Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Queen of the Capes INCREDIBLE Movie!!!!! (Spoilers) - 11/05/04 07:17 PM
I just saw The Incredibles and it was so awesome!!!



That was so funny, when they're riding in the rocket bus and the kids are saying "are we there yet?" Like it's just a trip to the Grand Canyon or something! rotflol
Posted By: Melisa Re: INCREDIBLE Movie!!!!! (Spoilers) - 11/05/04 11:41 PM
I saw it too and I thought it was really good. At first I felt kind of silly about going to see it (my boyfriends idea), but once I got into the actual theater I realize that there were no little kids in site, and most of people there were college students as well. I really enjoyed by self. The movie was a hoot.

Posted By: EmilyH Re: INCREDIBLE Movie!!!!! (Spoilers) - 11/13/04 05:28 PM
I just saw it! I thought it was hilarious. rotflol

The cartoon with the sheep at the beginning nearly put me to sleep, but the actual movie was fantastic.

I think I may have been the only one at the theater without a child in tow. But it may have been the timing (4:30 on a Saturday afternoon).

And I may actually go see the Lemony Snicket movie when it comes out. I love the Harry Potter books. I have not read any of the Lemony Snicket series, though. But it looks like it could give HP a run for its money.

Also looking forward to Star Wars III next May. Woohoo!
Posted By: KathyB Re: INCREDIBLE Movie!!!!! (Spoilers) - 11/16/04 11:46 AM
I took my 9 year old this weekend and we both loved it. It is not just for kids -- in fact, I thought there were definitely things that very small children should not see. I've told my friends to take their school age kids, but to leave the preschoolers at home. We won't be letting my 3 year old watch it on DVD next year, for example ... not till he's older. It was PG for a reason.

There was *so* much here for adults, and especially for superhero lovers, LOL. The recurring bit about villains "monologing" had me ROTFL (and thinking of those lists that circulate on the internet about what Evil Overlords should not do), and the discussion about why capes were a terrible idea for superhero costumes was absolutely hysterical.

I was expecting this movie to be fun for kids, but I didn't expect it to be so intelligent. Great dialogue and the actors said their lines so well.

I've described it as part "True Lives", part James Bond, and part "Spy Kids". Put them together and you have a real winner. smile

Posted By: LoveIsForever Re: INCREDIBLE Movie!!!!! (Spoilers) - 11/16/04 08:51 PM
I wanted to see this movie but I wanted to see the Star Wars: ROTS trailer even more. And I have to say neither was a disapointment. Both were great. I really liked the movie and I too hope it becomes a Tv series or they make more movies.
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