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Posted By: LNCroxmysox Does anyone watch... - 11/09/03 10:06 PM
Does anyone here watch the WB show "Tarzan"? It reminds me so much of L&C... full of drama, angst, action, and even some humor. Plus there's this whole passion/forbidden love thing. It really is different from a lot of WB shows, for those who are skeptical. Call me crazy, but I can't get over how much it reminds me of L&C. I'm thrilled that I have a new Sunday night show... uh, except they put it on hiatus and in two weeks it might end for good. D'OH! Does anyone else here watch it, by any chance? smile

Posted By: Xanabee Re: Does anyone watch... - 11/10/03 05:10 AM
Ems, that's so cool! A series about 'Tarzan'. I hope it survives and they'll sell it overseas. I'd love to see it. Growing up, I had three heroes: Superman, Tarzan and Eric the Viking. laugh

I still love the old black-and-white Tarzan movies with Johnny Weismuller and Maureen Sullivan. How I envied Jane! I wanted to live in a treehouse too and swing on a liane. goofy

Posted By: lynnm Re: Does anyone watch... - 11/10/03 09:48 AM
Well, Ems, I've been watching Tarzan faithfully since its debut about 6 weeks ago. Generally, I like the show. But it has a lot of really big problems, and unfortunately, I think that, after they air the next two episodes that have already been shot, that Tarzan will disappear back into the jungle.

Generally, what I like(d) about the show is the chemistry I saw between Tarzan and Jane. I'm a sucker for hero/damsel in distress stuff (thus my obsession with Lois and Clark), and Tarzan played that for all it was worth. But the will they/won't they stuff was already (even after only 6 weeks) kind of getting on my nerves. I think that's because at the end of almost every episode, they put Tarzan and Jane together in an almost-kiss pose but never let them complete it. In this story, I think a tease approach is kind of pointless because most people know the story of Tarzan and Jane. It's kind of like never letting Lois and Clark get together when we all know they do end up together.

I have to say if they end the series - which I'm betting 99 percent likely - I'll be highly disappointed if they don't let these two at least have a great kiss. I think my favorite moment in the whole show was probably in the pilot, when Tarzan was "sniffing" Jane. The whole thing was weirdly sensual although I've read that a lot of viewers thought it was stupid.

The things I didn't like were the whole cop angle. I didn't want to see Tarzan becoming superpcop helping to solve all of these random cases. There are enough cop shows out there without making this another one.

I also didn't like the fugitive-Tarzan approach. Again, this show has been done (aka The Fugitive) and I wish they would have found another angle. I think with Tarzan's challenge of adjusting to the real world and his struggle to fit in and be accepted, they could have found plenty of other angst to keep Tarzan and Jane hopping.

And they totally underutilized the whole Greystoke Industries thing. There was a lot of stuff they could have done in that direction.

I think in the end, they just didn't show enough of Tarzan. They spent too much time on the cop stuff.

But I am really sad to see them yank it. For as many problems as it had, I think it deserved a chance to improve, and I for one would have kept tuning in on Sundays. frown (

Well, that's my two-cents.
Posted By: LNCroxmysox Re: Does anyone watch... - 11/10/03 04:57 PM
Good points, Lynn. I admit the show has its flaws, but many freshman shows start out a bit weak until they find their footing, right? sad

So I'm torn. At the very least I want them to wrap it up with a final episode that is extremely satisfying to viewers. No cliffangers! smile
Posted By: lynnm Re: Does anyone watch... - 11/10/03 09:01 PM
Yeah, I agree about that John-in-a-suit image. I really wouldn't like it if they tried to stuff him into the whole corporate thing. I like his wild, J-Crew look.

I'm really bummed because they've only taped two more epis, and I doubt they will spend the money to go back and either refilm or film a finale. They'd originally planned for 13 epis at minimum, so somehow I think that this last episode - which technically is Episode 8 - will not be a nice tidy tie-up. They'll just end it. Full stop.

If Tarzan and Jane don't kiss, I'm sending nasty letters wink

I'm going to miss this show. It was the highlight of my Sunday night. Now I have nothing to watch on Sundays until Queer as Folk comes back in March. frown
Posted By: LNCroxmysox Re: Does anyone watch... - 11/28/03 09:46 PM
So, have you sent those nasty letters yet? smirk

I'm glad they wrapped it up in ep 8 (perhaps a little TOO neatly, but oh well), but I still want more episodes! Augh, it's killing me. I went back and watched all the eps this week and saw numerous, really interesting similarities to L&C. Like how Tarzan keeps coming in Jane's window, and she tells him he's got to stop doing that, but she secretly kind of likes it... wink

Posted By: Tank Re: Does anyone watch... - 11/29/03 08:09 AM
According to TV Guide, Tarzan has already been cancelled. Sorry guys.

Tank (who never watched the show since it was opposite one of the only shows he finds worth watching - Alias)
Posted By: EmilyH Re: Does anyone watch... - 12/01/03 06:23 PM
I managed to catch the premiere and a couple of early eps, but missed the rest. It was an interesting concept. I wished they'd have kept it up. Maybe they'll continue it in books.
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