Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: TOC FDK: The Bombshell - 3/10 - 09/10/08 09:14 AM
I'm surprised that no one has replied to this yet.

Terry, I haven't been too sure that I would be reading this fic. You know that I think you are a brilliant writer, but I'm not too fond of the situation that appears to be the topic of this fic, and which seems to interest you quite a bit: what would happen if Lois and/or Clark (usually Clark) fell in love with someone else.

So I don't promise to stick with this fic. But I liked part three, and not only because it was well-written as always. I liked your portrait of Robin. I don't necessarily like Robin, and I don't necessarily wish her well, since her well-being might conceivably come at Lois's expense. But I was moved by her life and her situation. Imagine what might have happened if Clark had grown up with foster parents who had treated him awfully and abused him. Would he have grown up to be a good man anyway? We have seen several altfics where Clark lost Martha and Jonathan when he was ten years old, but he did have them until he was ten, at least. What would have happened if he had never had any happiness or sense of safety with the people he grew up with?

I liked Lois's compassion for Robin, too. (It's interesting that we readers get to see Robin so much more clearly when she is with Lois than when she is with Clark.)

I also liked the way Lois and Clark reached out to each other at the end of this chapter.

Well, I thank you for this chapter, and I will read the next one too!

Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: The Bombshell - 3/10 - 09/10/08 09:25 AM
I haven't had a chance to respond to this yet.

Ann - my own personal feeling is that Terry isn't going that way at all - though Lois may THINK that he is [heck, I've done that myself, as I'm sure you well remember].

That said... I do feel for Robin more now than I did before. I still don't like her and I think she's trouble but...

I'm anxiously waiting for 4...

Posted By: loveLandC Re: FDK: The Bombshell - 3/10 - 09/10/08 08:18 PM
They're finally talking, that's always a good thing. Hopefully they will finally tell each other what they are thinking and feeling.
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