Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Kaylle New fanfic available (non-L&C story) - 08/24/03 08:46 PM
I've been working on a story for a few months now, and I mentioned it on IRC a few times. People there showed an interest in reading it even though it isn't an L&C fanfic, and after checking with a moderator of the Off-Topic folder, I decided it would be okay to post an advertisement here when it was finished. Interested parties can email me or post here and I will send them a copy. I'm going to ramble a little bit about what it is and why I wrote it, so consider yourself forewarned <g>.

The story is called Parallels and it's fanfic for the musical Aida, which is a retelling of the opera of the same name. There is virtually no fandom for something like that, so there isn't really anywhere for me to post it, although it may find its way to ffnet sometime. I just felt the need to write it, so I did.

Aida came on tour here in April and I went to it on a whim, because I had a little money to play with at the time and I'd made this crazy resolution to do something I hadn't done before once every week <g>. I knew nothing about the show, the story, etc, except that Elton John and Tim Rice had written the music (they also wrote The Lion King) and that Disney was producing it. I did not at all expect to get sucked in <g>, and to this day I cannot explain what exactly it is that attracts me.

Anyway, the show ends rather open-endedly. It presented me with a situation I found fascinating, and I had to play with it in my head (once I did that, of course the story insisted I write it down <g>). Parallels is the way I think it might have played out; obviously it's only my interpretation, and a fairly loose one at that.

Anyway, interested parties can email me at kaylle@bigfoot.com or post here and I will send them a copy of the text. If people don't think it'd be a problem, I may just post it here. The story contains major plot spoilers for the musical, the opera, the legend, etc, so readers should consider themselves forewarned. I've enclosed a summary of the plot with the story, or you can read about it here . (Also, let me know if you can take a Word document, or if you'd prefer text/html/whatever.)

I'm very interested in constructive criticism on this; it's not perfect yet, and it probably never will be <g>. My beta-readers were not familiar with the show, so if anyone has seen it, I'd be especially interested in feedback from someone who knows the characters/story.

Kaylle blush
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