Lois & Clark Forums
Here's mine....

Best Superhero: Spider-Man.
Best Super Villian: Darth Vader.

Not that it'd be much of a contest if those two fought. One Force Choke and it's over.....
Best Superhero: Wolverine, The X-Men
Best Villain: Still thinking...will post later
Best Superhero (other than Superman): Batman/Batgirl(hence the name...bgirl...batgirl..teehee)
Best Villain: the Joker
Some good choices. Kepp 'em coming.......
Best Superhero: Mr. Fantastic (of Fantastic Four)
Best Supervillain: The Riddler (from Batman)
Best Superhero: Luke Skywalker (hey if I can do Vader for villian Luke can be a hero lol)
Best Super Villian: Darth Vader.
Yeah, it's not as if it's limited to comic stuff.
Never was that impressed by Luke Skywalker though. Seemed to lack style. My fiancee agrees and says "He's too girly...." lol. Has anyone done a fanfic where Clark meets Luke?
Best Superhero:Spiderman
Best SuperVillian:It's a toss up between Joker and Magneto...

Best Superhero: I've always liked Spiderman, with Ironman a close second.

Best Villian: Dr. Doom - from the comics, haven't seen the movie. Doom could be really evil, but was honorable. Plus, if the heat got to bad, he could always claim diplomatic immunity since he was the dictator of his own country. Gotta like a dictator for pure evilness.
Nice to see Mr D8a has good taste. Keep it goin' people. I need your messages on here in order to take over the world. Oh alright, I'll settle for some free chocolate.....
Uuh yea, I really like Spiderman a lot, but not the Toby Maguire guy from the movies. Some of you may also remember Cyrus, this kid from Smallville with healing powers - how he saves the one guy who was after him and also misses his 'departure' was an act from a superhero, no doubt.

It's way easier with villains. Jim Carrey's impersonation of The Riddler was phantastic, but with Magneto I've found my favorite. It's actually quite simple, because there's something of a human story behind all this (at least in the comics-version, don't know about the movie-reality).
Maggie is pretty cool. (I'd love to call him that to his face, lol. Probally be dead ten seconds later though....)
As for Carrey's Riddler, a little over the top for my taste....

How come no one's mentioned The Flash, Batman or Wonder Woman? Mmm, she can tie me up with that golden rope (What's it called properly?) anytime wink

Or I don't think this counts but he's a pretty cool hero, Link from The Legend Of Zelda series of games. At least he's cool when I'm playin', lol. I'm just that good.
Hero: Orion. No contest; the Dog of War, especially as portrayed by Walt Simonson in the eponymous series of recent years, has it all -- vast power, nobility, tragic flaws and the determination to overcome them that makes a hero. And the Astro-Glider is cool.

Which kind of makes the villain choice inevitable: Darkseid! Of course, DC in its madness wants to downgrade the "Big D" to a second-string Superman villain, which is... well, mad. Fond as I am of Superman, the New Gods should be a step above (wot, only one? :rolleyes: ) the usual hero/villain squabbles.

Other heroes I particularly like...

DC: Green Lantern (Alan, Hal or Kyle; the others mostly leave me cold); the Flash (Jay, Barry or Wally); the original Firestorm, not the dross they're currently publishing by that name.

Marvel: I'm not a Spidey or FF fan, really, though I have read them, and I gave up on the X-Men years ago. I go for Thor and Iron Man -- who make a great team IMO. Sort of the Marvel equivalent of the World's Finest team (that's Superman and Batman, if you didn't know), or maybe Flash and GL.

Other: E-Man and Nova! Brilliant comedy, excellent satire, and probably the sexiest woman in comics. laugh GrimJack was a favourite in all of his various incarnations (literally wink ). And then there's...

Oh, that'll do. It's obvious that I read too many comics -- or, rather, that I've read an awful lot over the years. These days, with DC and Marvel firmly in the let's-ruin-all-our-characters-so-that-brain-dead-kids-will-think-they're-cool mindset, I'm slowly slipping into humour titles; PS 238 is brilliant, and Nodwick has achieved the impossible (or at least very hard) by hooking a person who doesn't much like mediaeval fantasy... confused

Phil, who'd add Captain Carrot and Sgt Angua -- not to mention Detritus and Commander Vimes -- to the list, but they don't qualify as super-heroes... or do they?
Let's see, 'other than Superman'.

Hero: Lois Lane (Hey she may not have super powers, but she is definitely a hero). If you want to include powers, then I really liked the Barry Allen Flash. I always enjoyed the fact that, even though The Flash was a big-time superhero, Barry was still a regular guy (and the fact that he was dating a newspaper reporter had nothing to do with it, really)

Villain: Tarkas has it right. Darkseid is the ultimate villian of the DC universe. Much of his appeal as a villian comes from the fact that he's not so much evil and he is completely amoral. He's only interested in those things which 'please' him. If destroying his 'enemies' in the most horrific ways possible please him, then so be it.

Tank (who has also, over recent years, discovered several alternatives to mainstream super hero comics that he found very entertaining)
Darksied is a Superman villian.....
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