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Posted By: Sheila FDK: Ten Years in the Making (13/?) - 12/30/07 11:13 PM
Wow! Now that was a twist!
Someone had sprinkled kryptonite dust all over the area. Clark wondered if it had been there before, if someone was sprinkling it everywhere, or if they had known about the oncoming tornado and thus guessed he would be there.
Who would want to hurt Superman? He's been pretty distant for the past ten years and Lex Luthor is not in the picture. Could it be John? Killing off the competition?
Lois was frozen to the spot, unsure what to do. The man sitting on her sofa was clearly Clark and yet there was something off about him. First off, he was sitting on her sofa. When he had been in her apartment last time she had come home with John, he had hidden in her bedroom. Secondly, he was staring blankly ahead, seeming to be unaware that the door had opened. Lastly, he was wearing glasses. Lois had not seen Clark wearing glasses since the day he was shot.

Lois entered slowly afraid of startling him. She could feel John following her, but could not move her eyes off of Clark. Neither she nor John said anything for a minute and then John asked tentatively, “Isn’t that Clark Kent?”

Lois did not answer right away trying to think of the right thing to say, but wondered how John would even know what Clark looked like, when another voice came from her bathroom.

“Sure is, Emerson,” Perry White entered the living room, a washcloth in his hands.

John took a slight step back in surprise although Lois felt frozen to the spot. “Perry!” John finally exclaimed.

“Hi, John. Good to see you,” John and Perry shook hands.

“And you, too, darlin’,” Perry said as he swept Lois up in a hug.
How did Perry get there? Apparently he now knows that Clark is Superman and that is why Clark really is in shock! Perry apparently helped to make up that story.

John knows what Clark looks like. He's up to something.
“Come on, Lois,” John said, misunderstanding Lois’ reaction. “The man gave up his life for you. It’s understandable that you may want to think things through before the next time we go to dinner,” John said.

“Okay,” Lois said, turning back to the door. As her hand was on the knob, though, she realized what John had said. She turned around to see John nearing the stairwell. “He didn’t really,” she called to him.

John raised his eyebrows at her, “Didn’t really what?”

“He didn’t give up his life for me. He was alive,” Lois explained thinking this was obvious.

John’s eyebrows continued to be raised, “You mean because he wasn’t dead?” He chuckled at her nod. “Lois, he gave up his name, his career, his family and his friends. Isn’t that what life is?” John asked, “I saw the clip from the club. I came across it a few days ago when looking for something and watched it as your name was on it. Clark got shot trying to protect you.”

A small part of Lois was aware that this was how John had known what Clark looked like, but a bigger part was focused on what he had said. It was similar to what Martha had said as well, but Lois had not totally understood until now. She was angry at Clark for lying to her and making her think he had given his life for her all this time when it turned out he was not dead. But he had done that. John was right – Clark had given up everything for her. And maybe he should have told her he was not dead, maybe what he had done was wrong, maybe she was justified in being angry. But he had done so much for her and she had not appreciated it, had not really thought about all he consciously gave up for her.
So now Lois is going to try and analyze what to do about Clark and their relationship? I thought she was pretty sure that she did not want Clark in her life in that way.

I'm still not convinced that John is totally innocent in this. I'm sure that he knows more than he is fessing up to even though he is encouraging Lois to think things through.
As he pulled it away, Lois bit the inside of her lip to keep from crying out loud. It was less noticeable on Clark’s face, but the green tinge on the white washcloth was clear as day. “Maybe we should get him into bed,” Lois suggested her voice soft.

“That’s a good idea,” Perry said.
Yep, Perry is trying to get the kryptonite off. He senses that Lois understands what's going on.

You have to hurry back with the next post. This is too good!

Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Ten Years in the Making (13/?) - 12/31/07 01:52 AM
Very good chapter, Anonpip!

The kryptonite dust that just keeps spreading is really scary. What a fascinating plot development! I've read the comics for years, but I can't remember kryptonite dust turning up everywhere. Who is responsible for this horrible threat to Superman? Luthor?

I really liked how you wrote Clark's attempts to first be Superman and perform rescues in spite of the dust, and then try to find his way back to Lois. I loved the way he took off his Superman suit but put his red shorts back on in order to look like a man in speedos. And then he took a taxi to Lois's, where I take it he was able to contact Perry, who came to his rescue. How smart Perry was to bring Clark back with that story about Clark being in a witness protection program! I snickered at the thought that Clark had spent ten years secretly being a clerk. Clark the clerk, isn't it perfect?

The part where John told Lois that Clark had given up his life for her was good. You know I'm not going to completely forgive Clark for not coming clean with Lois after he was shot, but I have to agree that he sacrificed his civilian identity for Lois that night.

I like how you made John understand that there couldn't be anything between him and Lois after Clark came back.

All in all, this was a very well-written chapter full of surprises!

Posted By: Beth S. Re: FDK: Ten Years in the Making (13/?) - 01/01/08 02:53 AM
The Super-speedo was a stroke of genius! Everything else pales in comparison to it!

Okay, maybe not really, but it was pretty creative of you to think of that for Clark. Of course I'm curious as to what happened between Clark and Perry before Lois showed up. Hopefully, we'll get to know, right?

As you know, I love the speech John makes about Clark giving up his identity. It just seems to carry so much more weight when John says it as an unbiased outsider as opposed to someone close to Clark.
Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: Ten Years in the Making (13/?) - 01/03/08 06:39 PM
As always, thanks for the feedback. It really does spur me on to write (although not as fast I would like).

Suspicious Sheila - Hmmm... How bad is John? Is he bad at all? I'm not saying. I am amused by your suspicious nature, though.

Who would want to hurt Superman?
I know, really. Superman - he's so sweet. How could anyone want to hurt him?

But of course, that didn't stop Lex. And Lex couldn't have been alone. Actually, he definitely is not alone. I assure you - Lex has no part of this fanfic, so it is definitely not him.

John knows what Clark looks like. He's up to something.

You have to hurry back with the next post. This is too good!
I am trying. I have a good part of it written but somehow managed to catch the stomach flu and so haven't really had the energy to write the last few days. (I know, I am just full of excuses, aren't I?) But I am feeling much better this evening, so hopefully I can post by early next week, just a day or two after I was hoping.

Ann -

The kryptonite dust that just keeps spreading is really scary. What a fascinating plot development! I've read the comics for years, but I can't remember kryptonite dust turning up everywhere.
Really? blush I'm thrilled to have possibly thought of something truly original. With all the forms of kryptonite out there (both from official Superman stories and all the fanfic), it's hard to believe.

How smart Perry was to bring Clark back with that story about Clark being in a witness protection program!
Yay! I was SO nervous that this would seem hokey. The idea just came to me one day and I immediately loved it, but then when I started writing it I worried it would sound stupid. I'm very relieved not to have found several posts from readers wondering why I did something so ridiculous and so for you to call it "smart", well, you just made my day!

Clark the clerk, isn't it perfect?
This never occured to me. I'm going to have to find a way to use in the next part, though. It's too funny!

The part where John told Lois that Clark had given up his life for her was good. You know I'm not going to completely forgive Clark for not coming clean with Lois after he was shot, but I have to agree that he sacrificed his civilian identity for Lois that night.
No, I do suffer from delusions but none so bad that I expect you to ever completely forgive Clark. But that's okay. This is as much as I would have hoped for. It's where Lois needs to be as well - since, unlike you (presumably) she's in love with Clark, she's more apt to forgive him once she realizes this.


The Super-speedo was a stroke of genius! Everything else pales in comparison to it!
Genius? Why, however is my head going to fit through the door? Okay, I have to admit I did this both as I needed a less conspicuous way for Clark to get to Lois' and because it made me smile. A grown man making his way around town in Speedos would be pretty funny.

Of course I'm curious as to what happened between Clark and Perry before Lois showed up. Hopefully, we'll get to know, right?
Maybe. Maybe not.... Okay, yeah. We'll get there. Not right away, though. I mean there's a superhero covered in kryptonite here. First things first.
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