Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Anna B. the Greek The Walls Between Us - Part 6/? - 09/25/03 02:03 PM
Thanks to everyone who keeps reading.
I hope you enjoy this part.

TOC here

From Part 5:

“Are *we* going?” she asked, a bit terrified.

“I thought you wouldn’t mind if we took the elevator together…” he said, taken aback by her reaction.

“Oh, no, of course not. I… err, never mind.” She took her purse. “So, are we going?”

“After you, ma’am.”

“Oh, thank you, sir,” she smiled, passing in front of him. When he could only see her back, her face filled with horror again. <I can’t wait to get out of this building. I need air. Fresh air.>

Part 6:

They were inside the elevator, when the power went down, causing it to stop between the second and the first floor with a loud noise.

“What is this?” an almost terrorized Lois asked.

“I think the power went down,” Clark said calmly.

Lois banged her head on the elevator wall in desperation. “Oh, no! I can’t believe it!”

“Lois, what is it?” He stepped towards her, worried.

“Clark, don’t talk to me, or you may not get out of this elevator alive,” she said, not turning to him.




He walked to the other side of the elevator, leaning his shoulder against the wall. Lois leaned her back against the opposite corner of the tight lift cage, sliding down on the floor and hiding her face with her hands before dropping her head on her tucked up knees.

Why should it happen right now? She had never been trapped in an elevator before, and it had to happen to her *now*, with *Clark*, when she just wanted to be anywhere but near him. Why was life being so unfair? Was she asking too much?

She shook her head.

<Let’s take it the other way around. I’m stuck in an elevator, alone with this gorgeous guy… Oh my God, I’ve gone crazy.>

She couldn’t quite understand herself. First, she wanted to be away from him, and now this thought…?

<It’s all *his* fault! If it wasn’t for him…>

<<…Oh, really?>> the voice inside her head mocked her. <<I thought *you* started! ‘It must mean something…’ Hormones racing, huh?>>

<Oh, please, don’t remind me of that.>

The fact was, her hormones had indeed been racing, and she had succumbed to them, before realizing it. It hadn’t lasted too much, of course, but it was enough to make her want to go away from him and do some thinking.

<<So what are you waiting for? The poor guy isn’t even talking to you!>>

<But is there really anything to think about? I acted foolishly. Oh God, I wish I knew what he’s thinking…>


Clark didn’t even dare look at the other side of the elevator, where Lois was curled down. She looked very frightened.


He surreptitiously glanced at Lois. He didn’t know what was wrong with her, but his instinct told him it wasn’t claustrophobia.

<<She’s been acting strangely for a while now. Didn’t you notice?>>

<In fact, yes. Since after saying about not apologizing and stuff… She looked nervous. She was trying to hide it, but she was nervous.>

<<She may not trust you enough.>>

<Yes, could be. But that doesn’t explain the reason why she is so nervous now.> He sighed. <I hope it’s not because of me.>

<<And what if it is?>>

Clark turned to her again. She didn’t seem to notice him.

<Why would it be because of me? I only want to help her. I should ask her what it is.>

<<But she said she doesn’t want you to talk to her.>>

<That was before. She may have changed her mind by now. It’s worth a try.>

<<Are you in love, Clark?>>

Clark froze at the silent question.

<I’m not sure…>

<<I think you are.>>

He shook his head. <I don’t know. I’ll tell you later.>

Staring at her a little more, he decided he’d talk to her.


“Lois, are you all right?”

Lois had been trying her best not to think of anything. A billion thoughts were whirling inside her head, but she was ignoring them, trying to calm down. She was quite calmer, when she heard Clark’s voice, and turned her head to see him kneeling beside her.

“I’m better now, thanks.”

“What happened?”

She looked at him and saw the worry in his eyes.

<<Isn’t he sweet, Lois? How can you not be in love with him?>>

<Oh, leave me alone.>

“I don’t know,” she pleasantly said, and saw his face lighten up. “I guess I wasn’t expecting it.”

“I was worried about you.”

Lois grabbed his hands. “That’s a sweet thing to say.”

“No, I really was.”

“I believe you.”

They were smiling at each other. Lois was trying to find something more to say, but couldn’t find any. Suddenly, she focused on the ceiling. The lights were still on.

“Why haven’t the lights turned off?”

“They must work with batteries, or something… Like the alarm button.”

After these words, the same look of stupidity dawned on their faces. They had been stuck there, when they could have just pressed the alarm button.

“I’ll go…” Clark said, but Lois held his hands tighter, preventing him from rising.


It was an automatic reaction, but she was happy to see he hadn’t taken it the wrong way. He looked surprised, yes, but not unpleased.

“They won’t be able to take us out anyway,” she added with a smile.

“Right.” His face lit up again, and he made himself comfortable beside her.

Lois was now absently staring at her shoes, looking for something to say.

“Tell me about you,” she finally inquired, turning to him.

“What do you want me to tell you?”

“Anything. Let’s just talk.”

“Well, I’m from Smallville, was born and grown up in a farm there, I’ve travelled a lot, and now I’m here.”

“Oh,” was her only comment.

“And what about you?”

“Born and raised here, I’ve been working for the Planet for nearly five years, not many things to say.”

“I’d better not ask much, huh?” he said, jokingly.

“No,” she timidly said, “but there’s really not much to tell. Still, you can ask anything you want.”

“Can I?” He was surprised.

“Yes,” she said. And then, with a more serious expression, she added: “I trust you.”

“I’m glad,” he said with a smile.

“Do you trust me?”

-End of part 6-
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