Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: lynnm Smallville Blasphemy! - 01/28/04 08:28 PM
“She’s my cousin. She won’t mind at all. She’s not interested in journalism.”

And around the world, thousands of Chloe = Lois believers look around and say “I told you so!”


Talk about a plant. So maybe now if TPTB decide that they really have no other choices they could consider wiping Chloe’s memory clean and she can be Lois Lane.

Overall, I liked this episode, but mostly because Tom Welling was in it. And I thought AM did a great job as Chloe. I'm really starting to rethink that whole "too stupid to live" thing. She's starting to grow on me. But read my lips - Chloe IS NOT Lois Lane.

The good:

• No Freak of the Week. Instead we got Computer Geek of the Week

• No Lionel Luther

• I actually like Lana and this Adam guy together. I think she shows as much if not more chemistry with Adam as she ever did with Clark. Now, if the guy would just get a decent haircut, I’d be all over some Ladam shipping.

BTW – Who here thinks that it would be so cool if Adam turned out to be Bruce Wayne aka Batman? Raise your hands. Me too.

• Looks like maybe Clark and Chloe are made up.

The bad:

• The Lana turns ax-murderer scene. After tumbling down several flights of stairs, having your person slammed up against countless walls not to mention a glass fire hatchet case, plus being power-rangered all over the place, wouldn’t it seem likely that Chloe might have a bruise? Just one, mind you. I’m not asking to see the cracked-ribs, concussion type stuff of real people. I’m just saying.

• The Lana turns ax-murderer scene Part 2. If a high school girl chased another high school girl around a high school with a hatchet with a whole lot of high schoolers watching, it seems to me like maybe – just maybe, now – the police might be interested in looking into that. Call me crazy, but I guess I’m just pretty demanding of my law enforcement personnel that I might expect them to, you know, get involved.

• The secretary killing the newspaper editor with a pencil in the ear. This was waaaaay to gruesome for 7 pm TV. And is that even possible?

• OK, enough with the micro-cam into people’s brains camera SFX. Is this the way Clark's superhearing is going to be represented? An electron-microscopic view of his ear drum? Actually, this is kind of a good thing. I now feel very well educated on exactly how the inner ear works. Never was quite sure about those tiny bones.

The Tragic:
• I caught glimpses of Evil Lex. It's the beginning of The Descent. <whimper>

Can't wait to hear the weigh in.

Posted By: Birdie Re: Smallville Blasphemy! - 01/28/04 10:29 PM
lynnm, I think you may need to prepare yourself for the idea that Chloe might be Lois Lane. After seeing every episode of Smallville and reading every interview Al Gough and Miles Millar has ever given I can say that Chloe has only two fates -- to be killed off so that Lois Lane can assume her "place" in the storyline or to become Lois Lane. I wish there was third option but I've watched enough Smallville to know better.

Right now I'm just bracing myself for either of the above and hoping that if Chloe is to be Lois Lane - "Lois Lane" isn't really her cousin because poor cousin Lois!
Posted By: BevBB Re: Smallville Blasphemy! - 01/29/04 07:34 AM
I wish there was third option but I've watched enough Smallville to know better.
Now, you know on Smallville there's bound to be that option they manage to pull out of their a---ah, hat. evil

Who can't believe this series has brought her to the point where she actually typed the above . . . :rolleyes:
Posted By: BevBB Re: Smallville Blasphemy! - 01/29/04 07:42 AM
You know, these Smallville threads are better than coffee. They always manage to wake me up and make me laugh. Case in point:

• The Lana turns ax-murderer scene Part 2. If a high school girl chased another high school girl around a high school with a hatchet with a whole lot of high schoolers watching, it seems to me like maybe – just maybe, now – the police might be interested in looking into that. Call me crazy, but I guess I’m just pretty demanding of my law enforcement personnel that I might expect them to, you know, get involved.

Seriously, though, and to be fair to Smallville - and you'll never know how hard THAT was to type - this is why I've never gotten into teen angst series in the first place. They tend to suffer from exactly this syndrome most of the time. Not nearly to the point that this one has descended, but still. You think SOMEONE in authority would be around some of the time.
Posted By: stopquitdont Re: Smallville Blasphemy! - 01/29/04 08:23 AM
I hate to say it, Lynn, but it is looking more like Chloe= Lois. razz As much as I hate to say that, too much happened last night for you not to at least consider the possibility.

But like Beverly said, they do seem to pull things out their a... dizzy

I do have to agree that we're seeing the evil transformation of Lex Luthor. If they can turn Chloe into Lois, why can't they keep Lex a good guy???

Adam is Bruce Wayne... I like that! Why not? They've done everything else.

One thing you have to remember here is that from the beginning it was stated that TW would never wear the 'Suit'. Hence, the need for Lex, Metropolis, and Lois NOW! The writers are trying to tie in every possible conclusion before their time runs out. I would expect that next year you'll see Lex trying to off Clark. Then again, with all that's been so radically different, you might see them forming an alliance to take over the world. evil

Which ever way it goes, I'll be there to see it. I like Smallville, even if there are things I'd change about it. But not having a freak of the week last night was a slight improvement. I've always thought it overkill to blame everything on that dang meteor shower!

Oh yeah, one more thing. Aren't Clark and the others in like the 12th grade? If so, it makes you wonder where they'll take 'em after high school. I do believe it's time for the writers to start looking in that direction. I mean, damn, they can't stay there forever! Well, maybe they can... huh Having them graduate would certainly propell things into a totally different world though.

Posted By: BevBB Re: Smallville Blasphemy! - 01/29/04 11:53 AM
“She’s my cousin. She won’t mind at all. She’s not interested in journalism.”
You know, I think it just sunk into my brain what this actually said.



Talk about blasphemy of the worst kind!

I can't remember a single other Superman incarnation - discounting alts & elseworlds - where Lois Lane isn't cutting her teeth on journalism practically from the cradle.

That may actually be worse than what they've done to Clark. Next thing you know they'll be saying that Clark Kent isn't interested in saving the world.

Oh, wait, maybe they have already done that . . . I've kind of lost track. laugh
Posted By: stopquitdont Re: Smallville Blasphemy! - 01/29/04 12:30 PM
And what happened to Clark's glasses? I thought we were evolving here! mad
Posted By: RL Re: Smallville Blasphemy! - 01/29/04 06:44 PM
I haven't actually seen the episode yet, but have it TiVo'd, so I can't comment on complete information. I have seen some spoilers, though, so I know why Chloe uses "her cousin's" name, Lois Lane.

There is a problem with that. If the problem is that whoever writes that story becomes a target, she's just unwittingly set up her unsuspecting cousin for murder. Even "too stupid to live" Chloe isn't THAT stupid.

So, my conclusion is that there really is no Lois Lane in this "alt-world" called Smallville. Chloe establishes her nom de plume and ends up sticking with it. Eventually, Chloe becomes Lois Lane when she goes to work for Perry White at the soon-to-be-Luthorless Daily Planet because she has already made a name for herself under her pen name.

I don't actually mind if Chloe becomes Lois Lane in the end. If nothing else, it gives Smallville closure when the series eventually runs out. You know Lana and Clark don't get together permanently, so to give Smallville a "happy" ending, Clark ends up with Chloe/Lois.

Besides, I like Chloe a lot more than I like Lana.
Posted By: CC Aiken Re: Smallville Blasphemy! - 01/30/04 01:29 AM
Sorry I'm late! Irons in the fire, sick kids, etc, etc, so I won't waste your time with the how-do-you-dos?

Let's just jump right in, shall we?

2 : irreverence toward something considered sacred or inviolable
You people. You kill me. Seriously, have I taught you nothing? I start to grow discouraged, but I see that I am needed and won't leave you...not yet.

Let's start with my Sister of Total Wrongness, I don't think I need to name her,but she, after drinking heavily apparently, had this to say:

But read my lips - Chloe IS NOT Lois Lane.
It's just sad when something that is clearly no longer working is clung to so stubbornly.

But here, SQD, my Sister In Almost Rightness (who forever gets credit for liking an episode of pure static) tried to break it gently:

I hate to say it, Lynn, but it is looking more like Chloe= Lois
And more from She Who Does Not Get It:

I would despair, I really would but for this bright shaft of light, hello and welcome to RL.

Chloe establishes her nom de plume and ends up sticking with it. Eventually, Chloe becomes Lois Lane when she goes to work for Perry White at the soon-to-be-Luthorless Daily Planet because she has already made a name for herself under her pen name.
Let's face facts. And this is a fun one! I was right, Lynn, er, I mean, everyone. Woo-hoo.
She is Lois! And maybe there's a cousin named Lois Lane or maybe there isn't, that is neither here nor there, because Chloe becomes the LL we know and love, and that some of us wise ones love already. Ta-da!

It can't be blasphemy to say she has a cousin who isn't interested in journalism. Because even though her cousin-who may or may not exist- has the Name, she isn't the Person. Get it? It's brilliant, and I have to be smugly satisfied for atleast half a second...2-3-4... I'm leaning towards the cousin being real, btw, though she is not the Real Lois.

Ok. Is that a long enough victory dance?

To other things:

Liking dark Lex. Really I am. Maybe I shouldn't, and we see the rift coming, but still, bad Lex is good in my book.

I liked Lana so much more out of the pink and modeling an axe. Finally, a role model for young women everywhere. No more the sad, whispery, put-upon beauty. Not when she has a swing like that.

I'm thinking when they called the Smallville police and said, "someone is trying to kill someone at the highschool," they just yawned and said, "and your point is?"

I liked Adam, and give my Sister of Total Wrongness her props for the Batman idea. Hope he sticks around.

Can't get over how clean CK's ears are.

Love Chloe's, you know let's just call her Lois from now on, and Clark's conversation. His "things about me won't add up" and her "you'll tell me when it's right..." I mean, come on! You see it, right? Or am I going to have to come back here next week and do this all over again?

Actually, small note on that. I won't be in town, so would really appreciate if someone would volunteer to disagree with Lynn? Email me, we'll go over the finer points.

Posted By: BevBB Re: Smallville Blasphemy! - 01/30/04 05:26 AM
I'm thinking when they called the Smallville police and said, "someone is trying to kill someone at the highschool," they just yawned and said, "and your point is?"

Okay, that's such a GREAT (and accurate) line I think we should allow her Smallville delusions in peace from now on . . .

Nahhhh. wink
Posted By: lynnm Re: Smallville Blasphemy! - 01/30/04 06:53 AM
Actually, small note on that. I won't be in town...
Now, CC Daddy Mac, I know that it was Walt's fervent desire to create a place of pure Magic, so I'm sure that it will be no problem at all next Wednesday at 8 pm for you to insist that they stop the Pirates of the Caribbean ride (say hi to Johnny D. by the way) so that you can catch next week's episode. The Mouse aims to please, so don't you feel bad about demanding your Smallville.

I'm going to put forth this hypothetical - and it is hypothetical as in saying "What if the world really would have been flat" - IF by some freakish realignment of all of the planets in the cosmos, Chloe did turn out to be the eventual Lois Lane that Clark falls in love with, then I have these questions I would beg to have answered:

1 - I think it is pretty well established by both comics and the Bible according to LnCTNAOS that at first, Lois thinks of Clark as nothing more than a bumbling hack. Why would Chlois (ooh, I like this name) ever think this of her friend Clark whom she has known forever?

2 - What in the world would keep Chlois from putting two and two together the instant that Superman shows up in his tights that he is in fact, mild-mannered Clark Kent? she's seen Clark without glasses, and I don't think it's the slicked-back hairdo that makes Superman look completely different than Clark Kent. Like they couldn't even be related or anything. Maybe Chlois goes blind.

3 - I always thought that with Clark, he felt a love-at-first-sight thing with Lois. Even if for some reason Chlois has no memory of Clark, certainly he would remember her if they were to meet years after high school. So how come he hasn't been sniffing after her all of this time instead of Lana?

I won't go into the hair color. That's fairly easy to fix. Maybe that's the answer. All Chloe needs to do is purchase a $6.79 bottle of Miss Clairol and Clark will drop to her feet.

I have to admit that part of my Resistance to the Force of Evil Chlois Power is the fact that although I like Allison Mack, I just can't see her as Lois. I want someone new - someone who our Clark sees from across the crowded newsroom and just swoons from pure soul-matedness. I don't see how this could ever be the case with Chlois. Of course, I'm guessing that TPTB have no intention of taking us that far into Clark's future. So maybe in the end, this is all moot.

Here's my theory. Chloe hangs around for another season or two. Then Lionel gives her the big One Way Ticket to Heaven. Her cousin, the REAL Lois Lane, is so incensed by the death of her beloved cousin, she becomes a reporter determined to right all of the injustices in the world. She exposes Lionel Luthor, earning her the forever enmity of Lex Luthor. Enter Clark/Superman. The rest is history.

You know, I should have responded to that letter from Millar and Gough asking me to become the head writer of this show. Sadly, I had to turn them down because of my gig writing fanfic. Didn't want to spread myself too thin, you know.

Lynn MacDaddy
Posted By: RL Re: Smallville Blasphemy! - 01/30/04 10:16 AM
I'd love to agree with you McDaddy, but there's too much in Smallville that's different from canon, both DC Comics and anything we're familiar with.

Where to start? Metropolis is in Kansas? Who in their right mind would put such a huge city in Kansas, and within sight of Smallville? Or that Lex Luthor knew Clark as a teen, and better yet, was one of his best friends?

My worst pet peeve is that the Kents aren't considered so whiny. Nobody in their right mind would think Superman would have gotten his upright morals from them.

Then there's the fact that Kryptonite is supposed to be harmless to humans, yet we've gotten unlimited FOTW. Or that everybody seems to know about it.

As for Lois not supposed to be knowing Clark or considering him a hack, Perry White showed up of all people. After what happened to Perry, would anybody really expect Perry to not know Clark is Superman as soon as the guy in tights does show up? How many people wouldn't know? Lex has had uncertainties for all this time and may regain those seven weeks of his life back. Even without those seven weeks, it's not a far stretch to think Lex would know that CK = SM immediately.

Morgan Edge would certainly know, assuming he stays dead. Lionel Luthor would know, since he has a file on Clark as thick as Martha Stewart's with the feds.

There's just so much that's different that it's hard to say that anything will end up being remotely close to canon (DC's canon for better or worse). So it's not a stretch of the imagination to think that Lois Lane is nothing more than a pen name for one of Clark's best friends.

I will agree with you that it's very nice to have a love at first sight scene to close out the show, but somehow I have problems seeing the writers doing so with a character that hadn't been seen on the show before. But who knows? If you get some more free time, maybe you'll be able to accept Miller and Gough's offer to be head writer. I'm sure you'll do us proud. But I'm glad to see you have your priorities straight, unlike myself who's been spending way too much of my time at work these days.
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