Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Laurach Laura in Russia - 02/21/06 08:13 AM
Hi all I miss you guys. I am in St Petersburg now. I will visit the Hermitage tomorrow. Our court went well and we are now officially parents. We do not get the baby until the 27th though. Then we go to Moscow for a few days. we get back on March 3. What a long process. it is cold here and I am homesick. It is a very interesting and beautiful country. Here are some pics.




I am having trouble getting on to LoisClark from Ircle. Is there a password I am forgetting. I am hitting /join #loisclark but it does not work. I miss talking with you guys. Laura
Posted By: jackiek Re: Laura in Russia - 02/21/06 10:49 AM
Hi Laura! I'm happy everything is working out for you. You both look so happy in the pictures. Yes, you do need a password for #lanekent (I don't think #loiscla exists anymore but I could be wrong or it could be a completely different #). Here is where you go to sign up for #lanekent.

Posted By: Kaylle Re: Laura in Russia - 02/21/06 11:02 AM
Congratulations, Laura! dance I couldn't get the pictures to load but I'll try a little bit later, my computer might just be acting weird. I can only imagine how excited you guys must be, though! And now you have to wait some more until the 27th?! You're more patient than I would be wink

And #Loisclark does indeed still exist, and the sign-up page is here .

Posted By: Karen Re: Laura in Russia - 02/21/06 01:29 PM
Congratulations, Laura! He's a cutie. How old is he?
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Laura in Russia - 02/21/06 02:02 PM
IRC history lesson -- we used to all chat in #loiscla but that died out a while back. Then everyone chatted in #lanekent, but following the fandom split in '03, some of us moved over to #loisclark. To my knowlege, both #lanekent and #loisclark are alive and well (and password protected).

So anyway, congrats, Laura!! That is one lucky child, to get such persevering parents smile

Posted By: Laurach Re: Laura in Russia - 02/22/06 07:33 AM
Thanks all he is 18 months old. No wonder I can't get into Loisclark. I have the password on auto at home but haven't the foggiest idea what it is. Anyway I do have irc. If someone takes pity on me maybe you can e mail it to me again<g> I usually chat there but haven't been able to since I left for Russia. I did however find Lanekent no problem. But I miss my fanfic friends on loisclark. Laura
Posted By: jackiek Re: Laura in Russia - 02/22/06 08:58 AM
Thanks for the history lesson PJ. wink I knew loiscla no longer existed but had no idea there was #loisclark. Nice to know.

Posted By: TOC Re: Laura in Russia - 02/22/06 01:07 PM
Laura, the pictures of you and your husband and little baby Stephen are adorable. Congratulations and the very, very best of luck to your new family.

Posted By: ChriscyK Re: Laura in Russia - 02/22/06 08:30 PM
Laura, he's adorable! Congratulations!!! I'm bummed for you that you don't get him until the 27th, but the anticipation will make it even better!

Take care!
Posted By: Laurach Re: Laura in Russia - 03/01/06 05:14 AM
Well we have him for 3 days now and he is a delight! We are coming home Friday the third. talk to you all then. Laura
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Laura in Russia - 03/01/06 08:50 AM
Yay! Happy family smile

Hope the journey goes well for all of you.

ps., for those who care, you can sign up for #loisclark here , if you're 16 or older.
Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: Laura in Russia - 03/01/06 10:03 AM
Congratulations, Laura!

See ya,
AnnaBtG. smile
Posted By: Shadow Re: Laura in Russia - 03/01/06 07:23 PM
Aw yay! Love the pictures, good luck with everything!

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