Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: emmachabemma A different career 1/? - 02/05/08 09:26 PM
Hi everyone
This is my first story ever and I just wrote it last night because the power was out and I had nothing to do other than play on my laptop.

I've only had my hubby look over it for me so I apologise for any spelling mistakes, etc.

Do you think it's worth continuing this story?

Let me know what you think.

Lois hurriedly tucked the loose piece of dark hair back behind her ear and she worked on her latest patient, a man who had suffered a heart attack whilst driving in metropolises busy street. Luckily, Superman had been there to stop most of the damage from the car careening off the road but it was a close call. The emergency room was crazy at this time in the morning when all else was fairly quiet. However, all Lois could hear was the sound of her own breathing as she pumped up and down on the man’s chest, stopping only to allow someone to bag mask the patient or for the defibrillator to deliver a shock.
“twenty eight, twenty nine, thirty” Lois panted as she drew back from the patient.
“Analysing rhythm….. press button to deliver shock” said the automated voice calmly. She pressed the button for the fifth time that night (or morning). “Shock delivered…. Systolic rhythm found”

A cry of delight reigned out. The man was temporarily going to survive. He would need more definitive treatment, but for now, Lois and her team and done their job. Lois, tired and thirsty from the effort staggered into the tea room for another cup of coffee. Lex Luthor had only two weeks ago donated professional coffee machines for every kitchenette in the hospital and Lois smiled as saw the sparkling piece of machinery. She had gotten quite proficient at making her own coffee, even going as far as steam heating the non-fat milk for her latte. She could not survive without the caffeine here at the Metropolis General Hospital, especially during her week of night shifts. It was liquid gold.

Lois sat sipping her fresh coffee and considered this first face-to-face meeting with Superman. He appeared on the scene only a few months ago and regularly brought in patients he had rescued. However, she had only been on duty for 3 weeks after a couple months leave (She had broken her ankle when she went skating at the local ice-skating rink.) Superman intrigued her. He did not seem to be affected by sickness, disease, any insult that would have easily killed a person. Was he human? Is he a government experiment? Is he even from this world? Even though her inquisitive mind pondered at his origin and super-human strength, she could not help but think of how his eyes had seemed to penetrate deep into hers. He was very handsome in his red and blue suit that left little to the imagination. She was shocked that even she, who had seen many people’s unclothed bodies in all shapes and sizes, was stunned by his physique.

Lois cringed as the thought of how she had acted around him. Somehow, her normally rational, logical and intelligible speech had turned into verbal diarrhoea.
“Oh Superman! Um how nice to see you… I mean, not nice that you have to bring someone in here, but nice to finally meet you…not that I’ve been waiting to meet you, although it is a pleasure…uh, not that sort of pleasure I mean….” She rambled as she put a bag mask on the patient. Superman had crinkled eyes at that point and cleared his throat. “I found this patient unconscious in his car as it was veering off the road. I’ve Xrayed his heart and it does not seem to be functioning properly. Can you please do something?”
“Yes, of course Superman.” Lois promptly began commanding her team “ Alright people, let’s get this guy into the resus room. We need the defibrillator, some adrenaline…eh, Superman?” Superman had disappeared.
Lois shook her head in disbelief, and took another sip of her coffee. About 3 metres in front of her, just outside the tea-room, was a pair of old brown leather shoes, connected to a darker brown pair of pants. She absentmindedly followed these legs up past the rainbow coloured tie to his face and was surprised to see that he was also watching her.
“Can I help you sir?” Lois asked abruptly. The man smiled (showing beautifully straight white teeth in contrast to his tanned olive skin) and walked into the tearoom, stumbling over the slight step.
“Um, Dr Lane?” He asked.
“Yes, that’s me. How can I help you?” Lois asked sharply, instantly regretting her tone. She still felt embarrassed about how she had behaved in front of Superman.
“Um, I’m doing a story on..on…on emergency room doctors and how they cope with the pace of the emergency room. I can see that you seem, Would you be willing to speak to me for a few moments?
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