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Posted By: meclone2 Desperate Housewives - 07/30/04 12:11 AM
After 2 years in Canada, I find myself embarassingly lacking in knowledge of all this business regarding networks and TV shows. As in, which ones get considered, and when/whether they are aired.

I was watching The Amazing Race, when I saw a trailer for "Desperate Wives". metwin1 and I went "TERI HATCHER!!" when we saw it (luckily we live by ourselves). She looked really good, actually. Age has been kind to her. Then again, 7 years isn't exactly that long a time ago. smile

Can I assume that since networks are showing a trailer, the show itself will actually get airtime? How much of a chance do networks give television shows anyway? 2 episodes? 4? A full season?

Posted By: LNCroxmysox Re: Desperate Housewives - 07/30/04 02:03 AM
Supposedly her show is going to start airing in September. smile And yes, shows typically get 2-4 episodes. I mean, they'll film 13 but networks like to yank things off the air before giving them a chance.

Fortunately, this show is getting a lot of good buzz and, since ABC's other shows aren't doing so well these days (with some exceptions) my guess is that they will promote the heck out of DH and try to keep it around. (Yeah, but then this is ABC that it's airing on... never know.)
Posted By: Shadow Re: Desperate Housewives - 08/04/04 02:21 PM
PS, I downloaded the pilot for Desperate Housewives today. I'll watch it (probably tonight) and come back with a verdict.

JD smile1
Posted By: LNCroxmysox Re: Desperate Housewives - 08/04/04 03:44 PM
Don't forget that there are now two Pilots of DH out there, the original and the reshot one... because one of the main characters was recast. Don't judge the original, since that won't be the one that airs on TV. smile
Posted By: Pelican Re: Desperate Housewives - 08/04/04 04:57 PM
Actually, as far as I know, three characters were recast. Rex (the husband who wants a divorce from Martha Stewart on steroids), John (the gardener who's having an affair with Gabrielle) and, of course, there's Mary Alice Young (the dead woman and story teller)- Brenda Strong replaced Sheryl Lee.

Where did you find the reshot pilot, btw? Because I've been told it's not available yet...

Posted By: Shadow Re: Desperate Housewives - 08/04/04 11:43 PM
I found it at Suprnova.org, in the Other section. BitTorrent formatting, so I download the lovely BitTorrent here: http://bitconjurer.org/BitTorrent/download.html

JD smile1
Who can't watch it tonight because she can't find her headphones...
Posted By: Shadow Re: Desperate Housewives - 08/05/04 11:34 AM
Okay, I watched it. And I don't know how to tell if it's the original or the reshot pilot, but all I have to say is rotflol . It was great. It's very much the drama, but there are these pockets of comedy...

Posted By: Pelican Re: Desperate Housewives - 08/05/04 12:10 PM
LOL! Agree with you there. Btw, if John, the gardener, had blond hair, then it was the "old" version. But I'm sure the reshot one is just as fantastic.

Love love LOVE the kitchen scene with Susan and Julie, don't you? Hilarious!! laugh

Posted By: Shadow Re: Desperate Housewives - 08/05/04 01:46 PM
Oh, I just died laughing during the kitchen scene! I'm sure Mom thought I was slowly going insane. And the ongoing macaroni and cheese thing...

Posted By: Fearless Monkey Re: Desperate Housewives - 08/06/04 09:33 AM
No way, they re-cast the gardener? Why? oh well no biggy, just thought he was kinda cute.
Anyway, I was bored today so I d/l DH. I was pleasently suprised. I loved the next to last scene with Susan popping over for sugar. And she dropped the pyrex! That's gonna come back bite her in the *** , lol.
It's a pitty chanel 7 have picked up DH here in Australia because I hate c7 with a passion. I guess I'll be d/l this series.

btw, I thought Kimberly from Melrose Place was great.
Posted By: Pelican Re: Desperate Housewives - 08/06/04 10:25 AM
Yeah, they replaced Kyle Searles (the original gardener) with...oh, what was his name...Jesse Metcalfe: the guy who played Miguel in (the show I oh hate so passionately) "Passions".

The reason was because, as far as I've heard, that Kyle looked a bit too boyish. The producers were worried it would look like poor Gabrielle was practically breaking the law by sleeping with a "kid". Kyle is 18 years old. Jesse is about 26 - though the character John is supposed to be only 17.

So I guess we'll just have to see how it turns out. Kyle did a very good job, yes, but it was his looks that threw him off the wagon..

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