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Posted By: MrsMosley FDK: Honesty 16/18 - 02/01/08 07:51 PM
Beth, I'm always so excited to see another chapter of Honesty, although you wouldn't know it by my awful FDK record!

I giggled at Kaylie's reaction to the Red K -"Oh, so that's what K looks like!" as if it is nothing at all. Thank goodness it wasn't the green stuff.

Jon's driving is hilarious, and I love how strong and supportive he is of her.

And I'm sad that this story will be ending soon.
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Honesty 16/18 - 02/01/08 08:17 PM
"Oh, so that's what red K looks like. Barf!"


I don't think I've ever seen that reaction to Kryptonite before. But it's perfect. And so is Kaylie's reaction to needing Jon's help. She's as independent as Lois is, with the added pressure of her life constantly being at risk if she makes a mistake. At least Lois is only at risk when she's on a story.

Or being chased by some mad scientist.

Or being cornered by some insane time traveler.

Or being used by a blackmailer to distract Superman.

Or - wait, she's a whole lot like Lois. Jon has chosen wisely, I think. His life with Kaylie will never be dull.

Now, is the threat to the Kryptonians ended? The computer was wiped, but there's such a thing as a backup process. And that can't have been the only piece of Kryptonite in Sproxton's arsenal. There may only be two chapters left (horrors! No more "Honesty!"), but they're going to be jam-packed ones.

So, when are you posting again? What! That's not soon enough!
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Honesty 16/18 - 02/02/08 07:22 AM
Interesting effect, with the red K and all. Kaylie actually had time to comment laugh

Jon's driving skills. It's interesting, you'd think a kid of Lois Lane would know how to drive, no matter what the powers. And Kaylie is definitely not accustomed to being invulnerable yet.

Nice, really nice.

And yes, it's true, that only two parts left is a sad thing. But then, there are one or to sequels in the making (see previous FDK-threads), so...

Posted By: Alisha Knight Re: FDK: Honesty 16/18 - 02/02/08 01:12 PM
Great part, as usual laugh

It is very distressing to think that there are only 2 more parts left, can't the story continue a little longer? wink At least until I learn how to leave proper feedback, because I'm fully aware at how bad I am at this, and Honesty has given me a good chance to practise!

- Alisha (who's hoping Beth won't be nagging her in response this time... but still expecting to be nagged anyway!)
Posted By: Beth S. Re: FDK: Honesty 16/18 - 02/02/08 03:51 PM
Beth, I'm always so excited to see another chapter of Honesty, although you wouldn't know it by my awful FDK record!
Thanks, Lisa, nice to know you're still reading!

I don't think I've ever seen that reaction to Kryptonite before. But it's perfect.
Thanks, Terry. I don't have a comics background like some people here, so I tend to just make things up based off what was on the show. If I violate some kind of set-in-stone canon rule, then apologies to those who know better! Other than that, I just tend to use whatever pops into my head. I thought this reaction to red K would be kind of fun, so I went with it.

It's interesting, you'd think a kid of Lois Lane would know how to drive, no matter what the powers.
lol, Michael. Perhaps all the drving genes have been passed onto Ellie.

Alisha, I'm letting you off the hook for nagging today as I can see a nice new part of Specimen on the boards right now. And as Micheal mentioned, I am acutally starting to write a sequel to Honesty right now, so you'll have plenty of opportunity to practise feedback in the future.
Posted By: gr8shadesofElvis Re: FDK: Honesty 16/18 - 02/03/08 12:15 PM
Ah, to fdk or not to fdk...

When I woke up on Saturday morning and turned on my computer, what did I find? Honesty 16, posted by the evil Beth while I was sleeping! mad

'How very dare she post when I don't have to opprotunity to start the fdk thread!', I thought to myself.

So I decided, as punishment, I'd just leave you to sweat for a day or so before admitting that I did in fact read and enjoy this installment. And only 2 more to come. whinging

PS. Don't let it happen again. eek
Posted By: Beth S. Re: FDK: Honesty 16/18 - 02/04/08 05:00 PM
gr8shades, you did make me nervous for a while there. I'm glad your still reading. Whew!

I blame to time difference on the fact that I posted this while you were sleeping. It was only 5pm where I live! Next time I'll be a little more careful. wink
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