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Posted By: carolm FDK: Learning to Love: Lucy's Story, 6/? - 08/20/08 02:51 PM
Note: I made a slight change to one of their first dates. I will start the fdk thread and post it there. It's not a huge deal but a some stuff later won't make much sense if you don't know about it. Changes are in bold.

And THANKS QUEENIE! For helping me figure it out wink .

Edited scene, the change is at the diner but I'm putting the whole thing here:

Two Saturdays later, she sat in a little café downtown. Jimmy had to work all day and they hadn’t been able to go to the football game the night before because the Honda was now incapacitated. The radiator, she thought Clark said. They were down to one car for at least another week. It meant carpooling with Lois or driving the rust bucket to school – depending on the day.

And she hadn't *really* been in trouble for being two minutes late. Lois and Clark both knew red lights happened sometimes and it wasn't like she made a habit of being late. She hadn't told them about the incident with Jaxon and she wasn't planning on it. She looked up at Jimmy walked in.

"Hey." He kissed her cheek and sat down across from her. "Sorry I'm late. My boss can be a real tyrant sometimes. I had to finish up something for him before I could go."

She smiled at him. "No problem. I don't have anywhere to be anyway. Lois is working a double again so they can pay to get the radiator fixed. It'll be at least another week before it's fixed. Clark's at the Star now and then delivering pizzas later so I've got all day." She held up her history book. "I brought something to do, just in case."

They'd eaten lunch together several times since going to the football game and spoke on the phone nearly every night. Unsurprisingly, Jimmy had asked her to be his partner in their photography class and she'd agreed instantly. Because there was no way Lois or Clark would let her go out on a school night and they'd both been working Fridays and Saturdays since, an official date had been postponed until she could find a night where at least one of them was home to meet him.

They spent the better part of the next hour talking but Lucy noticed something seemed a bit off.

"Are you okay?"

Jimmy smiled. "Yeah. Just one of those days, you know?"

Lucy nodded. "Anything I can help with?"

"Not really. I mean, I was getting ready for work this morning and my *dad* shows up. I haven't seen him in like five years and he gets there ten minutes before I have to leave for work. I was going to call in, but he said not to worry about and that he'd see me soon."

"Oh, Jimmy." Lucy covered his hand with one of hers. "I'm sorry."

He shrugged. "They broke up when I was five. It's been a long time since I saw him much at all."
He glanced at his watch. "Oh, man! I gotta get back." He shoved the last bite of his sandwich in his mouth and took a big swallow of soda. "Would you like to come with me? I can show you around a little bit. And if you're with me, Perry's less likely to yell."

"Sure." Lucy was glad for any reason to extend their limited time together. She gathered her things. "Let's go."

Five minutes later, they walked off the elevator and into the Daily Planet newsroom.


"Great. The boss bellows. Come on. Let me introduce you and then I'll have to get back to work." They hurried down the stairs and across the room. "Hey, Chief. This is Lucy. I've told you about her. Lucy, this is Perry White, editor of the Daily Planet."

Lucy extended her hand. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. White. I've heard a lot about you."

He shook her hand. "Not from this fellow, I hope."

Lucy laughed. "Some, but mostly from my sister."

"Who's your sister? Do I know her?"

Lucy shook her head. "I think you met her in passing once or twice on school field trips, but she's been dying to work here since she was like four. She and my brother-in-law are journalism students at UNT Met."

"Oh, well, that's great. Now, I'd love to chat a little bit more, but I've got a paper to get out and Jimmy here has another stack of research to do. Friaz stuck a whole bunch of folders on your desk, son. You better get to it before I hire Lucy here to do your job."

"On it, Chief." He kissed her quickly on the cheek. "I'll call you when I get home."


Perry had turned to head back to his office. "That won't be till midnight if you don't get moving." He looked at Lucy again. "It was nice to meet you, Lucy. Jimmy's talked a lot about you. I hope I can get to know you better before long."

"That would be great, Mr. White."

The editor's expression softened slightly. "Now, Jimmy, make sure she gets out of here okay, then get right back up here." He went back into his office and gave Jimmy a look that clearly meant he needed to hurry up.

"Come on, Luce. Let's get you out of here so I can get done."
Interesting part. I'm finding I need to switch over to learning to love to follow some of this tale.

I wasn't sure what was with Lois so I spent a few minutes dipping around in L2L to find the right time point in time.

She was still convinced, however, that it was a way to throw her off his relationship with Mayson.....She actually cried two weeks after Lucy's birthday when she started to realize that Clark wasn't going to leave as soon as their guardianship of her sister ended. She'd been living on pins and needles for over six weeks just waiting for the conversation she'd been dreading for years.
Please consider combining the two for the archive.
Great update.

Good to see that Lucy and Jimmy are taking Clarks advice to heart.

Looking forward to reading part 7.
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: Learning to Love: Lucy's Story, 6/? - 08/20/08 09:45 PM
Yeah, I had to snort when Lois said something like, oh our relationship is as good as it's ever been. If you consider practically in the sewer as a good thing...Great part and good Lucy coverage. You can only hang out with people for so long before you notice whose relationship is on the fritz...

Posted By: Nan Re: FDK: Learning to Love: Lucy's Story, 6/? - 08/21/08 07:20 PM
Interesting to see Lois and Clark's relationship from the outside. huh

However, we know things start to get both better and worse soon. I wonder how Lucy is going to react to that.

Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: Learning to Love: Lucy's Story, 6/? - 08/22/08 07:46 AM
Thank you all for the feedback smile .

Framework - I actually had discussed that briefly with Beth the other day but it was more as a 'sure fire way to end up with the longest fic ever' thing wink . That said, I have considered it seriously and I think that Lucy in particular would get lost. Chapters would go by without her [or Jimmy] making an appearance. LS looks to be about 1/3 as long as LtL. Especially as we move on here, I really like this Lucy and Jimmy and have enjoyed getting to know them and wouldn't want them to get overshadowed by Lois and Clark's story. I do hope that the dates at least help a bit.

JD - it's kind of like saying the Sahara is as wet as ever wink . Technically accurate but misleading to anyone who doesn't know the Sahara is a desert.

Nan, TINS - thank you for the feedback smile .

Look for 7 in the next little bit.
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