Lois & Clark Forums
For the promotion of the movie, a free newspaper, the Daily Planet was distributed in ten french cities. I have it, I've scanned it.

[Photos deleted by Admin]

There will be another numero next week and a third one the week after that.
Poussin, I'm truly sorry, but I've had to delete the photos you included in your post.

When I clicked on the first image to see an enlarged version, I was taken to what seemed to be a photo storage/host site.

Nothing wrong there.

However, arrayed across the top of the page were explicit photos of topless and nude female models in provocative poses. And, clearly, we cannot allow that kind of material to be accessed from a link here on the PG13 boards.

Sorry! I'm sure you didn't even realise they were there when you chose this site to host your photos.

If you can find another site to host the photos on, there's no problem with posting them here. smile They looked very interesting.

LabRat smile
Oops. Sorry. You're right, LabRat, I didn't realize that. I'll host them somewhere else, and I'll repost them soon. Thanks to letting me know. I'll change of host.
Okay. Here are the pictures with another host:

[Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image]

I had to lessens the quality of the scans but that's still very good. Enjoy.
Nice photos, Poussin. I particularly like the one where he's flying past the Eiffel Tower.

Here's the traduction of the text:

The first page:


After five years of absence, the Man of steel is back. The Daily Planet tells you everything you have to know about this unbelievable come-back.

Page 2:

that's an advert for a television channel.

Page 3:

INTERVIEW: The return of Superman causes emotion for our fellow citizens, so the Daily Planet meet with Christopher Cuckoo, the non official biography writer of the hero to understand better the phenomenon.

(the title: ) "Basically, he's just perfect."

Daily Planet: To what do you attribute the infatuation for Superman?
Christopher Cuckoo: He represents the ultimate hero from today, the one everybody secretly wants believaing that he'd resolve every problems, from the most little ones to the most dramatic ones. For the men, he symbolize the virility, so the masculine superiority. For the women, he is a fantasm that they dream to seduce, and the prince charming of the fairytales from their childhood. Basically, he's just perfect.

DP: In this case, how can you explain the hate from some people?
CC:I'm not betraying any secret when I say that Superman isn't like averybody else. But he has a past and a family as everybody else. Maybe he just went back to them, no matter where in the galaxy. Or maybe another world needed his help. Except if he was abducted by enemies we don't know anything about. Or maybe he just went into a sanatorium to heal from a nervous breakdown (laughs). But from what I know about him, I think he just needed to think about his life, his childhood and retrieve his roots. He is an emigrant, let's not forget that. He'll never be home in Metropolis; he's too different from us. He'll never be able to fit into, to become anonymous into the crowd. That must be painful to live.

Interview by Sandra Benedetti.

(at the bottom of the picture: ) For years, the sky was empty, but today, Superman is the master of the sky again.

(second article: ) SCIENCES Pierre-Louis Faugioni, master of conference at the Metropolis University and specialist of Krypton explains:

(title: ) "Krypton had an uranium heart."

"Krypton was one of the seven planets that gravitated around of the red sun Rao, at more or less 50 light years from Earth," said Pierre-Louis Faugioni, master of conference at the Metropolis University and specialist of Krypton. "The Planet had two or three, or maybe four at some time of its history, moons. Its revolution was 1,39 earthling year. It's position, not to close and not to far from the sun, permitted the development of the life on its soil. But its surface had such violent storms that the habitants had to live underground. The Krypton's civilization was very advanced, very insulationist, and most people were scientifics. The kryptonians looks loke humans, but have a superior intelligence. But their so-called genious hadn't helped them to save their planet. Krypton exploded because of a chain reaction inside its uranium heart. Today, Krypton is just a cloud of radioactive dust."

by Sandra Benedetti.

(third article: ) The numbers of criminality. There is a downward trend.

It's the end of the Good Five for the criminals. After the increase of 5,93% per year, the criminality seems to drop again with the return of Superman. Details.

-22,3% of Murders.
The number of murders drop to 22,3% in the last six days. This number doesn't include the drop of the number of inexplicable suicides ( -12,69% ).

-19,62% of the violent thiefs
The violent thiefs drop to 19,62%. -33,01% for the arsons attacks, and -17,71% for the drug business. the juvenile delinquancy has stabilised for the first time in ten years. The police refuse to comment but some "snitchs" say that some mafia's bosses had retired without consent. But no one can say if there is an cause-effect explanation.

By Veronique Trouillet.

Page 4 and 5:

That's an interview-article about the biography of Brandon Routh and how he got the job. The Totle is "WHO IS REALLY SUPERMAN?"

There is too some quotes from fans about what they think of the come-back of Superman in theaters.

And page 5, they have added a liitle explanations of the effects of the different kryptonite (green, red and gold).

Page 6:

first picture: Miss Lane and Superman. Two souls made to love each other.

second picture: We can see trouble in Miss Lane's eyes since the return of Superman.


SOCIETY. After five years of absence, can Superman win back Lois Lane's heart? Not so sure.

the quote in bold: "He treated her as if she didn't matter."

The article:

Which habitant of Metropolis can talk without emotion about the love there was between our colleague Lois Lane and the great Superman? Our hero saved her from deadly falls, from sure drownings, and from terrifying deaths planned by the enemies of our great country. They had shared a thousand adventures, and some dinners with candles. Apparently, Superman would even have been ready to quit his powers to live with Miss Lane as a normal man. "Oh, yeah! That was a great couple," claim Miss S., a close friend to Lois Lane that want to stay anonymous. "He risked his life I don't know how many times for her, and every single time she was in danger, he stopped imeediately everything he was doing at the moment to go and help her. They fall in love for each other at the first sight, I think so. I remember that for thei first date, he took her in his arms and took her in the clouds. She was dazzled. Who wouldn't have been? He was so romantic. Every women were dreaming of Superman in secret," conclude Miss S. with a sob. But all that is not anymore. Five years ago, Superman disappeared from Earth without an explanation, without a note for his loved one, letting Metropolis face alone its destiny, and Lois Lane face alone her future. "Lois was devastated after the leaving of Superman. He treated her as if shedidn't matter, " said angrily Miss S., "She started to cry and then realised that he wasn't worth it. Lois is young, and err..., pretty okay for the men who like that type, so she decided to start her life again. And she is right!". That's how our dear Lois, after overcoming her terrible pain, wasn't able to resist at the nice attentions of Richard White, the young and charming nephew of our editor in chief Perry White. Since the officialisation of their love story, all the beautiful people of Metropolis meet often Miss Lane and her knight in all the important evenings of the city. "They seems very in love, that's true. And they are a beautiful family with their son. Do you know that the little kid is 4 years old yet? He's so cute! Actually, he remember me to someone, but I don't know who," add Miss S., thinking. "Well, anyway, they are very happy. And I don't think that even the return of Superman could change that." At the announce of the return of Superman in our beautiful city, Lois Lane refused to comment. "I am writing an article about it," admitted she nevertheless. In spite of her reserve, she wanted to say that the subject of her article will be the general sensation of well-being caused by the departure of the superhero, and her personal happyness to live without him. To bet that our dear Lois, who is so good tempered, will forgive Superman.

by Sandra Benedetti.

page 7:

SOCIETY. The return of Superman bring to life again a long friendship between him and the Daily Planet.


the quote in bold:
"The Daily Planet and Superman are inseparable as the egg from the bacon, as the politics from the corruption"

behind the picture:
Since always, the Daily Planet has the better scoops on Superman.

the article:

The Daily Planet, big journal of Metropolis with a good reputation of clarity and true speaking, has always supported Superman in his fight for "the truth, the justice and the american way", dixit our hero in his first interview, that he gave to our famour reporter Lois Lane a few years ago.
We have been the first to have a front page on Superman, the day after his heroic act when he saved Miss Lane from a certain death, with an helicopter and the pilote that were falling freely since the roof of the Daily Planet. Our title was "A caped wonder the city", and we were revealing to the world the existence of this extraordinary being. Since then, the Daily Planet and Superman are living a true love story, and are as inseparables as "the egg from the bacon, the politics from the corruption", to use the own words of Perry White, the editor in chief of our little publication. Mister White was the first to support this mutual attachment and to motive the employees to have his exclusive interview, "the most important one since God talked with Moise!" did he insist. And in the evening, that was done. "I spend the night with Superman" by Miss Lane, was in the first page of our newspaper and revealed some of the secrets of our hero: his origin, his physical abilities, the fact that he never lie... Since then, the Daily Planet report every feat that Superman does, and all the good that he bring to our city, Metropolis, and to the world. Face to such devotion from our national hero, we just can to greet his return among us, and to wait his next interview that will more than likely be another exclusive.

By Veronique Trouillet

The rest of the page is an advert for a television channel.

page 8:


That's an article about other kryptonians who survived in the comics or in the previous movies.
And here the scans of the second Daily Planet published in Francia. I hadn't scanned page 2 because it was the exact same that last time, and I hadn't scanned either page 8 because that was just an advert for the DVD of Harry Potter.

[Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image]
Thanks for these!! I've never seen this type of advertising done for a film before, at last not here in Canada. Original and entertaining!

That had never been done in Francia either before. But this time, they did it because Francia is one of the occidental country where there is the less advertising for Superman returns. Most Magazine about cinema hadn't said a thing about it. The theaters don't project the trailers before the movies (not yet anyway), etc... So, Warner thought that distributing freely 1 000 000 000 of Daily Planet in the ten biggest cities of Francia was absolutely necessary. If not, nobody here will even know the movie does exist. That's a sad situation. Us, french fans, we hope to see all the marketing things came in June, but for now, we don't have nothing. There is only Paris that have some promotional posters on the subway's stations. That's all.
Sorry, I didn't have time to do the traduction of the second numero. So, just the summary:

page 1:


The Text on the Superman's pictures:
The conditions of the return of Superman are the subjects to many rumours. Interview exclusive with the man who made it possible.

The Text on the Lex' pictures: Lex Luthor out of jail?

page 2 not scanned (advertising)

page 3

Title: Bryan Singer, the man who brought back Superman

Then, there's an interview with Bryan Singer about the movie.

At the right of the page, there's quotes of the writers of the movies, of the actors Eva Marie Saint and Kevin Spacey, and of the Chief-Costumer (? - sorry, I'm not sure how to say that in english : the person who is responsible of the costumes of the movie) about what they think of Bryan Singer and his works.

At the bottom of the page, an article about the very important budget needed to make this movie.

page 4

Title: Heatwave at the stock exchange (? - I'm not sure about that either. It's the "wall street market" of Metropolis)
under the title: Economy. The stock exchange of Metropolis ended in rise Tuesday, with an historic bounce of the CAC57 because of the return of Superman.

That's an article about the extraordinary consequences of the return of Superman for the economy of the whole world.

At the right of the page, another article about the extraordinary consequences of the return of Superman on the diplomacy and the good relationships between the different countries since his return.

page 5

first article:
Security. Between tears and debris, come back on a double tragedy that will leave its mark forever on our city and on the hurting hearts of his inhabitants.
Title: Metropolis in the depths of horror

That's an article about an horrible earthquake that shattered Metropolis. A lot of casualties and a lot of destruction in the city.

Second article:
People. Richard White swore it. Superman won't have his fiancée Lois Lane.
Title: "He won't have my Lois!"

That's an article-interview with Richard White who's talking about his relationship with Lois and the consequences that the return of Superman can have on it.

page 6

He constructed the world of Superman.

That's an article ionterview with the guy who constructed the sets of the movie.

At the right of the page, there's a little article about the old Superman's feat (from movie one) when he saved California, when he saved Air Force One, and when he saved Lois from the fall from the helicopter on the roof of the Daily Planet.

page 7

first article:
Society. The one who proclaimed himself to be "the greatest mind of the world" will be free again.

That's an article that explains how and why Lex Luthor had been released from jail.

Second article:
Price. Our colleague enter into the legend of journalism.
The article explain that Lois won the award because of an article she wrote on the absence of Superman "Why the world doesn't need Superman"

Third article:
People. After five years of absence, our journalist came back at work.
That's an article that explains why Clark was absent for five years and that he's now back and happy to work with Lois again.

page 8 not scanned. That was an advertising for Harry Potter on DVD.
Here the scans of the third Daily Planet (except page 2 that is an advert):

[Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image]
and the traduction:

page 1:


Just after going out of jail, Lex Luthor confides into the Daily Planet. A shocking interview that is the promise of an agitated summer. (go page 3)

page 3

SOCIETY. Lex Luthor declares war to Superman. Meeting with a man determined to... maintain the suspense.
(Follow an interview of Kevin Spacey about the movie and his role)

At the right:
REACTIONS. The inhabitants of Metropolis take offense of the anticipated release of Lex Luthor.
(follow quotes of imaginary character of Metropolis as a senator, Attorney General,... about the release of Luthor)

In the bottom of the page:
JUSTICE. As superman didn't show up at the witness audition, the mastermind criminal was released.
Lex Luthor, rich industrialist who who was condemned to jail because he tried to destriy the California, won't do his time completely. He was released; the judge couldn't give a decision since the principal witness, Superman, was missing. Indeed, the man of steel, whom long absence is still unexplained, hadn't show up at the trial when he was summoned. When he was released, Lex Luthor said solemnly that he'd "start again at zero" and go quietly in his home of Metropolis with his new wife. The shocked population is surprised that he was released (read above) and is worried of the consequences on the peacefulness of Metropolis. The surprise come-back of Superman should calm down the people.

page 4:

I'll come back later for the traduction of the remaining pages.
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