Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Dandello FDK: A World Without Superman 3/? - 12/26/07 08:36 PM
Well? dance
Posted By: Framework4 Re: FDK: A World Without Superman 3/? - 12/26/07 09:50 PM
Delightful. smile
Posted By: BJ Re: FDK: A World Without Superman 3/? - 12/26/07 10:54 PM
I enjoyed this chapter very much. I loved how a well-and-whole Lois is immediately all over the story with Deter. The scum is going to get what's coming to him. razz

It's also nice to see Lois creeped-out by Lex's duplication of her apartment and her suspicious nature kick in about him. Finding the bugs was just the beginning...

I enjoyed the conversations in this chapter between all of the characters (especially Clark and Lois), but the thing that surprised me was Martha inviting Lois to join them for lunch. Wouldn't she be more interested in getting Lois out of the way so that she and Jonathan could convince Clark he's Superman? Or since there's no fragment heading for earth, there's no rush?

Regardless of the reasoning, I'm enjoying it and look forward for the next installment. thumbsup

Posted By: Dandello Re: FDK: A World Without Superman 3/? - 12/26/07 11:01 PM
Since the story is from Lois's POV (except for the very first section), even if Martha and Jonathan did take time to convince Clark (which might be hard since he has no powers at the moment) all Lois would know about it would be that Clark got all his memories back.

So... wait for it... angel-devil
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: A World Without Superman 3/? - 12/27/07 05:46 AM
I really like this story, Dandello. I'm really glad that this Lois was suspicious of Deter right away.

“He's been married twice,” Jimmy related. “First one ended in divorce. The second one, his wife died in an accident and left him with enough money so that he doesn't have to work if he doesn't want to… but there were suspicions. It seems his wife was a former patient of his and her family claimed he brainwashed her into marrying him and then killed her for the money but nothing could be proven. Then he moved to Metropolis. His patient list is confidential…”
Wouldn't you want a doctor like that? razz And if you owned a clinic yourself, wouldn't you hire someone like that? razz

“But, what I'm trying to say is, I know you're not a coward. I was there when Antoinette Baines had us tied up in that warehouse. I was there when Jason Trask threatened to kill you and your parents, when he shot at you and Sheriff Barnes took him out. According to Deter, memory loss like you have is a result of a "weak personality' that runs into something it can't cope with. But I don't believe that either, not in your case.”
Good! Lois doesn't believe Deter.

“The day before Nightfall was expected to hit the Earth, I had lunch with Lex and he showed me his "ark',” she said. Telling Clark about Luthor was harder than she had anticipated. It was unnerving to admit how wrong she had been about the multi-billionaire. How she had been blinded by wealth and good manners. Or that Clark had been right all along.
But now she did admit to Clark and to herself that Clark had been right about Luthor all along!

She turned to Martha and Jonathan. “We're having dinner with Lex Luthor. He wants to brief us on his plans for a Superman memorial, things like that.”

“Is that a good idea, with Clark the way he is?” Martha asked.
No, Lois. I don't think that is necessarily a good idea at all.

It was interesting, and a little irritating, that Lois got so angry at Clark regarding the globe. Normally I would definitely sympathize with her, but it doesn't seem right to scold Clark for something that he can't even fully remember.

Well, I'm definitely looking forward to more!

Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: FDK: A World Without Superman 3/? - 12/27/07 06:30 AM
Lex presumably thinks he has a clear run at Lois with Superman out of the way. I suspect that Clark will now be the unwanted third wheel...
Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: A World Without Superman 3/? - 12/27/07 08:45 PM
Oh, this was wonderful. What a great thing to come back to after vacation!

Lois had an idea and reached into her purse with her left hand, into an inner pocket. She slipped on one of the rings she kept hidden there – a simple engagement ring she had picked up for a song at a pawnshop for disguise when she and Clark went undercover as newlyweds... Besides, a fiancée had certain privileges that a mere partner didn't have. And Lois had the feeling that Clark needed all the help he could get right now.
I can not say enough how much I love this Lois. She's the perfect friend to Clark here and so concerned about him.

“You might want to consider that you may be what he's running away from.”
Oh, Deter is so evil!!

“I think Lane and Kent are on the story,” Lois said. “Where there's smoke, there's usually a fire.”

“Is there a "Lane and Kent' right now?” he asked. He watched her, expression solemn, worried.

“Clark, you've lost your memory, not your mind,” Lois told him."
Again, it's like Clark being hurt has brought out all of Lois' best traits. Rather than trying to get rid of Clark she wants to work with him despite his amnesia.

Lois looked to Clark. He answered Perry's question. “I don't trust him. And I didn't like the questions he was asking me about Lois.”

Perry nodded. “That's good enough for me."
I love that Perry trusts them on this rather than siding with Deter. Perry, like Lois, is on his best behavior.

“And you've never lied to me?” Clark asked her.

“You grew up on a farm in Kansas,” Lois stated. She was actively ignoring the fact that his parents were standing watching them. “I grew up in Metropolis.”


“So... there are different standards,” she insisted.

“That's ridiculous and you know it, Lois.” Martha said. “You're just upset that Clark didn't tell you something he was asked to keep in confidence.”
There's nothing like a spunky Martha. She's the only one besides Clark that could really take on Lois.

It was several moments before Martha answered. “No, I don't think he's dead. I do think he's hurt and confused and scared. And as soon as he's recovered from whatever it was that happened to him, I think you and Clark will be the first to know.”
I both love Martha's explanation of her perception of her son's condition and the assessment that Lois will find out about Clark being Superman once he gets past his amnesia. Given her clear loyalty in this story, she deserves the truth.

Can't wait to read more!
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: A World Without Superman 3/? - 01/01/08 02:33 PM
I wanted to leave you feedback so you would know I'm still reading, but I'm probably a bit too head-achy (would you believe I stayed up late last night?) to be trusted with a keyboard.

I liked your portrayal of Deter, was intrigued by Lois wearing an engagement ring and was comforted by Martha's invitation for lunch. She does act like Lois is family and is welcoming her into the recovery process. I was touched that Clark wrote Superman's obituary and thought it was cute how much energy he has invested in trying to remember his conversations with Superman. I'm sure that gives him a lot of fodder for Lois' brain to ruminate about.

Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: A World Without Superman 3/? - 04/15/08 11:41 AM
“Superman’s symbol,” Lois concluded. “You took it, knowing full well that it probably had some connection to Superman, and that I, your partner, would kill to know about it.”

“We weren't partners then,” he reminded her.

“‘Then,’ Clark? Try ‘never again.’” She started ticking items off on her fingers. “You lied. You stole. You...”

“Betrayed?” Clark chimed in a little too cheerfully.

“Don't edit my tantrums, Clark,” she warned. “I won't be responsible.”

“And you’ve never lied to me?” Clark asked her.

“You grew up on a farm in Kansas,” Lois stated. She was actively ignoring the fact that his parents were standing watching them. “I grew up in Metropolis.”


“So... there are different standards,” she insisted.

Deter is so in for a surprise laugh Love it.

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