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... with episode 10. Oh, Spoilers by the way!! Not much longer until we will know who's going to die by the hand or force of Jor-El. That's mainly the reason why I'm still downloading the current season, because I'm so terribly nosy wink

Well, this ep definitely has its good moments but as a whole it's nothing special. What happens in almost every episode was written into this one as well: Lex somehow got hurt, just as well that this time it was one of his admirers and worshippers - in an insane kind of way.

I must confess, that Lana was rather likeable this week. The way she first defended herself against Clark and finally came around with her story, the drive one could clearly see in her eyes, that's something I've always seen in the Lois from LnC. It's just so sad that she's bordering on being obsessed with these meteor showers, space ships and aliens, that this may end in a very unhealthy way which could be connected to Lex.

Poor Chloe by the way, she's once more been reduced to the bottom-feeder reporter at the Planet with her only use as an open ear to Clark's insecurities and problems. This time the shit hit the fan as Clark was seriously trying to have a sex-talk with her, about Lana of all people. In the end, it's quite sad that Chloe's so well put together that she's managing a good job of counceling him, so Chloe is either over him or does a damn good job of not acting at it.

The bottom line of this whole episode is a lot of story-developement in regard of the Senator race between Lex and Jonathan but other inter-personal got lost almost completely. After Lexmas this would've been something I had been looking forward to see more of, while this Senator-plot is terribly ridiculous to me. There's just one sentence between Lois and Clark, there's only one embarrassing scene between Chloe and Clark and I don't know yet what to make of Martha driving off with Lionel confused
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