Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Julie S Virus Warning (this time it's just me) - 03/08/04 06:28 PM
Apparently people have gotten viruses from me in their inboxes, and I have no idea how. People whose addresses I don't even have on my computer, I mean. And my addy isn't registered on my computer or anything. Anyway, in the future, delete what you get from me plus the attachment, because I don't usually send attachments to people without a heads up or something.

Posted By: EmilyH Re: Virus Warning (this time it's just me) - 03/08/04 06:41 PM
It's possible the virus is spoofing your address, which would mean they're not coming from you, but rather someone who has your e-mail addy in their list. Run a virus check with something like Norton or McAffee to be sure.
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