posted By: Catherine Bruce Re: Burnt Toast - 07/04/06 12:49 PM
I haven't had the chance to read it all, but I personally have thoroughly enjoyed what I've read so far. laugh
Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: Burnt Toast - 07/04/06 01:36 PM
Hey, Selinde! thumbsup

Andreia wink
Posted By: Selinde Re: Burnt Toast - 07/04/06 01:44 PM
Thank y'all for the reactions smile I think I'll buy it smile Zoomway looks like a cool forum, I've just registered.. Still waiting for a confirmthingy from the moderators smile1
Posted By: Shadow Re: Burnt Toast - 07/04/06 02:12 PM

If you skip around a little O/T (off topic) stuff, everyone seemed to like the book in this thread:


I might put it on my book conquest after I finish a couple others...

Posted By: Catherine Bruce Re: Burnt Toast - 07/04/06 02:13 PM
I'm registered there as well, but I haven't been as active over there as I slightly am here. laugh Not because of the people, but because their setup confuddles my poor brain...

And PS, re your siggy, I SO totally think Clark would look GREAT in Black Chiffon, but that's just me. wink
Posted By: LoisLane9397 Re: Burnt Toast - 07/04/06 02:45 PM
I bought the book about a couple of weeks after it hit the book stores and I LOVED it! It was very inspirational. smile

I also joined a message board that Teri has set up for her fans. Haven't had a lot of time to check up on it recently, but I believe you can find it at: Burnt Toast . If I'm wrong about the link, just do a Google Search. cool
Posted By: Crazy_Babe Re: Burnt Toast - 07/05/06 04:13 AM
I bought it about a month ago, but I have a reading list a mile long so I haven't gotten around to it. I love reading and so I buy, buy and buy and before you know it the books I've bought outnumber the time I have in a day and well scatterbrained me can't seem to fit it into my schedule.

I'll get to it eventually (and when I say that it'd probably end up being sometime in the next ten years) providing I finish the biography on Eisenhower I have I bought it last year and still haven't finished it and I'm a speed reader too so go figure.
Posted By: Lois4Ever Re: Burnt Toast - 07/05/06 05:42 AM
My friendgot me one and send it to me....personally i'm a big fan of her and i loved the book....she was honest and open....and still i can't stop read it over and over again smile
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