Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: lynnm The West Wing Season 6 Premiere - 10/21/04 08:59 AM
All right, I know we have a few West Wing fans out there. After watching last night's premiere episode, I just had to start a thread. If you are a UK/European TWW fan who hasn't seen more than Season 3 or 4 and hate to be spoiled, you may want to not read this post.


Now, I don't know if this is only because I am a big old Josh/Donna 'shipper, but I would have to say that Bradley Whitford and Janel Moloney deserve Emmies for the acting those two did with their eyes alone. The scene in the operating room, before Donna's surgery, and then Josh's reaction scene when the doc told him about the complications, followed by the final scene with Donna waking up and calling for Josh, and his utter relief that she was conscious - I honestly don't know which of those were my favorite. I'm telling you, if these two don't acknowledge whatever the heck it is between them after this, then I will stop watching the show! Like Collin said to Josh "You fly half-way around the world to sit at a woman's bedside while the White House faces off against a biblical apocalypse?" If that isn't love, I don't know what is.

As for the rest of the episode, amazing tension. I love that Bartlett stood up against pretty much everyone in the entire US.

But WTF are they doing to my Leo? He looks so bad! Gaunt. Worn. Completely at his wits end. And I'm not so sure I understand why. Is it the fact that Jed doesn't necessarily follow him blindly anymore and he is questioning his own value? Is it his health? Is it just that John Spencer is starting to look old? It's breaking my heart!

OK, I feel better. I was fair to bursting after this episode. I know a lot of people were really disappointed with last season, feeling the loss of Aaron Sorkin and the difference in writing. But I'm still firmly hooked on this show. Now maybe more than ever. wink

Posted By: Supes1fan Re: The West Wing Season 6 Premiere - 10/21/04 09:27 AM
Oh man, my TIVO blew it big time! I added a few minutes to the end of LOST b/c my darn cable always cut off the end of that show and make me miss the last minute or so plus previews. And since I forgot that WW was directly after it it didn't tape..argggg!

This has been happening a lot to me lately..shows starting 30 seconds before the top of the hour or the show ends a minute after the scheduled time..soo annoying! Maybe my cable company is just off..ratsratsrats!

Thanks for the recap Lynn, at least I know what happened.

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