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Posted By: cp33 FDK: World without Superman 4/ - 01/03/08 08:53 AM
I hope I did this correctly. I had to start a place to leave feedback.

Loved how you have Clark remembering everything but Superman, I can feel Martha and Jonathan's frustration as they watch their son struggle with what is blocking his memories.

Mrs. Cox as an actress, makes perfect sense to me. Wonder if she or Luthor whacked her hubby and the other woman?
Posted By: Dandello Re: FDK: World without Superman 4/ - 01/03/08 09:44 AM
I cannot claim credit for the idea that Mrs. Cox was a actress and her late husband died under suspicious circumstances. Another author has that honor (now if I could remember which one...)
Posted By: Mercy Re: FDK: World without Superman 4/ - 01/03/08 10:02 AM
I'm loving this story more and more! I wonder what Clark thinks of his mild kryptonite exposure. And I'm surprised Lois isn't outraged that Lex wants to build a memorial with a giant chunk of rock that can supposedly kill Superman... Maybe she really does think he won't return? Or maybe she hopes he'll be back before Lex can get his plan into action.

Questions, questions... I can't wait for part 5!
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: World without Superman 4/ - 01/03/08 11:31 AM
I'm fascinated too. Although there are rather too many villains around - Luthor and Deter! And neither Lois nor Clark understands the danger of letting Luthor or Deter get too close to Clark, and find out what neither Lois nor Clark knows right now.

I really liked how you had Lois remember the pheromone incident. Of course Clark is attracted to her! She knows that he is! So there must be a good reason for why he apparently didn't react to Miranda's perfume. I very much hope that Lois will start putting two and two together soon.

By the way, Martha has apparently decided to let Lois and Clark figure out the truth about Superman together, instead of just informing Clark of it. You have to wonder why. Is she, perhaps, trying to bring Lois and Clark closer together?

Posted By: Dandello Re: FDK: World without Superman 4/ - 01/03/08 11:46 AM
Not to give anything away - it may take awhile for Lois to figure things out.

My Martha has decided that since Clark doesn't have any powers at the moment, it might be better if his powers come back first. Lois doesn't know what conversations Martha and Jonathan had with Clark concerning Superman. Or how he interpreted them.

All Lois knows is that the part of Clark that should remember a relationship with Superman is gone.

But Martha has dropped hints.
Originally posted by Mercy:
I'm loving this story more and more! I wonder what Clark thinks of his mild kryptonite exposure. And I'm surprised Lois isn't outraged that Lex wants to build a memorial with a giant chunk of rock that can supposedly kill Superman... Maybe she really does think he won't return? Or maybe she hopes he'll be back before Lex can get his plan into action.

Questions, questions... I can't wait for part 5!
As of All Shook Up: Lois doesn't really know about kryptonite aside from what Trask said about it. She doesn't really believe that a rock could hurt Superman - she didn't see it. Clark knew but he doesn't remember it. Jonathan and Martha know so their reaction is going to be stronger than Lois's - but they can't tell anybody!
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: World without Superman 4/ - 01/03/08 01:50 PM
What they said and more. I want more that is. So Clark had to have felt the pain a little. Isn't that why he kept his distance? So does he know he was Superman or not? I am a little confused by this but I suppose it is because I have gone too long in between reading and probably forgot something og importance regarding his memory loss. Looking forward to more. Laura
Posted By: Dandello Re: FDK: World without Superman 4/ - 01/03/08 03:04 PM
Currently, Clark does not recall anything about Superman other than what he has read and what people (mainly Lois) have told him. As to why he stayed away from the glowing green rock

... wait for it ... evil
Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: World without Superman 4/ - 01/03/08 05:45 PM
I, too, am completely confused by Clark's reaction to the kryptonite. I assume it effected him, because he's ... well, Clark, and Lois noticed he looked wan later, but if so he did a miraculous job of covering considering that he would have no way of knowing it would impact him.

I absolutely loved Clark in this chapter - all of his worldliness comes through in his exchanges with Luther and Mrs. Cox and Lois, in her new found appreciation for Clark, just rolls with it rather than rolling her eyes and wondering how a hack-from-Nowheresville got to know all this. I guess this means I loved Lois in this chapter, too.
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: World without Superman 4/ - 01/04/08 01:35 PM
I too loved the exchanges between Luthor and Clark. On the surface it's all pleasant conversation, underneath there are secrets, lies and the butting of horns between two men attracted to the same woman.

I so dearly wanted to see that last scene through Clark's eyes, but we haven't seen his POV at all in this story so of course there will be things left out.

who appreciates the length of this part even as she wants more, more, more
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