Lois & Clark Forums
I know the episode just aired and it looks like I'm a crazy person to be running to these boards to post my opinion, but really it's more a matter of wanting to get my thoughts out while they are fresh.

And Big Fat SPOILER Warning on this one.

Okay, who thought Lionel was going to get shot and die? /me raises her hand and waves it around. I figured since Lionel and Lex were actually working together against Genevieve and her Eeeevil son Jason that Lionel was due to kick the bucket. I mean, finally these two had made a connection - and I have to tell you the best scenes in this episode were the ones with Lex and Lionel (no big shocker there) - Lionel would be fatally wounded and confess all of his secrets while dying in Lex's arms.

But I should have known better. I should have figured Jason, the only guy in the entire four-year run of this show to have *any* chemistry with Lana, would be the one to go. He followed the same exact path as Adam. Nice guy. Cute. But slightly off. Then more than slightly off. Then a 180 degree turn to complete bad-guy before picking up that final paycheck. Wow, how original.

Except, did you notice the blatant absence of a body after Jason fell off the cliff? Is anyone else channeling a Fatal Attraction kind of return of Jason? Remember, I predicted it here. And I also predict that Genevieve is gonna be kinda pissed when she finds out her son is gone. I'm just saying that their particular mother/son relationship was a little...hmmm...oedipal much?

The whole Creep of the Week was pretty creepy. Weird that they didn't give us any explanation as to how and why Brendan or Brennan or whatever his name was could turn people into porcelain dolls. At first I thought they'd been waxified, but the shattering kind of set me straight.

I wanted to barf when Clark saved Lana (again) and she awoke to find herself cradled in his arms (again). It's so funny but if I were a Clana shipper, it's moments like these that would normally make me go all giggly inside. Except I'm not a shipper, so they just make me nauseous.

And I'm seriously rethinking my ability to stomach a fifth season of being force-fed the Clana. Since Lana has decided to stick around Smallville and Clark has decided to stick around Smallville...well, the writing is on the wall.

Honestly, I'm thinking they'd have to pretty much guarantee me at least one Tom Welling naked-torso shot per episode with a biweekly Michael Rosenbaum with open-shirt thrown in to offset the craptasticness that next season promises to be.

Add to the Clana the fact that Chloe will be off at Metropolis U and Lois will have no reason to hang around Smallville anymore, I'm pretty much thinking things are going to suck.

Except Lex has a thang for Lana, which could turn interesting.

And Lionel didn't die.

And next week we find out some more about Clark/Krypton mythos.

And I'm predicting Jonathan will kick the bucket next season...

I've missed the last three episodes, but I happened to look at the clock at a few minutes after 8 this evening and finally remembered to turn it on.

I'm glad to see Lynn mention that there was no explation for the FOTW and how he got his power. I thought I'd missed something in the first few minutes, but it seems the episode really did appear to start in the middle. I guess they just assume that since it's Smallville, the audience will just accept the fact that everyone is weird and strange and insane and evil. Whatever.

My husband's comment -- "Wow, you'd think the state of Kansas would get suspicious of Smallville High's graduation rate going down to 65%. Of course, it's because a few more kids DIE every week instead of just dropping out ..."

Lois was totally wasted. It was almost more painful than not having her be in the episode at all. I was so sure that once she showed back up, things would get fun again, but alas, we now know that the writers can relegate her to "minor side character". Wonder who she pissed off.

Lex/Lionel -- nice to see father and son "bonding", though could have REALLY done without yet *another* torture scene. I'm all for shirtless Lex and appreciate the fic writers wanting to racket up the angst for their hurt/comfort fics, but come on, show writers ... being this lazy, you should be ashamed to cash your paychecks. Come up with a new theme. Please.

The Clana -- please, kill me now. I thought last week's episode (based on the summaries) might be a throw-back from an earlier season. ("Hey, look what I found under the couch! Remember that script from season 2 that we thought the dog ate? Turns out he just buried it. Now we can got back to playing video games instead of wrtiting a new one this week!") But after tonight, I have a very bad feeling that we are seeing the future of this show -- they have apparently decided that having things be fun again, and letting couples who actually have chemistry together interact, is a bad idea.

Jason -- I know I've missed a few episodes, but just WHEN did Lana choose Clark over Jason? And ... why? And when did Jason turn evil? Am I right in guessing that this came pretty much out of the blue?

The college sub-plot -- I think this part is what pisses me off the most about this episode. What are these writers smoking?? What a horrible message this episode sends to teenagers. "Hey, you've got a great GPA and just got into the college of your dreams! But you know, that would require you to grow up and expand your circle of friends and experience something outside your tiny hometown, so the best thing to do would be to pass it all up in order to go to community college nearby and continue to hang out with all your childhood buddies -- who are also chicken-sh** losers, just like you. Oh, yeah, and while you're at it, but sure to guilt your best friend who *is* brave enough to do what she's supposed to do about her being the one who is leaving and breaking up the gang."

Absolutely ridiculous.

That's the best original word I've seen in ages, Lynn! razz The only way to save season 5 is to expand on the Lex/Lana thing, Lionel and Genevieve going at each other full force, and of course Lois... good Lois eps like when she first came on the show. Come on SV writers, listen to your fans...(what's left of them) while you still have time!

I do have to add just one thing. I have found myself liking Chloe this season! dizzy Never, ever did I think I'd say that. But since she found out about Clark, WOW!!!! She's been fantastic. So, hey, work with that!

Anyway, I'll look on toward the season finale. Can't get much worse... can it? huh

Can't get much worse... can it?
The writers are brainless so please don´t be surprised if it gets worse.

The Clana thing....well, I am getting sick because I thought that was "PAST" and I can´t believe we are back to season2. mad

I'm a few eps behind in watching (try just finished Onyx the other day, but don't mind spoilers), but I am seriously rethinking my interest in SV. I liked Season 1--it was fun, lighthearted even with the "I'm an alien! oh no!" angst thrown in. AND we had the trio of Clark, Chloe, and Pete. Then they started throwing the whole Clana thing at us. And then FINALLY Clark and Chloe started getting a bit closer--after all, if it wasn't about "Superman", or the future one anyhow, SV should have definitely gotten the two of them together (Chloe IS Lois, in essence, anyways--but that's another rant). But of course, they had to mess it up, doom us to a couple seasons of sickening on-and-off Clana, heaps of angsty indecisive ignorant BDA, and lots of mopey!Chloe. Pete kinda got sidelined, but then I didn't care for Pete THAT much (too shallow for me), so seeing him leave at the end of Season 3 wasn't too bad. And Season 4 was starting to look pretty good--Lana had someone ELSE at last to look at, and Clark and Chloe were getting closer, since she didn't actually die. The only bad part was having Erica Durance come on--because to me, she is NOT Lois. She drives me nuts--Chloe is a LOT more Lois-like, which is why I still love the Chlois theory, even if I know it won't happen (and keep my eyes peeled for Chlois fics). Her presence also decreased the Chlarkiness, pairing her and Clark WAY too early. And now they're having more Clana scenes, and Chloe is going to be gone next year???? Is Smallville still worth watching? I'm leaning much closer to the "no" answer.

P.S. About the Lexana--I've kinda liked that ship ever since discovering this site called The Talon. They had all sorts of predictions about Lexana. I think those would have come true, too, if it weren't for the strong anti-Lexana crowd. (WHY? Lex+Lana means Clark's free to be with Chloe, lol . . . works great for Chlarkers.) I still don't see how they'll pull off the canon Plana ship, if they even try . . .

LOL, this really turned into a rant. And kinda got off topic from the thread. Hope that's OK . . .
Oh my god, I'm still laughing my *** of because Lynn's ability to create this feedback hyper I for one am definitely happy that you voice your thoughts to us, not only because they're fun but because I can agree with you.

Doranwen, SV never was lighthearted not even in season one. What you saw there was a slow introduction into Clark's life in his hometown Smallville. This is also my suggestion to why he plans on staying there, because this crazy town with even more crazy freaks is something he can't live without wink Sorry, just joking but the focus remains on the action part of SV.
I suppose the earth would open up under my feet before they decided to give Clark a chance to start a normal life in a non-freak-town in order to do some serious growing up and soulsearching. So not likely that this would ever happen!

And for the CLana shippering in the show, will this never end? In season one Clark's longing for the beauty in the neighbor's house was somewhat cute but this complicate relationship was a) overused and b) both actors portrayed it awfully. I've read some comments to that topic on the Kryptonsite forums (Doranwen, I think I spotted you there too) from a guy who learns from SV that any attempt on starting a relationship is doomed from the start and that you better not even try. There's so much possibility in SV with lots of possible shippers, so much personal issues and growing up to do but the writers throw it away carelessly.
I was hoping it'd be Lionel getting shot. And yeah, I'm betting Jason will be back in time for tonight's ep.

I was also starting to wonder if there was a marketing tie-in with that wax museum horror movie. You know, the "Go buy it cause it was on Smallville, and Smallvile is cool" type of thing they do with the music.

I'm hoping that Chloe will change her mind and come back to Smallville, or that she and Lois will both get internships at the Planet, and that Clark will be there soon enough.
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