Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: lynnm Smallville: Lucy - 03/03/05 02:39 PM
Dear Mr. Millar and Mr. Gough,

I just watched the latest episode of Smallville, "Lucy." I'd like to take a few minutes to share some thoughts and ideas with you, if that's all right. I know you are big-time Hollywood types who are quite busy and I'm just a lowly viewer, but sometimes inspiration comes from the most unexpected sources.

First of all, kudos to your casting department for choosing an actress to play Lucy that actually had enough resemblance to Erica Durance that I believed the two women could be sisters. That was pretty cool. I also thought the girls had a great chemistry on-screen - they actually acted like sisters, with just the right amount of bickering tempered with a healthy dose of familial caring. Even though Lucy turned out to be a skanky criminal willing to endanger her big sister's life all because she didn't get enough of her Big Daddy's love, I kinda bought that these two came from the same family.

As a little sidebar - I know I'm not the hippest person on the planet, but dang, Lucy had some butt-ugly shoes! What were those white boots with the fluffy fuzz on top? And the shoes she was wearing when she snuck out of the Kent farm in the middle of the night should require a license and declaration as a concealed weapon. While I'm sure such footwear is all the rage in the major metropolitan centers of the world, it is a bit much for Smallville, Kansas. Perhaps a discussion with your costume department is in order? Maybe not.

Back to Lucy and Lois. I loved that we got such a great glimpse into the backstory of Lois Lane and the events in her life that have made her such a tough cookie. Sounds like her family could give Lex's a run for its money in the dysfunctional department. I loved that now we see a vulnerable side of Lois - a side that Clark, too, seems to recognize, which is the first step down that road to soul-matedness.

And - wink, wink - I got that clever intro to Lois's notorious lack of cooking ability you managed to slip in. Those deformed pancakes were a touch of genius. And was that bacon in that pan? Wow. Brilliant, I tell you. You actually illicited a chuckle out of me with Clark's reaction - his cynicism is well place. Boy, does he have a lot to look forward to.

While we're on the topic of Clark and Lois, again, props to everyone, actors and writers, for the great banter between TW and ED. I smiled during every single one of their scenes together, and they certainly moved in a forward direction from the beginning of the show to its ending. Congratulations on resisting the urge to jack up the flirtation between Lucy and Clark any further than you did. I was getting a bit queezy watching their scenes knowing how utterly inappropriate they were given Clark's future relationship with Lois.

It is to this end that I offer my first suggestion. IMO, this part of the show really works. The Clark/Lois interaction. Perhaps it would be prudent to keep these two together in as many scenes as possible. Not that they need to be boyfriend/girlfriend. At least not yet. I'm just saying, it's fun to watch them. I don't feel any incredible urge to reach for that remote control the way I do when Lana is on the screen.

Small question for you. When did Clark start trusting Lex again? Did I miss an episode? I must have because last I saw, Clark had a healthy wariness about Lex and Lex wasn't quite as tolerant of Clark's abuse and hypocrisy as he had been in Seasons 1 and 2. Guess I missed the scene when they kissed and made up and swore to be blood brothers 4-ev-R.

And oooohhh, you sneaky producers! Turning our little Lana into quite the sly fox! What a clever girl she is, hiding that stone in the waste pipe of the Talon all in an effort to fool Jason into thinking it had been stolen just so she could get his attention back to more important things. Mainly, herself. Can't wait to see how that turns out. Sort of. Not really.

Which leads me to Suggestion #2. I really appreciated seeing a villian plot that wasn't kryptonite or Lana-inspired. Not to mention a Lex Luthor who was lovable at the same time I know I should despise him for the future evil he will represent. I'm thinking you've got something really great here, and I'd love to see you run with it.

Oh, sorry, another little question. From the location shots you very kindly provide us on a weekly basis, the lovely Kent farmhouse looks to be a wonderfully sprawling affair of yellow clapboard charmingness. I'm amazed at the tricks cameras play on us viewers, because by the looks of it, I would imagine that such a spacious home would contain at least three bedrooms, if not four or five. However, clearly this can't be the case since Martha and Jonathan occupy one bedroom, Lois is bunking in Clark's room, and poor Clark is left to sleep on the couch. Perhaps Bo Kent could set Clark to using some of his superspeed to convert their unused attic space to a temporary bedroom so the poor boy doesn't have to change his underwear in the kitchen.

All in all, I thought this was a lovely episode. So much better than last week when Lana forever became a part of the Superman mythos.

You have left me to ponder how the future Lois and the future Clark can ever have a relationship that in any way resembles what decades of Superman canon have established. These two kids are starting to know each other on some pretty deep levels. And while I personally love every single minute of it, I do see that trying to sell me on a Lois who believes that Superman is someone completely different than Clark Kent without his glasses is a grand undertaking indeed.

Perhaps the best idea would be to scrap all future canon and keep going as you are. Let those two cute kids get together while they're young!

Thank you for your time. I'll see you in approximately six weeks when you will once again be airing new hopefully Lana-free episodes.

Sincerely yours,
Lynn M
Posted By: EmilyH Re: Smallville: Lucy - 03/03/05 04:01 PM
Perhaps the Kents' house has been physically altered by the UFO to defy the laws of physics.

Or, maybe it's like the Tardis in Dr. Who. Hmm...crossover, anyone?
Posted By: SuperGEM Re: Smallville: Lucy - 03/03/05 04:53 PM
Just a few quick thoughts. I actually enjoyed this episode, but mainly for the reason Lynn brought up, the interaction between Lois and Clark. ED and TW are simply awesome together, naturally they don't have the level of chemistry Teri and Dean did, but it's close enough that they are a delight to watch. laugh As much as I enjoyed this episode, I am still *cringing* over last week's awfullness! grumble

I am missing Chloe a bit lately, was hoping to see a bit more of her with her other cousin in town. Seems that ever since she found out Clark's secret she's been on the backburner. Are they hoping we'll *forget* that she knows? Other than a *very* subtle hint or two from her, there was absolutely no reminder of her recent revelation in this episode. I think she's had maybe 5 minutes worth of screen time in the last several episodes! At this point the main thing that seems to wipe characters off the screen faster than a speeding bullet is knowning Clark's secret! First Pete, then Alicia, now Chloe (and of course all the villains in between). I'm guessing something will eventually happen to Chloe, though I wish it wouldn't. frown Either she'll develop amnesia, move away or get killed off. She's been a good friend to Clark lately and she is the only character (other than Lex) that I have consistently liked throughout the duration of the show.

I think it's worth mentioning that they DID at least show us that Shelby is still around, even though if you blinked you missed him, literally! I was sure that the dog would disappear for good, but for once they actually acknowledged a character that could have easily disappeared in Smallville. I really hope we'll continue to see him once in a while.

Back to the L&C interaction, I loved it when they showed Clark finally seeing a different side of Lois, but I still feel that this is coming along *way* too soon. These two are so great together that I find myself unwillingly hoping they will get together *now,* though in the back of my mind I keep reminding myself that if that were to happen it would *really* mess things up. Then again, Smallville has already butchered most of the myth as we know it so badly that would it really matter at this point? huh

I agree that there doesn't seem to be any way Clark will be able to become Superman without just about everyone in Smallville figuring out who he is. Obviously they are rushing things and not thinking too far ahead. It's a shame. I'm really hoping this show doesn't end in a trainwreck, because so far that seems to be where it is going to eventually lead. confused
Posted By: Michael Re: Smallville: Lucy - 03/03/05 05:57 PM
And oooohhh, you sneaky producers! Turning our little Lana into quite the sly fox! What a clever girl she is, hiding that stone in the waste pipe of the Talon all in an effort to fool Jason into thinking it had been stolen just so she could get his attention back to more important things. Mainly, herself. Can't wait to see how that turns out. Sort of. Not really.
I actually think that either Lana is still under the influence of Isobel or she has decided not to trust Jason. I’d be a bit more pleased at the last option because I had actually liked Lana up until this season and would appreciate some thoughtful use of the character. I actually thought that it seemed that she was covering a bit for Clark again when Jason brought his name up.

I think TPTB made a big mistake with the whole timing of the series personally. I think it would have been much better to have seasons 1 and 2 as they were except for the last part of season 2 allowing for a season 3 with Clark and Lana together and maybe some “fun” episodes. Then season 4 could have been the dissolution of the relationship as Clark’s destiny caused them to grow in different directions. As it is, I’m confused about the whole girl left behind thing because he’s already left her behind, but is still firmly in Smallville. But I digress…
Which leads me to Suggestion #2. I really appreciated seeing a villian plot that wasn't kryptonite or Lana-inspired. Not to mention a Lex Luthor who was lovable at the same time I know I should despise him for the future evil he will represent. I'm thinking you've got something really great here, and I'd love to see you run with it.
thumbsup I totally agree. It’s a bit maddening whenever the strongest man in the world is brought to his knees every week by Kryptonite. Makes you wonder how he ever lasted long enough to put the tights on.
I'm amazed at the tricks cameras play on us viewers, because by the looks of it, I would imagine that such a spacious home would contain at least three bedrooms, if not four or five.
rotflol I never thought about that until you mentioned it. I live in a much smaller home and even I have three bedrooms.

As to the Chloe thing, I have mixed feelings. It’s kind of neat to have someone else in the know that Clark doesn’t know about, but we never get to see reaction from her about the knowledge. All we get are little “subtle” bricks being dropped and it irritates the heck out of me. It’s almost like she decided out loud to keep Clark’s secret to herself until he is willing to tell her on his own, but being totally incapable of keeping a secret tries her best to drop enough hints until he talks. It’s maddening. Of course I’m also willing to admit that I haven’t quite forgiven her for her betrayal of Clark to Lionel so that might color my view slightly.

What?! I’m only human. laugh
Posted By: lynnm Re: Smallville: Lucy - 03/03/05 07:14 PM
I’d be a bit more pleased at the last option because I had actually liked Lana up until this season and would appreciate some thoughtful use of the character.
I never hated Lana the way so many people did during the first three seasons. She didn't even annoy me - I saw her as what I think they meant her to be; the object of Clark's teenage fantasies, the girl next door and his first true love. And I totally agree with you that they totally botched what could have been a great use of the character. A season of Clark wanting Lana but Lana dating Whitney. A season of Clark wanting Lana and Lana starting to want Clark. Then they should have had a season with Clark and Lana together - start off with things being great and have the relationship fall apart as the season progressed due to Clark's inability to be totally honest with her. Then a bunch of sadness and angst as they realize they don't belong together followed by a slow moving on. All of it interspersed with the normal Clark as superpowered teen stuff.

Problem was, they didn't follow this format, so Lana is a completely useless character. But instead of realizing their mistake and just having her run off to Paris and stay there, they keep forcing her down out throats. She's not the girl left behind. She's the girl who won't go away.

I agree that they are now underutilizing Chloe. I'm hoping that soon they start to use her as a true friend and cohort for Clark. She tells him she knows about his secret and becomes a person he can really rely on. I'm also hoping that she doesn't have to die. If Pete can live knowing Clark's secret, then so can she, right?

Posted By: SuperGEM Re: Smallville: Lucy - 03/03/05 07:52 PM
Originally posted by lynnm:
She's not the girl left behind. She's the girl who won't go away.
Lynn, I couldn't have said it better myself! wink

I didn't have a problem with Lana the first 2 or 3 seasons either, I think I started to tire of her sometime during late season 3. Now it seems all they are doing with her character is trying *too* hard to make her fit into the story, like trying to force a square peg into a round hole. The fact is she doesn't really "fit" into Clark's life anymore, I kinda wish she had just stayed in Paris, would've made more sense for the character and the show. JMHO.

As for Chloe, I'm hoping she won't get killed off either ...
Posted By: KathyB Re: Smallville: Lucy - 03/04/05 07:38 AM
Well, I didn't get to see this episode, so I'm reading the reviews with a mixture of pleasure (over having an opportunity to find out what happened) and teeth-grinding (having missed good L&C interaction).

Last time I trust the TV grid in the newspaper ... ours had SV being preempted until 10 pm for a basketball game, only when we turned the TV on sometime after 9, we found the programs were airing as usual. Grrr. I even purposedly left the VCR turned on so it wouldn't bother taping the basketball game.

What are the odds that Television Without Pity will have a good scene by scene recap up? I know they have a great recapper for CSI ... I guess I'm off to find out whether the SV one is anywhere as good!

Keep the discussion coming, guys ... I'm reading, even if I can't contribute this week.

Posted By: gerry Re: Smallville: Lucy - 03/05/05 01:46 PM
Is Lucy an L&C:TNAOS invention or has she appeared in the comics?

Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Smallville: Lucy - 03/05/05 06:31 PM
Lucy's from the comics; in many versions, as best I can remember, she's flirting with/married to Jimmy Olsen. But I'm not a big comics reader.

who doesn't watch Smallville, either, but sometimes gets curious and reads comment threads... goofy
Posted By: ChaaBreh Re: Smallville: Lucy - 03/05/05 09:21 PM
I have reviewed a lot of comments in Smallville's two major web sites, Kryptonsite.com and DTS. I hope thatTPTB listen to the common "thread" (pardon the pun)

* viewers want continuity from week to week - how many people were totally excited that Shelby appeared in "Lucy"?

* Lana started outliving her usefullness when she left for Paris (it's not realistic - her Aunt lives in Metropolis, how does she support herself, etc? I know Lex bought her out of the Talon, but really now...she's still in high school. And how could she go from loving the Talon so much because her parents met there, to completely ignoring it now that's she back?? She has lost depth if she ever had it. I don't know how they're going to bring that back.

* Smallville is so out of canon that's it's really an Elseworld now. That being the case, the flirtation between Clark and Lois is irresistable. When they were trading snarks by the telescope in "Lucy", I wanted Clark to just move in and kiss her. I know I shouldn't want it...but I did. Lois is far more interesting than Lana, she always will be.

* Speaking of continuity between week to week, there are several plot points that could surface to make the Lana and other storylines more believeable:
1) Bring back Henry Small
2) or....have Aunt Nell guest-star. Lana needs some family. No teenager lives above a coffee shop by herself at 17-18. It's just weird
3) Lex should have mentioned Lucas when he said "you can share the same genes, but it doesn't make them family"...and then he could have said, "Clark I have a brother but we didn't grow up together ...etc etc..." but he didn't.
4) If Clark is mistrusting Lex, why would he go to him for help? He thinks that Lex is just one big ATM machine and that Lex is that big a sucker that he wants Clark's friendship that much that he will do anything (i.e., opening his seemingly unlmited wallet) for him just to get his friendship back.
5). When Lex found the tractor trailer with the window punched in and the driver knocked out, he didn't even comment. Isn't the bad guy going to say "the Kent kid flew onto the truck I shot bullets at him still didn't kill him, then he punched open the window and knocked me out!"
????? I know strange things happen in Smallville but pullllease!
6) I know in the comics that Lana was the Insect Queen or something silly but this whole warrier/princess/witch thing is sillier. And Lana coming back because of the tatoo? I don't buy it. Sure, she could have come back to look at the caves, but why drop out of a school she obviously loved and tried like hell to get into?? TPTB should have left her in Paris this season with Jason Teague. They could have all run into each in China chasing after the stone.
7) I would like to see a flashback of what happened to Clark in the phantom zone from the season cliffhanger. There has been no explanation of why he suddenly dropped out of the sky (except to show "Clark Jr" to a wide-eyed Lois Lane!!)
8) CLark is going to be 18 - that's when he flies. He needs to be able to fly in the season finale.

Posted By: EmilyH Re: Smallville: Lucy - 03/06/05 07:32 AM
8) CLark is going to be 18 - that's when he flies. He needs to be able to fly in the season finale.
Or, at least, the series finale. Is there even going to be a season 5?
Posted By: Michael Re: Smallville: Lucy - 03/06/05 08:23 AM
I've heard that they've "planned" through season 5, but I think the past couple of seasons have given us reason to hold suspect the term "planning" when it applies to this show. I really hate to complain a lot about it because I do enjoy it and it's one of the three shows that I've made an effort to keep a copy of every episode (the other two being Battlestar Galactica and Committed - one of the funniest shows I've seen in years), but I am disappointed in several of the directions they have taken.

I was a Lana fan at the beginning and still don't dislike the character, but rather fail to see a point in her direction this season.

As I mentioned above I think it would have been much better if season 3 had been Lana and Clark together and featured stories such as the ones this season dealing with Clark balancing the normal and abnormal aspects of his life (I still have a problem with his playing football, but it's over on the show so I'm letting it drop in my own mind)and then season 4 being the destruction of the romantic aspect of the relationship as Clark's realization regarding his place in the world solidified.

I also would have liked more stories focusing on Clark's origins, but I'm not sure I like Smallville's take on Jor-El and Krypton, but then I think anyone who has read "Just One Bad Day Away" knows I didn't like John Byrne's version either. smile

But, back to the subject of "Lucy" I have to say I enjoyed it because it let us see more inside Lois. Now, if they can just keep up with continuity I would like to see the pleasure she received from writing a story be coupled with her desire to prove herself out from under her father's shadow and work toward becoming a world-class reporter.

Oh, and in current comics Lucy is married to a reporter named Ron Thorp (sp?) and they have a kid. I actually liked it better when her and Jimmy were an item though.
Posted By: Tank Re: Smallville: Lucy - 03/06/05 08:37 AM
Actually, Lucy is married to Ron Troupe, and their child was conceived prior to their marriage.

I remember back then that there was a lot of 'discussion' amongst the comic book community as to what sort of 'message' that sent to younger readers.

Tank (who still reads the comics even though the latest issue had a very disturbing last panel)
Posted By: Michael Re: Smallville: Lucy - 03/06/05 09:22 AM
I never really understood the purpose of the introduction of Ron Troupe or his relationship, parenthood with, and marriage to Lucy Lane. It seemed to pop up to give Lucy a storyline and Sam Lane an ulcer and then seemed to go nowhere. At times I felt like I was reading a Soap Opera comic.

I'm curious, Tank. Which last panel were your referring to? The one where Lois told Clark she wanted to have a baby? thumbsup
Posted By: ChaaBreh Re: Smallville: Lucy - 03/06/05 10:42 AM
HA HA Michael you finally let the cat out of the bag!! Tank I figured you'd be up in arms over that. And I hear next issued Mxyzptlk overhears Lois and give them a 5th dimensional child!!
Posted By: astra5624 Re: Smallville: Lucy - 03/11/05 12:13 PM
Originally posted by ChaaBreh:
HA HA Michael you finally let the cat out of the bag!! Tank I figured you'd be up in arms over that. And I hear next issued Mxyzptlk overhears Lois and give them a 5th dimensional child!!
okay your kidding right? huh okay then, remind me never to question the wackyness of comics again...

you guys really think it was that bad? I missed it but Space is playing it again on Sunday
Posted By: Michael Re: Smallville: Lucy - 03/24/05 09:47 PM
Hey Tank and Chris, I just read the Superman comic where Myxie gave them a child and at the end it seemed like the powers that be at DC are actually considering the idea for real. Thoughts?
Posted By: EmilyH Re: Smallville: Lucy - 03/25/05 05:36 AM
If we could get a followup series to L&C, with them having a child, that would be so cool!
Posted By: Michael Re: Smallville: Lucy - 03/25/05 05:38 AM
I just watched the cartoon "Attack of Jack Jack" on the Incredibles DVD so I'm seeing a huge amount of material for a super powered baby. laugh
Posted By: Tank Re: Smallville: Lucy - 03/25/05 05:18 PM
Actually, the way the series was going (with that cornball, horrible Family Hour episode)it's probably just as well that Lois and Clark was canceled when it was.

I can't think of a worse direction the series could have taken then to have included a child.

Tank (who would think this way even if he didn't like children)
Posted By: Doranwen Re: Smallville: Lucy - 03/25/05 08:23 PM
Going back to the original post, I have thought about it and decided that there HAS to be another room in the house they just haven't used as a bedroom. Maybe some sort of sewing/storage room, with boxes floor to ceiling with the sewing machine on a table next to a wall? I dunno--anyways, there should really be some sort of way to find another room for Clark besides the couch.

As for the whole Clark/Lois thing, when it comes to L&C, Clark/Lois all the way, but Smallville Clois makes me shudder. Lois on Smallville feels like a separate character that just happens to share her name with another person. Whereas Chloe has always felt like the sort of person that should be Lois. If it weren't for the choice to bring Lois in for S4, I would have LOVED Chlois--where Chloe becomes Lois somehow. The end of season 3 would have been a perfect place (wish more fics had been written to make it so). Either way, I still feel there's more potential for Chloe to become the Lois from L&C than for SV's Lois, who just annoys me (and L&C's Lois is endearing to me even when she's rude/mean, still gotta love her). I don't know how people over here feel about it--there's a large contingent of people on K-Site who support it, and an even bigger group that just plain LOVES Chloe, me included. She's what I watch SV for, really, though Clark is definitely a major factor. And I really hope they have lots more Chloe on-screen, because the COST is getting very low. (COST = Chloe On-Screen Time, if you don't frequent K-Site's Chloe threads)
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