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Absoulutly! I'd like him to show me around his house, including his son's playroom or trekking to a nearby park with good ol' dad! laugh Then dean and I would get to talking...., needless to say, he can cook me dinner anyday! ^_^ (even mac & cheese) than play a game of shoots & ladders with the kid or twister..LOL! single ladies take notes wink
Posted By: Bethy Re: Would you like to spend a day with Dean?? - 04/28/04 11:59 AM
I moved this from Original Fiction to Off Topic, LTC, as it is more appropriate here.

Original Fiction Moderator
Thanx! yeah, your right about that smile
Why not? wink

Posted By: Anonymous Re: Would you like to spend a day with Dean?? - 04/28/04 01:01 PM
Where do I sign up!!!!! Actually I even think I would be just as satisfied spending an hour on the phone with him, cause though he's a hottie, I'm still a frumpy, middle management, customer service, two time mom, but I got a phone voice to die for and so does he. We could sell tickets for people to listen in on our conversation!!!!!

I bid a million dollars for the whole day priviledge and I'll even throw in my copy of MST3K Cave Dwellers.

Posted By: Kitty Re: Would you like to spend a day with Dean?? - 04/28/04 08:01 PM
That's a silly question, of course I would.

I like to spend 2 hours at the pool side with him just doing nothing but drool drool drool and letting my imagination run wild.

And then spend another hour or two at the spa school massaging session, So, I get to know what a sick-pack feels like and those biceps. drool

I don't mind checking out Michael's biceps too. ooh.
That sounds like a relaxing day at the poolside! laugh
Posted By: kb Re: Would you like to spend a day with Dean?? - 05/01/04 09:11 AM
I would LOVE to!!!!. Where do I sign up laugh ???

If I told you, we might have to move this topic again... to the nFic MBs!!! (j/k)

Funny (unrelated) Dean story - When I went to London, one of the choices for on-flight movie was "Out of Time" and I tried to watch it but the sound was messed up. So I watched it without sound. (Stop laughing!) Made flying for 7 hours so much nicer... *wink*

--Wanda :p
LOL! wanda..I bet you rented it when you arrived in the States..just to hear the dialogue throughout the movie.
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