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Posted By: malu Hurricane Rita - 09/22/05 10:53 AM
Hope all FoLCs on the Texas and Louisiana coast are evacuating. Rita has moved north, and MAY not hit as much as Texas coast as originally predicted.

Be safe!

Posted By: lovesuper97 Re: Hurricane Rita - 09/23/05 01:03 PM
hi guys well i'm in tomball tx. i barely made it out of houston and this might be the last time u hear from in an while. so take care and thanks
Posted By: malu Re: Hurricane Rita - 09/23/05 02:41 PM
Good luck, lovesuper97. wave

Please let us know if you're okay as soon as possible. smile

I'm in Arlington, TX, which is between Dallas and Fort Worth. We are expecting just lots of rain and wind here, but who knows what Rita can bring.

Anyone who is still in Houston or Texas coast in the path of Rita, or has evacuated, please let us know as soon as you can about your situation, and if we can help in any way.

malu wave
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: Hurricane Rita - 09/23/05 04:05 PM

My brother lives in Dallas and my niece in Temple.

They are used to the situation here in hurricane season, what worry me is that the housing in US are different that here. We build in concrete and cement.

What’s the situation there at this moment? We don't get much information.

MAF frown
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: Hurricane Rita - 09/23/05 04:18 PM

This is dumb question.

How many hurricanes have you life thru?

Be in there, seeing the calm eye before everything start al over again.

Sorry! Bad habits.

Get ice!

MAF peep
Posted By: malu Re: Hurricane Rita - 09/23/05 04:48 PM

Things here in the Metroplex (Dallas-Fort Worth and smaller cities) are still calm. We are just seeing a few clouds and very little wind (about 20MPH, which is normal for here). For what they are predicting for here, I don't think we will feel much of Rita; it will be more rain and maybe some wind, but nothing that we don't go through during thunderstorms. Apparently the hurricane will be heading more to the east, towards Louisiana.

If your brother lives in Dallas and your niece in Temple, I'm pretty sure it will be okay for them.

As for me, I have never been through a hurricane. Where I come from (Brazil), we don't have them. I don't know what it feels like to face one as a lot of people do, but it sure must be awfully scary.

See ya,

malu wave
Posted By: shellyem Re: Hurricane Rita - 09/23/05 04:52 PM
I'm in south Louisiana, and the weather is getting worse here. Heavy wind and rain, and getting heavier. In my particular town though we won't be directly hit, but we will be getting bad weather later tonight and tomorrow. So far we still have electricity, so that's good.

Everyone stay safe!!
Posted By: malu Re: Hurricane Rita - 09/23/05 04:53 PM
Stay safe, Shelly! wave

Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Hurricane Rita - 09/23/05 11:54 PM
Maria, I'm a ways in from the Carolina coast, so I haven't been through that many hurricanes, but there have been a few. In 1996, Hurricane Fran went right over Raleigh -- the eye of the storm moved over our house. It came in overnight; I'd just figured, hey, we'd get some rain, no big deal. My husband stayed awake most of the night listening to the storm and the radio. I was pregnant so I just slept smile We were out of power for five days, huge trees had come down everywhere, tons of damaged homes, cars, etc. Our house wasn't hit, thank God, but I remember taking a walk around downtown and just being astonished and appalled at the devastation. Nowhere near New Orleans scale, of course, but shocking enough for me!

We've had other storm systems come through here (last August/Sept, it seemed like we had a storm every weekend), but they tend to have downgraded to tropical storms by the time they hit us. Still quite a lot of wind and rain, of course.

I'd gotten a little complacent about them, I think, until this past month... cat 5 storms are seriously scary.

I've been praying for everybody in Rita's path... stay safe and check in when you can.

Posted By: Shadow Re: Hurricane Rita - 09/24/05 01:38 AM
Good luck with Rita, everyone.

Shocking that I'm not affected for once. Maybe mother nature decided our butts are still kicked from Katrina. Anyway, I'll be thinking about you guys. I've been through many storms, and all I can say is razz .

Take care
Posted By: Simona Re: Hurricane Rita - 09/24/05 05:51 AM
Stay safe, FoLCs!

Posted By: LabRat Re: Hurricane Rita - 09/24/05 06:39 AM
Just been watching some of the coverage. Feeling sorry, again, for the poor reporters standing there in lashing rain, soaked to the skin, trying to form coherent reports. You have to wonder who they ticked off so badly, back at the office, don't you? Also, seems a bit of a waste of time to ask them, "What's it like there?" :rolleyes: "Uh...raining...duh."

Anyway, seems like Houston's lucked out so far and they're thinking it may not be as damaging as they first figured. Hope so. Although poor NO seems to have suffered again. Not really unexpectedly, given that the levees were in such a poor state to begin with.

Take care, everyone.

LabRat smile
Posted By: Artemis Re: Hurricane Rita - 09/24/05 11:23 AM
Even the BBC had reporters in Houston and New Orleans standing out in the rain smile (Mad dogs & Englishmen go out in the mid-day rain?). Poor New Orleans got soaked again, but Rita is now down to Cat 1. Galveston fared well. My daughter said things were well in Ft. Worth. The hurricane passed east of her.
Stay safe everyone.
Posted By: malu Re: Hurricane Rita - 09/24/05 02:33 PM
Here in Arlington (between Dallas and Fort Worth) we're in a wind advisory (20 to 30 MPH with gusts of 50 MPH) and it's a bit cloudy, but that is it for now. Not even rain yet.

I went yesterday to Wal-Mart to buy some food and water (in case something DID happen around here), and it surprised me how many people were stocking up. They had gallons and gallons of water, and some aisles were empty. What surprises me is that we knew we weren't going to get that bad a weather here, but everyone was still being cautious.

It seems Louisiana is getting the worst of the hurricane (again), being on its left. It was a good thing that the authorities acted early in this case and handled the evacuation early.

Hope everyone in Rita's path is safe, even though it has reduced to a tropical storm.

malu wave
Posted By: SuperRoo Re: Hurricane Rita - 09/25/05 12:24 AM
I hope everyone is doing ok!!!!!!!!!!

I've never been in a hurricane. The closest I've had to some crazy winds were when the winds here were one or two km/hr away from being hurricane force.

Posted By: Supermom Re: Hurricane Rita - 09/26/05 06:18 PM
We got heavy winds last night from the remnants of Rita. They were issuing tornado watches about every minute for a while. The poor weatherman would be telling about one in a county south of us and then radar-indicated rotation would show up west of us. Then there would be more signs of it in another direction. It was quite a night. There was wind damage west of here and folks still without power this morning. And they had to cancel the late afternoon and evening performances in the Big Spring Jam, our annual music festival. Lots of disappointed folks, but it was a safety call and they're refunding money to those who bought Sunday-only tickets.

Hey Mother Nature -- ENOUGH already!
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