Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LoveIsForever Computer Battery? - 10/26/05 04:51 PM
I've had my computer for alittle over three years and I've never had any trouble with the battery in it I thank the good Lord for that.

My question is does coin-cell batteries go bad? Mine is fine I'm just worried it could go bad and I wouldn't know it and my computer might get hurt before I could do anything about it.

From my computer manual this does not look like something that would be easy to change.
Posted By: Thanatos Re: Computer Battery? - 10/26/05 07:46 PM
You rarely need to worry about the computer battery, I've only seen it go dead in a long unused computer, in fact as long as it's plugged in to a power source the computer draws power from the wall not using that battery, at leats most do. (Which is a reason to unplug it if you ever open it). All the battery is for is to save your CMOS settings, which are ocmputer specific settings, and the time. So even without the battery your computer will run, but things liek the time and date will be wrong. If you ever do have to worry about it, take it in to get it changed. I'm not even sure how necessary it is in newer computers, well I won't go into why but the needs for a CMOS are virtually non existent in todays technology. Being three years old, it may be more than a legacy, I'm not sure. But for the most part the battery is almost never even used, except to reset BIOS settings (which CMOS used to store before they had technology for other things).
Posted By: Karen Re: Computer Battery? - 10/27/05 09:13 AM
I've seen a few start to go bad. Suddenly the computer starts losing time.. of course, by that time, I'm ready for a new motherboard, anyway. Most of the time, it's not too hard to change. The little battery is just held on by a clip.
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