Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Wendymr To all those with blogs/LiveJournals... - 09/01/05 11:22 AM
...I read on one hurricane-related blog I've been watching - the Irish Trojan\'s Blog (thanks for the link, Pam!) - that there's a word-of-mouth campaign to get bloggers to link to a charity or emergency-relief organisation on their blogs. This is what I read:

Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit is organizing a Katrina relief "blogburst" effort today. The idea is for each blog to link to its favorite hurricane-relief charity, and then link back to Glenn, who is in turn linking to all the participating blogs. The overarching point, of course, is for everyone to give as much money as possible to the relief effort.
The Instapundit site is here, with a long list of organisations accepting donations and their URLs. If you have a blog, add a link to your chosen charity!

Wendy smile
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