Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Vicki Park the Car - 06/23/04 03:56 PM
Here's a silly little thing I found on internet. See how long it takes you to parallel park this car:

Park the Car

Note: use the arrow keys, not the mouse.

My best score was
52:30 sec/ score=9.65
Posted By: Shadow Re: Park the Car - 06/23/04 07:20 PM
Uh oh, I could be addicted to this thing. Best time: 00:00:14:50/score: 34.47...after I did it like 20 times LOL. If only we could all parallel park and not worry about the effects of ramming into the surrounding cars...One can hope and dream...

Jen smile
Posted By: YellowDartVader Re: Park the Car - 06/23/04 08:51 PM
Oh gosh, I am horrible! I played for 5 minutes, and I didn't even get close to the parking space. Guess I am as bad at online parallel parking as I am in a real car. wallbash

- Laura (the infamously bad parallel parker wink . . . really, ask any of my friends, I passed the driving test by 1 point when I was 16, and i have never gotten any better :rolleyes: )
Posted By: Shadow Re: Park the Car - 06/23/04 08:57 PM
I don't know, I'm a pretty bad myself. I had to beg and plead during my driver's test, and she finally gave me one more try...to back up straight. goofy Hey, it's the Deep South. The extent of our driver's test is backing up straight, and taking a quick spin around the neighborhood.

Posted By: YellowDartVader Re: Park the Car - 06/23/04 09:12 PM
Oh my gosh, your drivers' test was that easy? The Ohio test is really hard. Actually, I am really lucky that I took the test really early in the morning, that I drove a small car (a Ford Probe), and that my exam guy was REALLY big -- fat enough that he couldn't fit in my car and had to put the seat all the way back. He could barely see out the front window, and he wasn't fully awake because it was so early in the morning. I ran over 3 cones in my manuverability part of the test, and stopped twice to straighten myself out, yet I passed huh (granted, I missed 24 points, and you fail if you miss 25).

Here is the manuverability part of the test.

[Linked Image]

It's like parallel parking . . . from hell. I had so much trouble with it. Even when I tried to help my sister when she was practicing for the test, I STILL couldn't do it! I bet if you put my out in a parking lot today with those stupid cones, I'd still run them over! cat

- Laura
Posted By: SuperRoo Re: Park the Car - 06/23/04 10:48 PM
I rocked when I took my test. Then again it was like a video game. I had a bet with my driving instructor that I'd get perfect. Ack. I lost. I got one thing wrong! I was "hesitant"... I was turning onto a major street. My first turn (left)! I had a sneeze coming and there was a loaded semi coming. I think it was alright for me to pause a bit!!!! I was 15 and 1/3. Then I didn't drive for 6 years. The next six years, or so, I drove maybe once a year. Now I have a big fear of driving!!!! I think I should take some driving lessons so I can back into things.

The game was fun! I did bad!
Posted By: malu Re: Park the Car - 06/24/04 04:10 AM

This is horrible!

The first time, I had to take a long time just to learn the controls (which are horrible!). I keep forgetting which key is front, or wheels left, or...!

I actually bumped twice and took 52.64s the second time, with a total score of...



Geez, it's not like I've never driven before, or never parallel parked before, it's these damn controls! They drive me crazy! (no pun intended laugh )


EDIT: I take it back everything I said above. After practicing a few more times (OK, OK, I would say actually "after practicing A LOT" :rolleyes: ), I got a score of 90.93 with a time of 5:50 seconds - I'm not kidding! WOOHOOO! dance
Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: Park the Car - 06/24/04 05:31 AM
I've always said I don't want to learn how to drive a car. I've always been afraid I'll ride the sidewalk at the first turn.

I can only say, if this test is any indication as to how I'm gonna do in RL driving... well, I've tried three times so far, countless bumps and no parking.

AnnaBtG. (who'll keep trying... just out of curiosity about what she's gonna score)
Posted By: Wendymr Re: Park the Car - 06/24/04 09:13 AM
Fun, Vicki!!

Best score:

Time: 24.06; Score: 20.78

Edit: New best score:
Time: 15.43 Score: 32.39

Edit: New best:
Time: 10.56 Score: 47.35

Wendy smile
Posted By: Elena Re: Park the Car - 06/24/04 09:32 AM
Lol! This is funny. smile1
Posted By: Saskia Re: Park the Car - 06/24/04 09:51 AM
Finally! After countless times of trying and getting scores like -23, I now have a score of 21.75 with a time of 23 seconds.

I guess there's a chance I learn how to do this with my own car one day too. <g>

Posted By: SuperRoo Re: Park the Car - 06/24/04 11:23 AM
15.48 in 30 sec. I actually finished it this time!!! My seventh try. blush blush
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