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Posted By: Sara K M FDK - A Box of Swiss Chocolates (2?) - 10/08/08 10:49 AM
Well I'm very interested in what you might have to say to this chapter!

And congrats to Michael for noticing the L-name/Switzerland reference. I couldn't say it last time without giving anything away, but I did do that on purpose!
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK - A Box of Swiss Chocolates (2?) - 10/08/08 11:48 AM
I suspected he might be a Luthor smile .

Tip: Most phone numbers on TV etc. are 555 numbers [like 812-555-1234] and AFAIK, the only actual numbers with 555 are information in any given area [area code-555-1212]. Not that it really matters but that's pretty standard I think.

I'm still intrigued. Hope they don't end up like Romeo and Juliet wink . Of course, Kiley would need access to Kryptonite but still...

More soon please smile .
No way!! Luthor? And here I was only joking clap

Nice update, Sara. Kylie seems to be quite distracted by the chocolate. Can't help but wonder if Larry is spiking it somehow with Red-K. Only, why is he doing it without knowing who Kylie is? You really make me looking for more smile

Posted By: Snave Re: FDK - A Box of Swiss Chocolates (2?) - 10/08/08 01:20 PM
Oops! I almost missed this ep, because it didn't have the little blue arrow-thingy next to it.

The story is shaping up nicely; keep it coming!

Posted By: Framework4 Re: FDK - A Box of Swiss Chocolates (2?) - 10/08/08 11:15 PM
Address would be more like

Stockerstrasse 33
CH-8027 Zurich

Phone numbers like
Tel. +41 44 215 40 88
Fax +41 44 215 40 44
Larry luthor, now why do I get the feeling this isn't going to go well. Hopefully he is on the up and up.
Posted By: Sara K M Re: FDK - A Box of Swiss Chocolates (2?) - 10/10/08 06:46 PM
I wanted to give everyone a couple of days to respond this time before I responded back.

First of all, the information on the business card has concerned several readers because it doesn't sound right to them.

This is how I have it written now:

Larry Luthor “The Choco Bean”
54 Whintle Street
Zurich Switzerland 801999
Phone: (01) – 555 – 9989
Fax (01 – 555 – 9989

Is that better?

Second of all, I'm very pleased that your all interested in what happens next, especially to this new development. Wait until tommorrow night.
Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK - A Box of Swiss Chocolates (2?) - 10/11/08 05:16 PM
Oops. I completely missed this for some reason until I saw that you had posted part 3 and I went back to see what I missed.

Very interesting. I'm guessing Larry is innocent even if his father is Lex. Although, maybe he doesn't know much about his father since he did have something againt Superman and Superwoman...

I can't wait to see where you take this.
Originally posted by Sara K M:
Is that better?
*nods* But I'd recommend cutting the last two digits on the postal code since Switzerland uses only four digits

Michael, who will get to part 3 as soon as possible smile
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