Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Saskia Charmed - 07/31/04 06:52 AM
Due to some very bad luck (visitors razz ) I missed last night's episode of Charmed. Now normally, I wouldn't mind at all. I've missed lots of eps already. Except, today, it just had to be the season's final! grumble

So, I missed the final episode of Season 6, It's a Bad, Bad, Bad World. And I was so looking forward to watching it.

Today I've been looking online to see it I could get a detailed description, the script or the episode itself, but no such luck so far. So I'm hoping maybe one of you guys can help me out.

If you know of a place where I can find the episode, the script or the detailed description or even have it yourself, would it be possible for me to get it? I'd be eternally gratefull! smile

Posted By: lynnm Re: Charmed - 07/31/04 09:21 AM
Hey Sas -

I don't watch Charmed, but you can find a recap of the show here: Charmed on Television Without Pity

Just stand warned - these people are notorious for being incredibly snarky and picking apart shows to pieces. This recap of the show will probably be pretty disparaging, but you can at least read about what happened in the episode.

Hope that helps,
Posted By: Saskia Re: Charmed - 07/31/04 12:07 PM
Thank you, Lynn! notworthy

Posted By: lynnm Re: Charmed - 07/31/04 08:13 PM
NP, Sas.

Yeah, Television Without Pity is one of those bizarre places. I used to frequent it a lot when they recapped one of my favorite shows, Queer As Folk. It is kind of hard if you really love a show because they will just tear it to pieces, and it does make you wonder why they bother to watch the show at all. Especially the people who post on the fan forums - those people are evil, viscious monsters at times! You haven't seen flame wars until you've been there.

But I do find that sometimes the recappers are just hysterical - they do point out things that you have to admit are stupid or ridiculous about the shows. I often read the recaps for The West Wing and Smallville, and even though I don't always agree with how mean they are or how they rip the writers and actors to shreds, I do usually get at least one giggle.

Posted By: Skitz Re: Charmed - 08/06/04 02:00 AM
if you want the episode without an opinion it is summarized fully here: The Charmed Ones It's a great sire that always gives spoilers which help impatient people like me.
Posted By: Kitty Re: Charmed - 08/29/04 06:30 PM
I normally don't watched Charmed at all but today I watched the last 20 minutes and it got me [Linked Image] . When that cute guy said, "Never give up on love. That's all your sisters trying to say."
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