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So I tried to come up with a catchy title like "or 'the new frames just don't work as well as the old ones'" or "who can float with a hangover" or something but eh...

I LOVED this Nan!

I figured that hot chocolate was going to get the better of him!

I wondered if he might start floating in his sleep. Love that's how Lois found out! Wondered if she might find the suit though. She never did find his 'clothes'.

And she was too drunk to catch his revelation - 'I had to find a way to come back to you'. Okay, not really a revelation but a sober Lois would have so followed that up.

Anyway - any Nanfic is good fic! And since I'm 'not allowed' to work on Nano, this was just the fix I needed to reward myself for finishing last week's essays smile .

Thanks Nan! I needed it!
I haven't written FDK in... I don't even recall when I got to read my last Lois and Clark fic. Must have been ages ago. Anyway, this title sounded so promising that I couldn't resist.

Thanks for writing this, Nan. It was incredible. thumbsup

I love how he's ignoring that he's getting drunk. Sometimes you can be too sure about yourself, can't you? wink

Very nice story, Nan!
Fortunately for him, he had always been resistant to alcohol.

"If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have come back! Wouldn't have," he said carefully. "Wouldn't have figured out how. I had to figure out how," he repeated slowly. "I couldn't leave. Not again. Not with you here."
It's a good thing Lois is pretty darn tipsy herself because in her normal state she'd tear this apart and pin Clark to the wall.

It was Lois's voice that brought him out of sleep some hours later. "Clark Kent, you come down here right now! You've got some explaining to do, mister!"
Great ending!

Nan, I love this wonderful, waffy story. I like the way it started with a wounded Superman and then eased into something completely different. Thank you for sharing it with us!
Well, that's one way to give it away. Cute!
LOL! I love that he almost gave himself away while being not-drunk, but then actually gave himself away at the end. Very nice!
Adorable, Nan. This is vintage B-plot Lois and Clark. It's sweet, funny, humorous, wonderfully ludicrous and just so - well, just so!!! It makes me want to hug both Lois and Clark. How perfectly this fic describes the overwhelmingly strong and sincere feelings Lois and Clark have for one another, and how adorably stupidly it all comes out when they try to express their feelings to one another. There are so many great quotes I could pick out here - like everyone else, I love how Clark almost gave himself away to Lois (in vino veritas smile ) and how Lois was too tipsy to notice. But I think my favorite quote may be this:

"Don' get killed again," she said. "You're my best friend. I don't have another best friend. Never did." She appeared to contemplate his face for a moment. "Don't have anybody but you."

He shook his head. "I won't," he said. He put his arm around her. "You're my best friend too." He blinked at her. "You're so pretty," he added. "I thought so the first time I saw you."

"You really think so?" she asked.

He nodded. "Uh huh." He rubbed his forehead. "I think maybe I'm a little tipsy."

"Yeah," Lois said. "Me too."

"But I still mean it," he said.

"Me too."
Aaaaaaaaaawwwwwww.... sloppy sloppy sloppy sloppy

I was so unbelievably slow on the uptake that I actually didn't understand why Lois was yelling at Clark at the end of this fic. I couldn't quite figure out why Lois would demand that Clark would come "down here" - where some parts of her apartment lower down than others? And why did she want Clark to come down there? I had to read Carol's comment to understand. Eh. Thanks, Carol.

Delightful, Nan. Adorable.

I loved this. I am so glad to see a new story from you.

The ending was great!
Like Ann, I didn't get the ending at first.

I had my own favorite scene, though. I liked how Jimmy went off down the hallway whistling. It reminded me of the scene where CK is whistling the theme to L&C to cover up playing around with his super-breath.

Cute little fic-let.

This was a good story i liked reading it
ROTF! Loved the sequined glasses! And the floating at the end was just perfect! What a cute story. Even the hiccups were adorable. Great job Nan. Laura
Superb... and a great place to end the story at clap
Have to admit it, I didn't get the ending until I read the comments. I thought she had found the Suit...

I liked this one. Is it a stand alone or are there more to come from the Brandy Universe?

Great, great fic!

And she was too drunk to catch his revelation - 'I had to find a way to come back to you'. Okay, not really a revelation but a sober Lois would have so followed that up.
I also thought that was terribly sharp to have Lois too drunk to notice that comment! And a great revelation at the end!

Hi Nan, wave

Thi is one brilliant story and it has awoke my need to post on this fan fic site again.

It has also cheered me up after a nightmare of a journey home. I forgot that England are playing tonight at Wembley and the Underground was just crazy!!!!!!!!!!!

I loved the story!

I give it 100/10!!!! dance


Very cute story. I was goofy .

I loved the revelation!! really great.

Thanks for all the nice feedback. It was just a little story that popped into my head and took me three days to write, when I figured I'd be done in an hour or so <g> but I'm glad you liked it.

late with feedback here:) This is a very wonderful story, Nan. smile A brief bit of time for Lois and Clark and yet so much happens.
Both funny and touching.

Originally posted by Elisabeth:
It reminded me of the scene where CK is whistling the theme to L&C to cover up playing around with his super-breath.
huh? which episode is that?

oh, and thanks to all the comments who explained the ending to me as well. although i read the story about 3 times I had no idea as to why lois was yelling at him. my first idea though was that she had found the suit ...? ok, i really should have paid more attention to the "come down" clap
It was Lois's voice that brought him out of sleep some hours later. "Clark Kent, you come down here right now! You've got some explaining to do, mister!"
"Wha-?" *Crash* "Um, Good morning, Lois?"

Funny little fluff piece.

Don't mean to steal the thread, but it reminded me of the scene in Strange Visitor from Another Planet where Clark is killing time before his polygraph by playing with a paperwad. When Lois catches him, he covers up by whistling the theme to LnC.

Also, I agree with everyone else. The only thing I could think of was that Lois found the Suit, but I was certain that wasn't right.

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