Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: lovesuper97 smallville - Spoilers - 01/12/06 10:26 PM
Did anyone see what happen on today's show?
Who died?
I saw the first 20 mins of it
So why was lois holding an gun to shoot clarks dad?

I'm lost please help help confused
Posted By: groobie Re: smallville - Spoilers - 01/12/06 10:39 PM

The show just finished here on the west coast...

Who died? The guy that Lex hired to find dirt on Jonathan. The guy called Lex to say he had something, but Lionel showed up at the meeting instead. We saw Lionel look at, and then burn the info the guy had dug up. Lex assumes that his dad was responsible for the guy's death.

So why was Lois holding a gun to shoot Clark's dad? The girl in charge of the Students for Lex campaign (the girl who took the photo with Lex in his office) was psycho. She decided to do everything in her power to help Lex win (she even shaved her head to show her devotion to him.) She held a gun to Lois' head to try and make her kill Jonathan. Lois managed to fight her way out of it while Clark caught the bullet (all without being noticed while in a room full of people!).
Posted By: lovesuper97 Re: smallville - Spoilers - 01/13/06 08:41 AM
cool thank you i was getting nevous about it when i saw it. eek
Posted By: Saskia Re: smallville - Spoilers - 01/13/06 10:29 AM
I just moved this topic from Lois & Clark, as this is the correct folder. Also, I added the word 'spoiler' to the topic so people are warned if they haven't seen the episode yet.

Saskia smile
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