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Posted By: lynnm Go Pete Racer - Views on Smallville - 02/12/04 07:40 AM
Somehow, this little thread isn't nearly so much fun as when CC is debating the rightness of my opinion, but still, since no one in my inner circle appreciates Smallville like you all do, I just have to come here to vent. Maybe this week CC will just wail all over my thoughts <g>.

So, how about that Pete Racer! He got...like, a whole lot of lines. Product!Placement!Pete turned into Over!Dramatic!Pete. It had a lot of promise - explore Clark and Pete's friendship and how far Clark is willing to go to help out a friend. But I just couldn't stand Pete's over-the-top hysteria. Dial it down, Pete, and just take a minute to think. And how dare you blame Clark for getting you beat up when it was your own bleepity-bleep fault for getting hooked up with that skanky guy in the first place.

And this Adam guy. What a waste!!! Here they have the chance to semi-develop this intriguing character – get one of the key Smallville kids (Lana, anyone?) involved with this guy and then wham! Drop a bomb on everyone. Instead they just show him crying blood and having nightmares all while Lana wrings her hands and wonders what’s going on. What is the point of this guy? Why do we care about him at all? Instead of a FOW, he’s just becoming a Freak of the Month. Of course, it does give Chlois something to investigate. Gotta keep her busy working on that future career.

I actually really liked the ending when Clark didn’t just instantly forgive Pete and say “Hey Buddy, no problem.” You can see that he is really wrestling with what he did in the name of friendship and how far he’s willing to go over that line.

Still, did anyone else get the funny feeling that now Pete isn’t so much to be trusted as a friend because maybe he’s a little pissed that Clark is holding a grudge? I don’t think Clark needs to coddle Pete, but somehow this little rift between them scares me.

AND...It’s funny, and you may all call me hypocritical which I will have to admit that I am. I really didn’t mind Red K Clark on his crime spree. I mean, I didn’t like it, but I accepted the fact that something like that could happen. I defended Clark in the way that I think he could still become Superman even with events such as that in his past. However, last night, when Clark was lying to Lex about the Porsche, I was shaking my head. I don’t think they should have had him lie. I think he should have fessed up. Maybe it’s just that I figured he’d learned something after his walk on the wild side, but the fact that he can do this does make it hard for me to see him as the future Supes. I don’t know why I draw that particular line, but it really bothered me.

I liked that Lex didn't help Clark out by just giving him the cash. All of the sudden, Lex is becoming a <gasp> grown up. And someone help - is that Dr. Ten/Tan/Chen the same doctor that Lionel gave Clark's blood to way back in the first epi of this season? Could it be Clark's platlets or Lex's? Any speculation???

Little sidebar admission here - and if I'm ever quoted, I'll deny it to the death. I just thought John "Bo Kent" Schneider was looking really good last night. It scares me, because I think that might be my age talking. No, must remember that My Heart Belongs To Tom.

OK, from the previews of next week – don’t read this if you are a pure SPOILER virgin who doesn’t even watch previews – looks like Clark is going to find himself in a bit of a little love situation with some kind of Fatal Attraction Floozy. Wow, bare-chested Tom Welling. Almost...no, wait...yes...actually, as good as bare-chested Dean. Can't wait <g>.

Actually, the real reason I bring this up is because this is one area where I really wish/hope/know better that TPTB would explore. A lot of us in Superman Fandom have contemplated the idea of whether or not Clark could actually have sex with an earth woman. Since Smallville!Clark is a healthy, teenage boy, I would imagine that sex is a pretty big part of his life (if not his entire life, truth be told). I would absolutely love it if the Smallville folks touched on this – had Clark feel urges but worry about what that might mean since he is different - is it possible, could he hurt a woman, etc. But sadly, as this is a program aimed at a younger audience, they’ll show men getting bludgeoned with pencils but will avoid like the bubonic plague any serious portrayal of Clark having normal teenage angst about his sexuality.

Dang. When ARE those guys going to call me about writing episodes?

Posted By: CC Aiken Re: Go Pete Racer - Views on Smallville - 02/13/04 04:59 AM
So, it's just you and me again, Lynn. Our corner of the sandbox has cleared out...and there's my shovel! I wondered where it had gotten to...and with that in hand...let's dig in, shall we?

(Ok, that's lame. Shovel, digging, anyway...)

Every time Pete shows up, I grouch, "why don't they use him more?" And every time they use him, I get the answer to my question.

But I think something really important, fundamentally Super Important happened at the end of this episode. When Clark refuses to play basketball with him, gives him that long, studied, considering stare and heads back into the house. Because he knows- that even the guy you grew up with, the guy who is basically a brother, can't really, really be trusted. Pete gets in trouble, and he's all over Clark to use his powers to help him, no matter what...And I think TW did an excellent job, with no words, showing how that sinks in, and then hurts like hell.

The Lex thing. Again, didn't get enough Lex, but even if he had his own show, I probably wouldn't. But I love their "stand off" in the mansion. Clark asking for help and trusting that Lex is going to give it, like always. And Lex taking those paces back- looking a bit Lionel-ish- and leaving. It's over. The rift, or the chill, really, in their relationship pretty obvious right there.

The lie about the car: Didn't bother me. I like how Smallville Clark skates the line. He's a kid, not a saint.

Speaking of, I loved Jonathan and Clark's heart to heart. The "shades of grey" thing. That they have to trust that when he grows up, sob, and they aren't around anymore, sob, he'll choose what he feels is right...sob. Loved that. But it certainly sounded like Jonathan isn't long for this world- that had "goodbye" stamped all over it. And that Jonathan (who you love, 'Lynn and Bo, sittin' in a tree'...) knows it.

Wild speculation: Do you think Adam is a clone?! Where is Smallville Girl? She tends to pop in here with the answers...But I have to say, when the clones show up, my sci-fi heart beats a bit faster! Loved the 'Batman' theory, but if we can't have that, I'll take the Clone!

What's left- oh, most crucial by far. TW's naked chest in the preview for next week. To sum up: Yow-zah!

And lastly, because I'd feel incomplete if I didn't mention it, did you see it, Lynn? When the two of them were sitting side by side putting their case together, the back and forth, the investigative banter...tell me you saw it!!

Posted By: Birdie Re: Go Pete Racer - Views on Smallville - 02/13/04 12:32 PM
And someone help - is that Dr. Ten/Tan/Chen the same doctor that Lionel gave Clark's blood to way back in the first epi of this season?
You have a sharp eye, it is indeed the same character.
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