Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Artemis FDK: Gestation Final - 06/17/08 07:22 PM
I like it. I like the switch in time frames and showing Larissa as a happy child and now another one on the way. Well done.
[Linked Image]
Posted By: oneredneckgoddess Re: FDK: Gestation Final - 06/17/08 08:30 PM
I have to agree with Artemis. This was the perfect end to such an emotional story. The heartache that pulled Lois and Clark closer together made the ending so much more complete. thumbsup
Posted By: cp33 Re: FDK: Gestation Final - 06/17/08 09:24 PM
I thought it was a great ending. It was nice to see the angst was behind them and they had a bright future with a new baby on the way and a happy, healthy first born.

Very nice
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Gestation Final - 06/18/08 12:53 AM
I, too, loved the ending. It was perfect for this story, assuming, of course, that you wanted a happy ending. As such it was perfect. Lois and Clark have a happy, healthy child and another on the way. Lucy has just had her first one. And there is a general feeling of bonding, understanding and love between everyone here.

I loved this:

Clark said she was too young to know if she inherited any of his powers, as at four even he had appeared to be normal. I knew, though, that she had. Even if Larissa would never be impervious to bombs, never was able to freeze or heat things with her breath, or never flew, she had some of Superman's best qualities. She always seemed eager to help people and had real empathy for others.
This was just lovely. What really makes Clark Superman is not his amazing physical abilities, but his wonderful temperamental qualities. And Lois can see that Larissa has inherited those.

This was slightly more troubling, but not in a really serious way:

Clark held up the honey. “I'm making barbeque sauce for the chicken.” His eyes lit up. Clark's favorite part of visiting Lucy and Ben was the ability to grill nearly any night we visited.

Lucy laughed. “I should have figured. You'd think someone who can start a fire with their eyes would not be so enamored with grilling.”

“Go figure,” Ben said. “The things the public never knew they wanted to know about Superman.”

“Superman?” Larissa asked. “Where?”

“No where, sweetie,” I assured her. “Uncle Ben was just talking. Why don't you go set the table?” I asked as I passed her the forks.

“I'm sorry,” Ben said as she left. “I wasn't thinking.”

“I know,” Clark replied. “Lois and I are guilty of it ourselves. It seems like in the last couple of months she's suddenly picking up and understanding so much more of what's said around her. It's hard to remember to edit what you say.”
How old will Larissa be when she figures out that she is Superman's daughter? But I think it will be okay. Clark must have begun to suspect relatively early that he himself was different, but ne never gave himself away. Of course, he didn't know at four. And people around weren't asking themselves if this could be the future Superman, since no one had heard about Superman back then.

But Larissa seems like such a reasonable child, so I'm definitely hopeful that she will be able to handle the situation once she learns her family's big secret.

Speaking about Larissa and her way of reasoning, I loved this, too:

“Is Ethan okay?” Larissa poked her head in.

“Sure is, Lar,” Lucy told her as she bounced Ethan up and down.

“Why's he crying then?” Larissa asked.

Clark moved over to squat in front of her. “Remember we talked about this?” he asked her. “Babies cry a lot. It's just their way of communicating.”

She looked over at me, giving my stomach a meaningful stare. “Does that mean our baby is going to cry all the time, too?”

I placed a hand on my stomach as I replied. “Not yet, sweetie. But once it's born, yes.”

“How am I gonna sleep?” she asked Clark.

He laughed, running a hand lightly over her head. “We'll give you earplugs. You'll be fine.”
That was a great way to tell us that Lois was pregnant again, and I loved what it showed us of Larissa's reasoning and her relationship with her parents and with Lucy and Ben, too.

I loved what you told us Lois and Lucy's families. Lois doesn't really want more than two babies, because their mixed heritage will make it too difficult to have more than two. Martha thought so, too. But Lucys wants more children:

Ben and Lucy exchanged glances. “We're not sure,” Lucy said. “I'd kind of like a big family. Like maybe four.”

“Four?” I asked astonished.

“That's what I said,” Ben laughed. “I think two is plenty.”

“I guess I just feel like… like we're much closer to each other than Mom and Dad,” Lucy said to me. “I just want our kids to have a big family network to fall back on.”
I really like that you made us understand the reasoning of both sisters here.

The ending was perfect:

Ben abandoned the potatoes, which had been added to the sizzling skillet, to come over and wrap his arms around Lucy.

“Luce, our kids are going to have a very different life than you and Lois did. We're not the same type of parents, and they'll have their cousins as well.
It's going to be different for them, don't you think?”

“Yeah,” Lucy said, glancing outside to see Clark swinging Larissa around by her arms. Larissa was smiling and laughing almost as much as her father.
That's lovely. Thank you so much for writing this, Nancy.

Posted By: Jenni Debb Re: FDK: Gestation Final - 06/18/08 08:21 AM

I agree with all the other posters. smile

I'm all for happy endings, and it was nice to see the future, rather than just concentrating on the birth.

I think this ending was just fine. wink

Yours Jenni
Posted By: Beth S. Re: FDK: Gestation Final - 06/18/08 08:26 PM
This was such a beautiful ending. I loved seeing them together with Lucy and Ben. And having Lois pregnant again was great. It really completed the story.

“How am I gonna sleep?” she asked Clark.

He laughed, running a hand lightly over her head. “We’ll give you earplugs. You’ll be fine.”
This had me chuckle, but then I thought about it. Do you know how much I would've enjoyed earplugs when my younger siblings came along?

Thanks for sharing such a great story with us!
Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: Gestation Final - 06/19/08 08:07 PM
Oh, thank you so much for the positive comments! I know I often say this, but I was really nervous posting this. I had always planned to end this story in the future as I didn't want to deal with Lois' pregnancy after the first trimester. But I had been planning on Lucy's wedding.

I had been having trouble finding the right way to start it though, and then when I finally started, the first line didn't sound like Lucy was about to get married. For some reason, I kept going anyway, but I was never 100% sure I was liking what I was doing. And then I couldn't figure out how to end it... Basically, all in all, I felt like I just flubbed through this chapter, but then once it was done, I wasn't sure I had the energy to rewrite it (RL has been pretty busy lately). So, I'm so glad to hear it didn't look as bad as I feared.

Ann - I probably will steer clear of stories where LnC have older kids as I'm not sure when the appropriate time to tell them the family secret is. I think it will be different for them than Clark. First off, there's a chance they won't have powers and then there might be emotional issues to deal with once they realize their Superman's child but are "just" normal.

But if they develop powers early on, I'm not sure they would handle it like Clark did. I just imagine it would be different for them. It's sort of the way I'm still amazed when I think about it that I can write this note (from my home in NY) and post it, and you can read a second later in Sweden (I am remembering that right, aren't I?) for free. But when I was growing up the only way to communicate with Sweden was to call (very expensive) or send post mail (very slow). My guess is 10 year olds right now are not all that amazed by this, as they have been able to communicate with people far away free and quickly all their lives.

Clark's children will associate themselves with Superman once they develop powers even if they don't yet know he's their father (although hopefully Lois and Clark will have told them by then). It just won't have the same scary feeling since they know of someone else like them.

There was an episode of LnC where during a rescue of a plane during some sort of electrical storm, some of Clark's powers were transferred to a little boy, probably about the age Larissa is here. He was not freaked out at all, but that's probably not surprising. He was probably a big Superman fan. Finding out you're like your idol is pretty cool, not scary.

That doesn't mean their kids will necessarily deal with it poorly, but I think the potential exists especially if their powers develop early - when they are still young enough to be a bit immature.

And I think the same thing may be true with the family secret. At some age, it's hard to keep a secret like that - think of how popular you could be at school if your friends knew your dad was Superman?

So, I guess I see this being wrought with uncertainties, but I would think LnC would want to wait to tell their kids until they're teenagers and it is easier for them to understand the consequences for their potential actions. I'm not sure of that, but I am pretty sure Larissa is too young.

Beth - I only had one brother, so it wasn't so noisy in my house, but it sounds like you have more than one younger sibling. I'm not sure how most parents would feel about earplugs, but if your siblings were anything like my brother, they wouldn't have worked past the time he was an infant. It would have only taken a couple of nights before he figured out my secret and pulled them out.
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