Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: MLT FDK - There's No Place Like Home - Part 28 - 07/11/08 04:56 PM
So we're at the end of season two. Once again, if you want to figure this thing out, pay attention to what isn't in this story as much as you pay attention to what is in this story. laugh

ML wave
Well, if you want me to know what's going on, just send me the whole thing wink .

Do we have an estimate on the total number of parts yet, btw?

*shudder* some more at Dan and Mayson *and more shudder*. That's almost as bad as the Lana and Clark smoochies I've been writing *shudder again*.

I don't like Clark getting that comfortable with Mayson. I don't think Lois is getting too comfortable with Dan. I have absolutely no freaking clue what Clark could have done to Ellen. Part of me thinks that they need to convince Jimmy and Perry of what's really happening and get them in on it with them because while Lois and Clark are nearly unstoppable [without that silly green stuff], the four of them together would *really* be a force to be reckoned with.

*sigh* Seriously - my inbox has a nice comfy spot waiting for this and it's gotta commas and semi-colons and all sorts of words to be inserted where needed and a nice old words home for those that need removing and pretty much anything else needed for editing.

So next part will be up... tonight right?

Carol [who thinks she may have managed to relinquish the cliffhanger crown back to ML]
Posted By: MLT Re: FDK - There's No Place Like Home - Part 28 - 07/11/08 05:12 PM
Do we have an estimate on the total number of parts yet, btw?
Well, I don't know what WE might know. But I know exactly how many parts there will be. I've known that since I posted part one. As for whether or not I'm going to tell you how long this nightmare will last... Well, that's another story entirely wave
Posted By: sjp Re: FDK - There's No Place Like Home - Part 28 - 07/11/08 05:12 PM
I really don't mind reading it unedited. If anything, it gives me an excuse to read it again once it's finished laugh
Originally posted by sjp:
I really don't mind reading it unedited. If anything, it gives me an excuse to read it again once it's finished laugh
Yeah. That.

And when are you going to tell us?!?!?

Carol [who does have a way of finding out roughly but wonders if ML remembers that wink ]
Posted By: MLT Re: FDK - There's No Place Like Home - Part 28 - 07/11/08 05:33 PM
And when are you going to tell us?!?!?
Well, I'm not sure. Either it will be when I post the last part (in the title line) or it will be when you read 'The End' at the bottom of the story. laugh

who does have a way of finding out roughly but wonders if ML remembers that
It took me a moment, but you're right. It might take a fair amount of work, but you could indeed come up with a fair estimate. thumbsup

In any event, I think the best way to read this story is to realize that it could end in the next chapter - or it could go on for a lot longer yet.

One thing I do promise is that it will end... eventually.

ML wave
/bows and gives back cliffhanger crown officially with that pronouncement.

And it wouldn't take *that* much work... wink

Well, I can definitely see a problem with Dan and Mayson. Their additudes about sex are more causal than Lois and Clark's ever were. (In either reality, I'd like to think.)

As for Jimmy, I've seen this coming for a while. As far as he's concerned, Lois has problems with her memory and "Kent" is taking advantage of the situation. He probably thinks he's protecting Lois by telling Perry.

Of course, I see the conquence of that being that Perry will either spilt them up, or they will be out of Planet resources.


Keep it coming.

Posted By: cp33 Re: FDK - There's No Place Like Home - Part 28 - 07/11/08 07:59 PM
Please no more Mayson or Dan!

So Clark not only upset Perry but somehow did something to Ellen as well.

Hmmm, no clue...yet.
I have to say that this is my least preferred part. Too much Dan and Mayson. mad

His attention shifted abruptly when Mayson began tracing an abstract pattern on his upper thigh.**

Of course, I can’t speak for what might happen after we leave here tonight. After all, I’m going to have to try to think of some way to make it up to him for...” She gestured towards her table where the disaster had occurred.

And as for thinking she loved Kent... impossible. Laughable really. Just the byproduct of some stupid dream. Not real at all. Nope. She knew herself better than that. And if there was one thing she knew with unquestionable certainty, it was that she absolutely did not love Clark Kent.
<more shudders>

Or maybe things would have been different if Ellen Lane hadn’t started drinking again because of that incident with Kent.
Huh? help

Posted By: BJ Re: FDK - There's No Place Like Home - Part 28 - 07/11/08 08:16 PM
ML, sorry for being such a slacker on fdk, but I'm still reading, still enjoying and still impatiently waiting for each chapter.

pay attention to what isn't in this story as much as you pay attention to what is in this story.
Well, the only thing that stands out for me is there are fewer deaths in this version. Lex is still alive (I think) and Mayson is still alive. There's been some involvement of Bill Church, but maybe still less Intergang. Oh - and there was no Resplendent Man IIRC.

So, this mysterious event that ruined Clark's chances with Lois, Ellen and Perry was connected to a short, dumpy, greedy guy in tights that gained Clark's super-powers?

Nope, doesn't help me figure it out. More soon, please.

Great part ML.

Loved the Mayson & Clark stuff. He is so... uncomfortable with her. They are the perfect mismatch. *happy sigh* And no sex for months of dating. Yes, Mayson is exactly what Clark doesn't need laugh

And Dan & Lois. Man, can you say brother and sister? And the sex-stuff was just rotflol .

You were right about calling the mob to extend Mayson's and Dan's contracts. On the other hand, it's just Mayson's third appearance and Dan's first. So they might still only get 4 episodes each laugh

On to the fun stuff. I checked, and I'm happy I already noted the "best friend" thingy in part 26. And now Lois thinks she *loves* him. That and the proposal-dream suggest some big wacky mumbo-jumbo with the timeline.

As for what's not stated, I still know that Clark and Lois got caught soft of in 92 when they showed up in Starlabs. And Lois got arrested. And Mother started to drink because her daughter is an evil criminal.

And I hope you don't mind, ML, but since you did post this in the FDK for part one:
Originally posted by MLT:
And what do you mean by monstrosity? About 400k or about 800k?
Longer. Umm... let's put it this way: were I to post one part every day, it would still take me more than six weeks to post the entire story.
My money is on 54 parts smile

I'm thinking more in the 45 range. Because if she'd said 7 weeks it would be 49, but since she didn't...

And that means we're still halfway-ish...

Carol [who could still go get a more accurate fix but is taking the kids to the new Veggie premiere in about 5 minutes and may have company this evening - but ML is still welcome to send it to the nice cushy ML FIC folder]
Posted By: MLT Re: FDK - There's No Place Like Home - Part 28 - 07/12/08 08:15 AM
Please no more Mayson or Dan!
Please, no Mayson and Dan in season three! It isn't fair!
You were right about calling the mob to extend Mayson's and Dan's contracts.
Now, here's the question. How do I satisfy everyone? Too much Dan and Mayson. Not enough Dan and Mayson. (sigh)

But, tell the truth, haven't you ever wondered what might have happened if Mayson and Dan had been on the scene at the same time? wave
Originally posted by MLT:
But, tell the truth, haven't you ever wondered what might have happened if Mayson and Dan had been on the scene at the same time? hyper

BTW, I'm happy to have given you a challenge laugh

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by carolm:
<strong> I'm thinking more in the 45 range. Because if she'd said 7 weeks it would be 49, but since she didn't...
I know she did, and I would have said 45ish too, except for the fact that ML is a very evil person. And this means she wouldn't just hint at 42+ parts if it really were 42+ parts. So I'm saying more than 7 weeks as in 54 parts.

Posted By: sjp Re: FDK - There's No Place Like Home - Part 28 - 07/12/08 09:30 AM
Ooh excellent! The more parts the better!...As long as we get a happy ending goofy

I still think that if we ren't allowed to see the story unedited in full, then we should get at least one part a day. I can't deal with all this waiting to see if Clark or Lois or both of them, will end up turning to the dark side (Dan and Mayson). hyper
I have been following this story very closely, looking for little clues. Now you said:

if you want to figure this thing out, pay attention to what isn't in this story as much as you pay attention to what is in this story.
There was no "Tempus Fugitive." Am I on the right track?

I'm even going to go out on a limb and say that they didn't mess up their past. Somebody (Tempus) else did, or they are not where they think they are.

Keep 'em coming. I love a good mystery.
Posted By: MLT Re: FDK - There's No Place Like Home - Part 28 - 07/12/08 10:37 PM
except for the fact that ML is a very evil person
We have a very weird forum here. After all, where else in this world could being called evil actually sound like a complement laugh

As long as we get a happy ending
Define happy wave
Originally posted by MLT:
except for the fact that ML is a very evil person
We have a very weird forum here. After all, where else in this world could being called evil actually sound like a complement laugh

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