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Posted By: carolm FDK: Home, Murder by Earthlight, 7/? - 05/01/08 10:05 AM
Okay - I feel really redundant saying 'wonderful, as always' but it was.

So whatshisname is really dead this time. And Stephanie still bears watching out for.

I can't decide if you threw in Lori's thoughts about how 'nice' it would be if she was the accomplice to make us think it can't be her because otherwise you wouldn't mention it or to throw us off the scent by making us think it can't be her because you wouldn't mention it if it was but then it really is. Whew. Did anyone else follow that?!?! I'm not sure I did and I know what I mean wink .

So Jeb is quite the looker too huh? Not surprising with Clark for a 'cousin'. wink

More soon please Nan!!!
Hmmm... the plot thickens.
Nicely done, Nan. Didn't see dead Johnson coming up at all. You know, you do seem to have sort of a way of hiding away corpses at journalism conferences.

And what's up with Stalkanie?

Looking forward to more smile

Posted By: Mister Data Re: FDK: Home, Murder by Earthlight, 7/? - 05/02/08 11:43 AM
I'm thinking Joanna Prescott is a more likely candidate, that is, if she is in league with Talbot Grey. He has a grudge against the Olsen's...

I like to read mysteries, whether L&C or not. And this one is shaping up to be a first-class whodunit. Maybe we should have a "best mystery" category in the Kerths next year so Nan's story would be a shoo-in.

It's interesting that Lori found the corpse when two supermen missed it. Sure, they might have looked a second time and seen it, but she was the first one to spot it. I wonder why that was? Is the light on the moon's surface such that it produces blind spots in a Kryptonian's vision gizmo? Or were they just the tiniest bit careless? Or maybe she was just the first one to look in the right direction.

At least we know now that dear Edgar had an accomplice. I want them to examine the tear in the pressure suit and figure out if it was deliberate (unlikely to be anything else, but we must investigate the possibility), and if someone else either hasn't turned in a suit or turned one in with some kind of damage. Might be a clue, or it might be a red herring.

And I still think Stephanie is going to get clobbered somehow, because she's going to pull something that will put her in danger. Maybe not mortal danger, maybe just Lori danger - of course, that might be worse - but she's too self-absorbed to take "no" for a final answer. And she's bound to throw a monkey wrench into Clark and Lori's vacation, too.

So, when's part eight coming?
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: Home, Murder by Earthlight, 7/? - 05/03/08 08:53 AM
I loved your descriptions of both gear and the moon's surface. You paint the picture well for us.

Of course, now they're in a pickle. They need to describe what they found, as well as display the trail that they followed to the proper authorities. But to do that they just might need to fudge the truth a teensie bit, seeing how they didn't leave a trail of their own and would not want to disturb the evidence that is there.

Posted By: Shelley Re: FDK: Home, Murder by Earthlight, 7/? - 05/07/08 05:32 PM
Cool love how its going need to clear Mryalin
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