Lois & Clark Forums
It's nice getting a different prespective on the LTL universe.

Looking forward to knowing what Lucy's was thinking/feeling during the events of the first story.
Thank you so much for posting already!
You know how much I have been wanting to know more about this Lucy and her outlook on life. Which weird because I never cared much about Lucy on the show.
But your characterization of her (and everybody else in LtL) has me drawn in.
Looking forward to more!
And a warning – Lois and Clark are very much the minor characters here. This is *Lucy's* Story. They're there, and prominent at times, but they are *not* the main characters so don't get all mad at me if they don't get enough 'screen time' wink . You've been warned.
'Kay, I'll stop doing that now... wink
Hah, it was kind of hilarious the way Lucy grilled Clark! Lois just might kill her. :p Anyway, I always liked Lucy as a secondary character; it will be great to see things from her perspective.

Great part,
Wish I had more time but...

Glad you guys are enjoying it so far! Carolyn - I don't know that that was included in the file you got wink . I always intended to include it but you may not have gotten A/N.

I'm hoping to post 2 before we leave today but no promises... [see DS thread in OT for more] If not I will as soon as I can.

Love the section where Lois is telling Lucy the story.

Her little "Fine."s are so little sister.

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