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Posted By: Cristina The Best Sitcom ever (IMHO) dies!!!! - 05/06/04 04:09 AM
Even though I still have a great deal of eps left to watch (half of season 9 and all of 10), today is definitely a sad day for all Friends fans.

After 10 very succesful years, the show is wrapping up tonight!!! mecry

At least it's good to know it's leaving because they chose to. I just hope it's ending reasonably (meaning, Ross and Rachel better end up together!!!! wildguy )

So, any thought about this, guys???

I agree, Cris! I have watched Friends every Thursday night for the last 10 years (and I've also watched the reruns at 7pm and 7:30 pm every night, too! On Sundays, there's even one on at 11pm). It is by far the only TV show that I have religiously watched since day 1 . . . when I was in 9th grade.

Even though I haven't thought the last 2 seasons have been as good as previous seasons, and I'm kind of upset over the Monica/Chandler baby thing, I still watch it and will miss it when it's gone.

My dad, who claims not to like Friends, has been watching all of the specials about the end of the show on CNN, VH1, and even Oprah. He even went out and bought a magazine searching for spoilers about what would happen in the last one. rotflol

I really hope Ross and Rachel get together, too. I am really not sure what I hope for the other characters.

It's the end of an era.

- Laura
Posted By: Tank Re: The Best Sitcom ever (IMHO) dies!!!! - 05/06/04 07:53 AM
Can't say I care one way or the other. I haven't watched Friends since season two.

But all you Friends fans know that you will still be able to get your Joey fix when his spin off series starts next fall.

Joey moves to LA to live with his sister and her bratty kid, yeah that'll be 'must see TV'. wink

Tank (who lost his hard earned couch potato status years ago when reality shows and copy cat formulas killed prime time television)
Posted By: Shadow Re: The Best Sitcom ever (IMHO) dies!!!! - 05/06/04 11:17 PM
(who lost his hard earned couch potato status years ago when reality shows and copy cat formulas killed prime time television)
Ugh, they showed previews for like 3 new reality shows during Friends. It's such unscripted garbage!

Anyway, yeah...I'm probably the only Friends lover who isn't that sad about the show getting cancelled. There's like 6 episodes a day on FOX, TBS, WB...I don't watch primetime TV anyway so I always just catch the reruns from time to time.

In any case, it was (and is) a terrific show, and I thought the finale was a perfect send-off...all the clips, and then a real episode.

Posted By: Michael Re: The Best Sitcom ever (IMHO) dies!!!! - 05/07/04 10:00 PM
Yeah, it is on a lot, but to be perfectly honest, I do tend to watch it as often a possible.

Now it's gone.

Could I BE any more sad?

Sorry, just couldn't resist that one. wink
Posted By: Julie S Re: The Best Sitcom ever (IMHO) dies!!!! - 05/09/04 09:00 AM
frown frown frown

Um... this post is going to include spoilers. So careful.

All I can say about the finale is it was extremely bitter-sweet. Everything was wrapped up... but still. I'm really happy over Ross and Rachel's getting together, though, because I was a fan of their romance from the first ep of Friends I saw! I also though Phoebe and Joey were going to get together, but you can't get everything in life. goofy Mike is okay, I guess.

The last scene was sad. An empty apartment and six keys left behind. frown

Too bad we won't see the twins or Emma growing up. And speaking of Emma, it's a shame she wasn't in the finale.

Posted By: Supermom Re: The Best Sitcom ever (IMHO) dies!!!! - 05/10/04 08:53 AM
I must be the only person in American who has never watched "Friends." But I was watching a blurb on some show about the finale and they showed Jennifer Anniston sitting in front of a large window. It looked like the bedroom window in Clark's apartment -- the one that goes to the ceiling with small panes and the window seat. Lots of shows film on the same exterior sets (I've seen Metropolis on "Without a Trace" and "Cold Case") so I wondered if they switched bits and pieces of interior sets around too.
I like 'Friends' too - not an obsessed fan, but I try not to miss any episodes. I've watched most of the ones that have been aired here.

I'm kinda sad it was finished. But... c'est la vie.

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