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Here's another article on Erica Durance as Lois. It's basically saying that she's playing Lois, but it also talks about her meeting the Smallville cast and auditioning for the role and other stuff.


"Smallville's" New Attraction: Lois Lane, aka Erica Durance
By Stacy Jenel Smith

"I know this character has been around a long time, and I want to do honor to all that, but it's too hard to think about much. I'm just taking it day by day."Related Links

• All About Erica Durance
• 'Smallville' on The WB
• Smallville Ledger
• 'Smallville' Extras
• Smallville High Yearbook
• 'Smallville' RadioThat's the word from Erica Durance - also known as the latest actress to inhabit the role of bright and beautiful Superman love interest Lois Lane. Durance joins the cast of "Smallville" this season, playing a high school version of Lois. And so what if historically, Superman and his alter ego, Clark Kent, don't meet Lois until she's a reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper? Since when has "Smallville" gone by the (comic) book?

"She's obviously not a reporter yet. She's too young. But you can already see her ability to suss out a situation and figure out what she needs to get. She's a well-rounded human being who doesn't reveal a lot of vulnerability," says Durance, "which makes her very interesting to play."

Beautiful Erica, 26, hails from the hamlet of Three Hills, north of Calgary. She misses the sweeping vistas of the landscape, now that she's living in Vancouver, where the show is filmed. "Obviously, some people don't like the prairie, but to me, it's awesome," she says.

The acting bug bit early for this daughter of a truck driver father and librarian mum. Erica has an older brother and an older sister, and her sister did some acting, but the craft held even more appeal for Erica.

"When I was young I was very interested in singing and drama, and got into musical theater. I had a fantastic teacher who got me down that road," adds the actress. Her first role was in a production called "Babushka," written by her Prairie Bible College teacher. Other plays followed, then Erica decided to venture down to Vancouver "to test the waters" as a professional actress. There she met actor David Palffy of "Stargate SG1," "Andromeda," and numerous other credits.

Erica worked with David on both series, as well as the horror movie, "House of the Dead."

"He's wonderful. He's actually my acting mentor," she coos. They've been together for three years - are now engaged -- and "the cool thing is, he's done it all before," she says.

"Smallville" came about for Erica almost literally overnight.

"I auditioned up here and put it on tape, then I got called back. Then they flew me down to Los Angeles to do a test, per usual. The final network test was Thursday, and while I was flying home Friday I got a call saying all the things I would have to do do get ready. I went in on Saturday and did all the fittings and makeup tests. And Monday, bright and early, I was on the set."

She admits, "At first, before I actually went in, I was intimidated. The show has been going quite well and they've done sixty-some episodes. That feeling went away the minute I met everybody - right from Tom Welling to everyone else in the cast, they're very generous and level-headed."

She's hoping, of course, that the showcase role will lead to more choice acting jobs. "I'd like to challenge myself in other ways as well, do a movie or two. I'm not going to tell the future."

Now Erica's bracing for the storm of attention everyone tells her she is sure to get. "Whatever may happen, my family is keeping me grounded. It's great they're not involved in the industry in every way. I'm just hoping that I can do the part justice. I'm doing my best to be honest and creative about it, and trying to enjoy the moment."

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