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Posted By: SuperRoo I have I got myself into! - 12/14/05 11:41 PM
Oh dear. I have a few free nights this week and inbetween beta reading and doing laundry I thought I'd sign up to be a Santa's elf at my work. I am pretending to be Santa and write responses to children's letters.

I also thought I'd do this to make Christmas . . . more Christmas-ie this year.

Ugh. This is my first night working on it. I have two.

I have no clue what to write!!!! I read my co-worker's and she said she sat in front of the computer for an hour before she was able to write something decent. Her's was great! Also, she used wide magins and a large font. Ah, the wide margin trick devil Last time I did that was in junior high. I think I might play that trick again.

No it doesn't have to be long, but man is it hard!

Wish me luck.

Is anyone else doing anything through their work or any other place?
Posted By: ChriscyK Re: I have I got myself into! - 12/15/05 01:05 PM
I think it's thumbsup that you're doing this! I always hated sending my Santa letters to Canada Post because they'd send back this obviously mass-produced thing that didn't have anything to do with what I said to Santa. I remember in elementary school when they used to make the older kids write reply Santa letters for the younger kids, which *would* work out unless if you were unlucky and got a big kid who was lazy, had bad penmanship and didn't decorate the letters. :p I always made sure mine looked nice when I got to be the one replying. smile

I think as long as you make references to what the child said in the letter to make it clear that you're responding to him/her only, and that you make it look nice, it'll be good enough. smile

My sorority was going to team up with a frat to bake Christmas cookies with a bunch of kids at this school where most of them has just lost a parent or both, but the Social of the frat never got back to me about arrangements and specifics, so it didn't work out. Next year I'm just going to go ahead with it and do the event with my girls if I don't get a reply! But we're also having a clothing drive at my residence.

Good luck writing those letters and I hope you have fun with them!

Posted By: LoisLane9397 Re: I have I got myself into! - 12/15/05 09:38 PM
I remember sending Santa email years and years ago, when email was a fairly new thing. I got a response back, which I believe was a letter, but it was written so well that I believed it.

Another year I was so sick that I spent Christmas Eve in my parent's room as they hosted our annual party downstairs. I wrote Santa a letter and I drew a picture. Santa had enough time to give me a reply the next day in my stocking. It was my dad who had replied...but he did it in such a way that I believed. wink Though at the time, I did notice that my dad's and Santa's handwriting looked a lot a like. goofy
Posted By: SuperRoo Re: I have I got myself into! - 12/24/05 09:29 AM
Hi guys,

Thanks for the words of encouragement.

I ended up doing three: 3, 5 and 8 years if my memory serves me right.

Of course my printer decided to run out of ink! I had to beg it to spit it out. So I had to stop at three letters. Boy, those first two were hard. I had those at the same time. I picked another one up a week later and it was much easier.

I actually didn't know what the toys where 100% of the time. Gee I guess I really am an adult now. LOL. The 5 year old was really funny. She asked right off for banana muffins, then asked questions in the first paragraph. The rest of the letter jumped back and forth from what she wanted to questions like, "Do you get presents?" "Do the reindeer watch movies with you?"

Very cute.

Posted By: ChriscyK Re: I have I got myself into! - 12/24/05 09:41 PM
I actually didn't know what the toys where 100% of the time. Gee I guess I really am an adult now. LOL.
Could it be a TV thing? I never realized how much information I get from the telly until I got to university and stopped watching TV. I feel so uncool, because I don't know anything about which movies are coming out, what kinds of new products there are, what's on the billboards, I'm not up on my celebrity gossip, etc.

She asked right off for banana muffins, then asked questions in the first paragraph. The rest of the letter jumped back and forth from what she wanted to questions like, "Do you get presents?" "Do the reindeer watch movies with you?"
That's adorable. I love kids! I just told my mum today that she's definitely going to have grandchildren (but not for about 10 years at least since I'm just 18). goofy
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