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Posted By: YellowDartVader Wish Me Luck!!! - 11/14/03 09:41 AM
Oh my gosh, I just realized today while giving my MS thesis presentation in front of my lab group, I AM DEFENDING MY MS THESIS ON MONDAY! I am frightened (especially now that my MS advisor decided to invite the whole Neural Engineering Center), but kind of excited at the same time. Luckily, the person that makes the final decision is my advisor, and he has already told me that he will let me graduate laugh .

Please cross your fingers for me!
Posted By: KathyB Re: Wish Me Luck!!! - 11/14/03 09:50 AM
Good luck, Laura! If you get nervous, just picture yourself as Lois going after a hot story -- Mad Dog Laura, LOL! (And if that doesn't work, try picturing Clark in his underwear ... hmm, not a bad idea at all. Just don't start drooling over your slides. drool )

This must be a good month for defending dissertations, though. I just got a phone call last night from my best friend who dropped the good news that she defended a few days ago and now has her PhD. She was begging forgiveness for sneaking it in, since she knew I would have made the trip to offer moral support had I known she'd set a date. (Even her husband is out of town, LOL.) But of course, I was just thrilled that she can finally be called Doctor!

Good luck and keep us posted on Monday about how you did!

Posted By: BanAnna Re: Wish Me Luck!!! - 11/14/03 10:08 AM
Good luck, Laura! Follow Kathy's advice and you'll do great! wink

Posted By: Wendymr Re: Wish Me Luck!!! - 11/14/03 10:20 AM
Good luck, Laura! You know that dissertation of yours backwards, so just concentrate on showing them that. Answer the questions you're asked, and not the ones you'd like to have been asked, wink and you should do great!

Next stop PhD! thumbsup

Wendy smile
Posted By: HatMan Re: Wish Me Luck!!! - 11/14/03 03:46 PM
wow, laura! congrats! i know from watching my sister go through the process that it's not easy getting this far... getting the dissertation written, editing, getting it ready, preparing to defend, all the forms and processing... it's an accomplishment. so, thought i'd take a sec and congratulate you for getting this far.

as for the defense itself, good luck. smile just try to stay cool, remember that it's the panel's job to be tough (it's easy to forget and take it personally), and just be confident that you know your stuff.

hope everything goes well. smile

Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: Wish Me Luck!!! - 11/14/03 03:47 PM
Good luck, Laura!

Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Wish Me Luck!!! - 11/14/03 04:07 PM
You'll do great, Laura! smile But here's hoping for a little bit of luck, anyway... wink

Posted By: RetroRose Re: Wish Me Luck!!! - 11/15/03 09:34 PM
You'll do just terrific Laura!! smile1

S (who's just thankful she didn't have to do that to get her masters clap )
Posted By: rivka Re: Wish Me Luck!!! - 11/15/03 10:00 PM
You'll do great, Laura. You've been ready for this for MONTHS. thumbsup
Posted By: TriciaW Re: Wish Me Luck!!! - 11/16/03 02:05 AM
Good luck, Laura! smile1

You'll be fine. Just remember to be confident. smile

Tricia cool
Posted By: Saskia Re: Wish Me Luck!!! - 11/16/03 06:31 AM
Good luck, Laura. But I'm sure you'll do just fine! thumbsup

Posted By: Xanabee Re: Wish Me Luck!!! - 11/16/03 11:14 AM
We'll all be rooting for you, Laura. Go get 'em, girl! jump
Posted By: YellowDartVader Re: Wish Me Luck!!! - 11/16/03 02:40 PM
Thanks for your well wishes, everyone laugh . You guys are really the best!

In less than 22 hours, I will be defending my thesis. help
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Wish Me Luck!!! - 11/17/03 01:58 AM
You'll do just fine Laura!

Luckily, the person that makes the final decision is my advisor, and he has already told me that he will let me graduate
Then you just have to worry about not babbling <jk>.

Honestly, what are you afraid off?

You just have to believe in yourself, in what you've accomplished, in what you're defending (say, your thesis).

Don't be afraid of the people standing in front of you. Most of them (public included) are not here to put you down but to help you. The questions they'll ask you are may be harm meant, but usually it's just to point out something so you can either develop, explain or rectify it.

If you must defend you thesis within a defined time though, don't let the questions overflow you, but don't be rude while replying if you think it's derailing your purpose at the time, just say you'll come back to this question later... still try to avoid babbling and go straight to the point, it'll be clearer for the ones listenning, but most importantly, it'll prevent you from loosing your train of thoughts.

Oh! And I think your advisor wouldn't have invited so much people if he wasn't convinced you've already done an A++ job, so, three deep breaths and...

Go get them girl! smile1
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