Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: lynnm Smallville - Devoted: A Giggle or a Scream? - 10/14/04 06:57 AM
All right, admit it. How many of you watched Smallville last night with a big doofus grin on your face? Because as far as story and substance was concerned, there was about zero in it. However, for pure giggle value, I thought it was great.

Loved the mad-cap adventures of Lois and Clark on the trail of their first official joint investigation. I thought Tom's acting was hysterical - his "acting" with that trampy cheerleader as Lois pratfalled her way into grabbing the handbag. And you know I didn't mind the bare-chested Clark at all.

On a more serious note, I felt so bad for Chloe, but I'm kind of glad they had this episode now. After last week, when Chloe was so obviously distressed over the blatant attraction between Lois and Clark, I feared that the entire season would feature a poor, unrequited love-struck Chloe. With this episode, she's laid all of her cards on the table and Clark has very honestly responded to them. Now, if they can just move these two beyond this situation.

I was squirming for her when she was throwing herself at Clark. Allison Mack looked so cute though - she's really looking pretty this season.

A big fat WTF moment - when Chloe was attacking Lois with that big wrench? I would think she had done some serious damage to Lois, but Lois seemed completely unharmed. That was too unrealistic IMO.

Clark and Lex as friends again? We'll see. I mean, I feel kind of like TPTB are back-peddaling a bit. Like they ended the Lex/Clark friendship too soon and now need these guys to be buddies again. Clark expressed such anger and suspicion about Lex, I guess I find it kind of hard to believe he'd so easily jump back into a friendship with Lex. Maybe he's still reserving himself, going with that whole adage of keep your friends close and your enemies even closer.

Have to tell you, though, that even though I'm not a fan at all of the Clex, last night absolutely reeked of the HoYay!

I like Jason. I like Lana with Jason. Really, I do. I think the changes they've made to Lana's character are wonderful - she's much more confident, less moony and insipid. I actually like her character. I hope they keep these two as a couple.

Lois is gone <sniff>. But you know what, this worked for me. The whole Lois-as-a-repeat-senior was kind of a push for me. Way too contrived. But now she can come back for visits to keep that spark alive. I'm going to miss her for the epis she's gone.

This, for me, was a good example of Smallville Lite. Fun. Fluffy. Entertaining. I enjoyed it for what it was.

Didn't get to comment on last week's ep-- way too busy. I noticed CC said she hated it. I admit, I wasn't crazy about it, but it's still Smallville.

Last night's ep... well, still unsure about this one. The whole Chloe thing made me want to barf. I can't help it. I just don't like her! I do hope she and Clark move on.

Jason, yes. Like him. Like him with Lana. And I do like Lana a bit better this year. But Clark not being over her is about to wear thin! We might not see Chloe mooning over Clark this year, but obviously we're still going to see Clark mooning over Lana. razz

Lex and Clark... maybe their renewed friendship backs up my theory that Lex is not Clark's enemy to begin with! wink They've changed so much with this show, it could very well be possible. Besides, I think it would be a totally hoot if Lana really was the enemy described in the cave! thumbsup

I do have to say I'll miss Lois. We all know Clark sent her packing because he just can't understand his feelings for her. And already he's trying to make sure she's happy. Awww! Love how Lois is older this time. And the girl definitely kicks butt!

But my favorite line came from Chloe! I can't believe I said that. :rolleyes: Something to the effect of him being a journalist and a superhero! Loved that! dance Little does she know how true that statement will become.

Oh, almost forgot. How about the 'what was that?' moment with Lois? When Clark burst the steam pipe on the football players? Guess that takes away all the wonder about whether she'll know right off, huh? Liked that, too!

Hmm... guess I liked this ep after all! But it's Smallville. One of my very few television indulgences!

SQD(who's already looking forward to next week!)
I forgot to add that I thought the dedication of this episode to Christopher was fantastic. Did you guys read the words? Wonder who said them? Not sure exactly, but something like this:

'He made us all believe that a man could fly'

Did anyone tape this ep so they could quote directly? I just love that the producers took time to do this!

SQD(who is still having a hard time believing that Superman is dead)
You guys it's not the end of Lois yet. She'll be back around Nov 10, she's contracted for 13 episodes. The 4 that we've seen so far is real good...thank God!...so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the 9 episodes of her will be even better!
Argh! I missed this one because I lost my cable yesterday for some bizarre reason. The only channel I could get was the local ABC affiliate, and even then the picture was snowy, but at least the sound was clear. I ended up listening to the debate.

I also lost my Internet access. The Comcast guy came and fixed it today, though.

Please tell me this will be rerun over the weekend.
How many of you watched Smallville last night with a big doofus grin on your face?
And how many of you watched it cringing in horror, through bitter tears??


Well... wave

What. the. hell. have. they. done. to. my. Lex?!

Never again do I want to see the Prince of Sexy Darkness giving pep talks in the high school locker room before the big game, or, oh, mother of pearl, sitting in the stands and watching the game!!

The man has an empire to run. A father in prison to knock-off. His own soul to grill over the hot coals of I've Never Been Loved, Otherwise I'd Be Good self-torment.

Kill me. Just...kill me. It would be kinder.

Because what they did to Lex was just a sweet passing thing compared to what they did to Chloe.

Oh, Chloe. Oh, oh, oh, Chloe. God hates you. That's the irrefutable fact, and it sucks, but maybe it's just easier to face up to. As opposed to staying plucky and smiling that bright, dimply smile in face of...all the puke that comes your way.

Lana and Jason. Whatever.

Lois and Clark. Ok. I'll allow this bit of light into this bitter diatribe. Loved the Scooby-Doo antics of getting the goods on the cheerleaders. Love Clark, and TW's, fabulously bad acting with the head blonde. I smiled. There, I said it.

Again, not enough fussy, intense Jonathan. Still no Lionel. And the dark mythology, cave and symbols, and freaks with blades or twins growing from them...M.I.A.


Again, not enough fussy, intense Jonathan. Still no Lionel. And the dark mythology, cave and symbols, and freaks with blades or twins growing from them...M.I.A.
Personally, I thought those were the best points of the episode. razz

I have to say that I agree with CC about the Lex-in-the-locker-room thing. It was kinda weird. But I did like the conversation he had with Clark about feeling like Clark was the only thing keeping his dark side at bay. Somebody commented on an earlier episode that it would be amazing if the reason that Lex turned evil was because Clark turned his back on their friendship. This ep made it look as if that's what's going to happen. It gave me chills.

I just got to watch my tape of this week's Smallville last night, so I'm weighing in very late here. It's funny, though, because I'm really having to think about how I feel about this episode. Usually I can't get my opinions out of my head and onto the screen fast enough, but this time, I'm still figuring out exactly what I want to say as I'm typing. Let's see what stream of consciousness can do ...

First off, I loved reading all the comments in this thread. I avoided it until last night because I didn't want to be spoiled but I'm not sure which I was looking forward to -- watching the episode or knowing I got to come here and read what you all thought of it. <g>

I got a kick out of reading Lynn's post because she summed up most of what I wanted to say -- I did get a kick out of this episode and I did laugh many times while watching. Allison Mack is adorable! So cute and perky yet so smart and vulnerable. This girl has the whole package and she shares it all with Chloe. Love her. To pieces.

Clark's oh-so-bad acting while trying not to have sex with that girl was a hoot. "I'm nervous because ... because I've never done what I think we're about to do before?" The question mark at the end of that line almost had me falling off the couch in laughter. Does it take a good actor to make us realize what bad acting is? I have no idea, but that scene was priceless. But of course, my favorite part was back-and-forth between our two intrepid reporters as Clark keeps trying to distract the sex-crazed cheerleader long enough for Lois to finally steal her bag. Did anyone else have flashes of our L&C in "I've Got A Crush On You"? Was that DC or TW waving his hands pointedly at Lois while kissing the girl? LOL! I can't even say how much I love watching these two work together to solve the crimes. (Scooby Doo, CC? You nailed it, LOL!)

(Oh, and I almost swooned when the football players came in with their bats and Clark got all serious and macho, stepping in front of Lois and Chloe protectively. That's our super boy! I think that was the first time where I seriously thought, "OK, this guy really can play Superman!" Great transition between his two alter-egos. Very much like how DC played the role; love it. smile )

But I knew something was still missing from Lynn's post (as far as summing up my feelings goes) and when I got to CC's post, I found it:

What. the. hell. have. they. done. to. my. Lex?!

Never again do I want to see the Prince of Sexy Darkness giving pep talks in the high school locker room before the big game, or, oh, mother of pearl, sitting in the stands and watching the game!!

I have to admit, I was cracking up when Lex did the locker room pep talk, but lost it completely when he was at the game. Unlike Lynn, I need to fight my Clex tendencies (this Lois helps a great deal, but I still feel the pull of the dark side <g>) and this was *such* a Clex episode. (OK, not as much as Lex fixing Clark's tie before Prom, but you know what I mean. wink ) I have mixed feelings about Lex at the football game -- on one hand, the Clex part of me was saying "Aww, he's cheering on his boy!" but on the other, he just looked so WRONG sitting there, LOL!

Still, it should be interesting to see where Clark and Lex go from here. Lex is sure working hard (read: groveling) to get back into Clark's good graces, and he's finally broken through some of the walls between them. But will it be enough to get them back to the easy going relationship they had before? Time will tell. But as Anna pointed out, it gives even more fuel to my speculation fire that it will be Clark's rejection that finally sends Lex over the edge.

Now, last but not least, Lois's leaving. At first I was a little bummed that Clark was the one who went out of his way to get her out of town -- yes, they banter, but they really seemed to be connecting and you just *know* that he feels the sparks with her! -- but he redeemed himself at the end when he stopped and got that little-boy-giving-a-Christmas-present look on his face when she told him she knew it was his doing. "But ... it's what you wanted, right?" Awww, he does like her! He was giving her a gift. (They sure took care to make that whole thing subject to interpretation, didn't they?)

Overall, though, I wasn't depressed to see her go. I know ED is under contract for 13 episodes, and that means there will be 9 more to come! I wouldn't want her to just be in until December then disappear for good -- I want to have Lois around all season, even if it's rationed out here and there. And by May, Clark will be making college decisions and you just know he's going to be trying to figure out how to get a room in her dorm. wink So I'm happy. smile

There's probably more I could comment on but since this little exercise has already shown why stream of consciousness from me is a bad thing, I'll stop there.

Glad I have you guys to share this show with. smile

Kathy, you can come late any time you want!! I love reading your comments, and I think the stream of consciousness thing works just fine. wink

And you totally said something that I felt but failed to mention:
Oh, and I almost swooned when the football players came in with their bats and Clark got all serious and macho, stepping in front of Lois and Chloe protectively. That's our super boy! I think that was the first time where I seriously thought, "OK, this guy really can play Superman!" Great transition between his two alter-egos. Very much like how DC played the role; love it.
I am so with you there! That was perhaps my favorite moment of the entire show. Kept rewinding it on the TiVo to watch over and over again. I didn't bring it up here because I chalked my squeal of excitement to the fact that I'm such a damsel-in-distress fan. I love love love when Clark/Supes steps it up and becomes all protective. But since I imagine that's a fairly un-PC and also a very anti-Lois-as-capable-woman sentiment, I kept it to myself. Now I see that you and I do have the exact same brain, just split in two with about four hours of driving between us <g>.

I do see the Clex. It's all over the place. And I was kind of squirming over the locker room scene because I was like Clark and totally saw it as a ploy for Lex to buy himself back into Clark's life. I hate that - I don't want Lex to grovel. He already does too much of it IMO. Part of my issue is that it is always Lex doing the please-forgive-me song and dance routine. Clark is far from innocent in his dealings with Lex. I think we just tend to forgive his lying and partial-truths because we know that in the end, Clark = Good and Lex = Bad.

Know what I like best? When Lex is dealing with dark forces completely unrelated to Clark. I like watching Lex match wits with Lionel, although I'd just as soon have it be over something not Clark's mystery-related. I'd like to see that as the impetus to Lex's turn to the dark side.

See, even after nearly a week, I can still ramble on and on about this. Pretty pathetic, huh?

I completely agree with you, Lynn, about Clark being pretty hypocritical to get mad at Lex for lying. He had a line to that effect and it made my jaw drop -- talk about the pot calling the kettle black! I'm sure Clark sees it as totally different, that he's keeping a secret about himself while Lex is keeping a secret about their friendship, and to certain extent, he's right. But for Clark to get on his high horse about expecting complete honesty from Lex is pretty outrageous.

Martha had a line in a recent ep about how ever since he's known Clark, Lex has been surrounded by things he can't explain and it's only natural for him to need to figure out what's going on. This is an excellent point, and while it may make sense for a teenage boy not to get that side of the equation, it still takes a lot of gall for him to be so holier-than-thou about it.

So bottom line, I don't cut him slack because he's the future Superman. Being a teenager cuts him a little, though that's kind of like WB trying to have it both ways since we all know that 17 year olds on their shows act more like 30 year olds in the real world. <g>

HA HA That's because WB hires 30 year olds to play 17 year olds!!!
Posted By: kmar Re: Smallville - Devoted: A Giggle or a Scream? - 10/27/04 12:22 AM
Liked that Clark finally leveled with Chloe about his feelings. Was really getting sick of her going around throwing herself at him or being pissed if he showed an interest in someone else. Kind of made me scared of her. No it made me scared of her that is why she got in bed with Lionel Luthor because she saw Clark and Lana kiss. She kind of reminds me of a stalker. :rolleyes:

I believe that in the end Lex will be bad and Clark and him will be enemies.

I have to say I'm getting a little tired of them bring out all these psycho darksides in Clark. To me they are going a little overboard. With all the crap they have Clark pull it is getting to the point that you don't see how he can ever really become Superman. Like when he was running around Metropolis partying, drinking, robbing ATMs how come he was never arrested. It wasn't like he tried to really hide what he was doing. grumble

Also with all that he has been involved in that was strange in Smallville most police departments would have him under surveillence. I just find the show to unrealistic. They make people react the way they want to make a story flow, not the way people would really react. confused

I do watch the show but it is not my favorite. I feel like they have tarnished the story of Superman. (Since I don't read the current comics I don't know if they are like this.) But the old comics in the 60's when I was a kid are were not like this. As they do with many good books they are taking a title of a good story and making trash out of it to make a buck. I don't believe they needed to subvert the story this much to have a good show. frown :p

As I said this is just how I feel about the show. I will keep watching and being miffed by it. But for those who really, really like it - each to his own and keep enjoying it. blush smile
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