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Posted By: Supermom It's official! I'm a mother-in-law! - 09/19/05 10:10 AM
I've spent the summer planning a rehearsal dinner for my son Ryan's wedding, which was held this past Saturday night. The rehearsal dinner was beautiful. The tables were set with topiaries made of red roses. I had no idea that the bridesmaid's would be carrying blood-red roses. The food was superb. Everyone loved the little mementoes I made with flower seeds, and Kristin's little 6 year old half brother thanked me and told me he was going to plant his seeds right away. My hubby was a basket case over having to do a toast as the host of the evening but he did great. He started to choke up at one point but got through it. I did a few opening remarks as hostess to get things rolling. Because we weren't able to rehearse at the theatre, the minister had us all do a run-through after the dinner just to get the order of things down pat.

The bridesmaids' luncheon was so much fun. It was at an old restaurant owned by a Greek family in the little town where Kristin's grandmother lives just outside of Birmingham. We didn't linger long because everyone had to get back and get ready for the big event.

As we drove down 3rd Avenue toward the Alabama Theatre , I could see the marquee and there it said "Kristin Vines and Ryan Puett , September 17, 2005." OHMYGOSH! And when I walked into the theatre, my breath was taken away by the beauty. The website just doesn't do it justice. We did another little quickie run-through so the bridesmaids and groomsmen could figure out how to maneuver the stairs leading to the stage. The organist started playing the "Mighty Wurlitzer" about 6:40 and at 7:00 the grandmothers and mothers were seated. Then he began the Wedding March and the bridesmaids and groomsmen all filed in. The organist had played pretty low-key until time for Kristin to walk in and then he let 'er rip. He opened up that big theatrical organ and that's when I felt the tears well up. I had my lacy hanky I bought in Brussels in 1977, but somehow the tears went away and I never used it.

Kristin was a beautiful bride and my son was SO handsome! When did my little baby boy grow up to be such a handsome man? And his dad was pretty hunky looking too standing beside him. The bridesmaids were in black sleeveless gowns with a scoop neck. They carried bouquets of blood-red roses and nothing else. The groomsmen were in black tuxes with black vests and black ties (regular ties, not bowties). Ryan's vest and tie was gray. Kristin's dress was ivory with lace overlays and a short train. Her headpiece was simple tulle on a comb. She wore pearls and the diamond earrings Ryan gave her. And in her shoe was the same sixpence I wore in my shoe when I got married. The groomsmen all had red rose boutonnières. The grandmothers had white rose and baby's breath corsages. Lynn and I had bouquets that were miniatures of Kristin's -- white roses and baby's breath. Lynn said we had bouquets so we wouldn't be mistaken for grandmothers! LOLOL! The ceremony was traditional but not stuffy. Kristin giggled a bit through her vows. Then the minister declared them husband and wife and presented Mr. and Mrs. Ryan John Puett to the guests. Another OHMYGOSH! I'm now officially a mother-in-law!

We had the reception in the theatre lobby at the concessions stand. They had hard liquor flowing like Niagara Falls. They also had soft drinks and 2 punch bowls -- one with sweet tea (AKA Southern Table Wine) and the other with white grape juice. There was fruit and raw veggies, ham croissants, hot wings, something wrapped with bacon and meatballs. Then there was the potato bar. They served mashed white potatoes or mashed sweet potatoes in stemmed dessert dishes along with toppings -- brown sugar and marshmallows for the sweet potatoes and grated cheese and finely chopped green onion for the regular potatoes. Everything was delicious! The cake was beautiful -- several layers with each separated by a ring of different colored roses. The groom's cake was tiers of cupcakes with chocolate frosting. When they cut the cake, there was no messy smearing of faces, thank goodness. I'd have whipped Ryan right there had he done that. <g>

Ryan hired a band -- 4 guys with drums, guitar, keyboard and sax -- that played jazz, blues and rock. They did some original stuff plus standards. John and I got up at one point and danced at which point our youngest son commented to my mother "Gee look! The old folks can dance." She remarked right back "Believe it or not, before you and Ryan were born, they had a life." Score one for grandma! Oh, my younger son looked remarkably handsome in his tux, too.

We had to be out of the theatre by midnight so we hustled the bride and groom off about 11:30 amid a shower of confetti and then began running their inebriated friends out of the theatre, urging them to take taxis to their hotels since most were totally wasted. We got back to the hotel, I took my shoes off my aching feet, hung up my dress (which looked GORGEOUS if I say so myself), cleaned off the ton of makeup and collapsed into bed.

This morning the kids came by our hotel to drop off Ryan's tux and then headed to Kristin's house. We went out for lunch at a BBQ place and I called Lynn to find out about paying for the hotel rooms. She invited us over for a bit to watch the kids opening their gifts. They got quite a haul. I wouldn't mind having the toaster oven they received. <G>

We got back home late yesterday afternoon and crashed. Thank God it's over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The kids are on a plane now headed for a week in Jamaica (today is also Ryan's 27th birthday) so pray for calm weather in the Caribbean.

P.S. I have NO photos yet. I was too busy to take any. But in addition to the paid photographers, 2 of their friends were there with professional quality cameras and they both promised to send me photos. I'll post some when I get them.
Posted By: gerry Re: It's official! I'm a mother-in-law! - 09/19/05 11:40 AM
Congratulations to the new mother-in-law and to the bride and groom.

gerry party
Posted By: Doranwen Re: It's official! I'm a mother-in-law! - 09/19/05 05:49 PM
Congratulations! I'm sure you'll be a good mother-in-law. wink

Posted By: SuperRoo Re: It's official! I'm a mother-in-law! - 09/19/05 08:57 PM
Oh that sounded lovely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Big hug to the new mum-in-law!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yippee!! dance
Posted By: LordNor Re: It's official! I'm a mother-in-law! - 09/20/05 01:19 PM
congrats Supermom!
Oh, that sounded like a nice ceremony!

Congratulations to Ryan and Kristin! party party party

And congratulations to you too, Marilyn, for your new status! laugh

Best wishes to everyone.
See ya,
Posted By: SuperRoo Re: It's official! I'm a mother-in-law! - 09/21/05 11:12 PM
Did they make it to Jamaica?
Posted By: Supermom Re: It's official! I'm a mother-in-law! - 09/22/05 09:04 AM
Did they make it to Jamaica?
They made it! My son called to let me know that they'd arrived safely and that the weather was gorgeous. They had a couples massage scheduled (it was a birthday gift from his wife). I'm sure they're doing lots of "couples" things. wink
Posted By: SuperRoo Re: It's official! I'm a mother-in-law! - 09/27/05 06:28 PM
Oh that is good! Great to hear smile
Posted By: Supermom Re: It's official! I'm a mother-in-law! - 10/06/05 10:11 AM
The photos are posted online now.

Go to Almasy Visual Arts and then click on the Image Gallery link along the top. Sign in with the password sept172005 and you can see the whole, beautiful event. smile
Posted By: SuperRoo Re: It's official! I'm a mother-in-law! - 10/10/05 03:08 PM
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