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Posted By: anonpip FDK: A World Without Superman (8/?) - 01/25/08 09:09 PM

I don't know how you keep knocking me off course. I kept thinking this is it - this time Lois and/or Clark are going to figure out where Superman is, but they don't. And yet, it's completely believable that they don't.

I have to say as soon as I read that Superman left a letter for Lois, I had this very funny image in my head where Lois is reading a letter from Clark telling her he's Superman (or in this case, vice versa) and Clark is standing right there but has no idea.

But back to what actually happened... I love Lex in this. Well, I mean, I hate him, but he's so well written. His controlled fury at Lois is so in-character and his furious glances at Clark just crack me up.

And I can't wait to see Lois and Clark start digging around. Especially without superpowers to help them.
Posted By: Dandello Re: FDK: A World Without Superman (8/?) - 01/25/08 10:52 PM
We still got a ride to go... Lois was doing laundry on Sunday, which means Part 9 is Monday - Vincent Winninger and Clark's second appointment with Dr. Friskin. And we all remember what happened to Winninger, right? eek
Posted By: KathyM Re: FDK: A World Without Superman (8/?) - 01/26/08 01:12 AM
Anonpip wrote:
I have to say as soon as I read that Superman left a letter for Lois, I had this very funny image in my head where Lois is reading a letter from Clark telling her he's Superman (or in this case, vice versa) and Clark is standing right there but has no idea.
That's just what I was picturing too! And all I could think was: Oh no, the newsroom is too public for the revelation! I could just see Lois reading the note, gasping, and then hauling Clark off to the conference room for an explanation. So I was very glad to see that Clark had not revealed his identity in the note. And I guess he disguised his handwriting, since neither he nor Lois recognized it.

I agree with everything else that Anonpip has said. I'm very curious as to how Winninger is going to fit in with this. In the original storylines, of course, Luthor and Winninger had no visible connection at all. So I'm wondering whether you'll have Lois dealing with the Winninger death and then Barbara Trevino coming after her as a totally separate issue from her investigation of Lex, or whether they'll be tied together somehow.

And I'm looking forward to finding out! I'm very lax at leaving feedback these days, but please consider me one of the very silent readers out there even when you don't hear from me... smile

Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: A World Without Superman (8/?) - 01/26/08 03:02 AM
I loved Superman's letter to Lois. Personally I would actually have liked if he had revealed his Clark identity to her there (although I can see a ton of reasons why he wouldn't).

Unlike Anonpip, I don't much like Luthor in this story, but that is because I never like Luthor. He is always bad news, and he prevents Lois and Clark from being together. Gaaaah. Will Lois and Clark be able to take Luthor down after all? And if so, how long will it take, and how much will it cost them?

Will Clark get his powers back? I find I'm less interested in that question than in this one: Will Clark remember that he used to be Superman? And will he come clean with Lois? (And will he start courting Lois? I was wondering about that Ivory Tower episode, where Brad and Melanie apparently went to bed together... wonder why you included that in your fic?)

Fascinating, Dandello.

Posted By: Dandello Re: FDK: A World Without Superman (8/?) - 01/26/08 11:10 AM
Will Clark get his powers back? I find I'm less interested in that question than in this one: Will Clark remember that he used to be Superman? And will he come clean with Lois? (And will he start courting Lois? I was wondering about that Ivory Tower episode, where Brad and Melanie apparently went to bed together... wonder why you included that in your fic?)
Brad and Melanie told me their writers made them do it... And I'll bet there will be a major baby-boom in Metropolis (and the rest of the world) in nine months time. goofy

The initial challenge
Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: A World Without Superman (8/?) - 01/26/08 11:14 AM
I just want to clarify that when I said I love Lex in this fic what I meant is that he is completely in character, not that I like him as a character. He is, as Ann said, always bad news.

But maybe because I have trouble writing believable villians (and this is something I see in other writers as well), I'm really enjoying Lex here because he is just believable as Lex. Dandello, you've captured his essence well.
I thought for sure that the letter was going to be a revelation. Kinda disappointed it wasn't but the end of the chapter was so perfect, it totally wiped that out. thumbsup

I really can't wait for her to find out though... laugh

By the way, I can't get enough of Lex... he's a conniving little schemer and I hope our favorite couple nails him to the wall.
I've enjoyed this story so far. I wonder if the scratched out part of the signature said Clark. It must be hard for Clark's parents not to tell him the truth.
Posted By: emmachabemma Re: FDK: A World Without Superman (8/?) - 01/29/08 03:25 AM
still loving this story. it makes me wonder... will clark ever get his powers back in your story or is the ending one where he is just a normal human being with a normal relationship with lois. that could be a interesting ending too...

of course, superman isn't just the powers. He is the man behind the powers and he is still here. I would like to see him do some hero stuff not necessarily in a super way.

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