Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: gr8shadesofElvis FDK: Specimen 5/? - 12/16/07 11:16 AM
I have to admit Alisha, that I haven't been following your story - eek - maybe part 1 was too long and I didn't have the time (at the time) to read it. And then I just didn't bother to catch up.

Bad girl! blush

Now that I do have the time, I'm going to go back and start at the beginning because I really enjoyed this! Yay you. laugh

I love vulnerable Lois, and when they're being sweet and awkward together in that getting-to-know-you phase. Nice. thumbsup
Posted By: alcyone Re: FDK: Specimen 5/? - 12/16/07 12:06 PM
I'm still reading smile . I really love the tentative relationship between Lois and Clark here. I like how you pit the whole "alien" thing right in the center--can't wait to see how you make 'em work through it. Meanwhile, the awkwardness is adorable.

And I'm also a huge fan of the a-plot you're weaving the description of the doctor not wanting to be bothered by her research group was precious. I know so many people like that. smile

Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: Specimen 5/? - 12/16/07 07:14 PM
He laughed. "Sorry to be a disappointment."

Lois averted her eyes from him, cursing her weakness as she realised just how often she had to make herself do that. "You're not a disappointment."
There are so many deeper meanings discussed here.

"I've never actually shared a bed with anyone before, so I don't know..."

Lois suddenly stiffened up and leant away from him, her features stone. "And you're just assuming I have? What do you think I am--?"

"Hey!" Clark interrupted her, raising his hands as if they could form an impenetrable barrier and deflect her anger from him, "I'm not saying you're an anything! I wasn't insinuating that you were a ... a ...," he couldn't bring himself to say any of the words that popped into his head. They weren't Lois. "I just thought, I don't know, maybe you'd shared a bed with your sister or a friend at a sleep-over or something. Try and remember that most of my knowledge of human interaction comes from television and books. I'm bound to get things wrong, or say the wrong things. I don't mean anything by them."

"Sorry, sorry, I know." Lois laid her head in her hands, rubbing her temples, reminding herself that Clark was different. A man brought up in a laboratory wasn't likely to have any of the preconceptions that most men did, and she was as bad as them for immediately thinking the worst of him.
And so much honesty shared.

Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Specimen 5/? - 12/16/07 08:01 PM
The interplay between Lois and Clark is great. I used to think that Clark was lucky growing up with such wonderful parents, unlike Lois who comes from a dysfunctional family. But here Clark has been a "specimen" locked up in a lab all his life, while Lois is still scarred by growing up in the Lane family and by having disastrous encounters with men. It's wonderful to see the two of them together.

I'm looking forward to seeing them coming to Kansas and meeting Martha and Jonathan!

Posted By: emmachabemma Re: FDK: Specimen 5/? - 12/17/07 04:08 PM
This is a very sweet story. I've been reading since the beginning and I have to say I am addicted and cannot wait to read more.

I love the last bit where she wants clark to hold her. I guess it mimics the familial comforting relationship she had with her sister when they were younger.

Posted By: Alisha Knight Re: FDK: Specimen 5/? - 12/18/07 01:07 PM
Hi gr8shades,
I have to admit Alisha, that I haven't been following your story
I am shocked and disappointed grumble , I'm only joking but I am very happy to hear that I've gained a new reader. Yay! dance

Hi alcyone,
I like how you pit the whole "alien" thing right in the center
and there's plenty more of it to come!

Hi Elisabeth, hmm, it's difficult to comment on your fdk when it's mainly quotes laugh , but I think that whole last scene is probably my favourite in this story mainly because of the
deeper meanings
honesty shared
Hi Ann, thanks for the fdk. I'm honestly trying to think of something more to say, but I can't, I'm just glad that you're enjoying the story and the interaction between Lois and Clark.

Hi Emma,
I've been reading since the beginning and I have to say I am addicted and cannot wait to read more.
You know, addictions can be bad for your health laugh and your comments does lead me nicely onto my next point:

Unfortunately with Christmas coming up and me being completely unprepared for it, I cannot guarantee when I'll be able to post the next part. I will get round to it ASAP, but as I haven't even got it ready for BRing yet, it might be longer than the weekly post I've been aiming for (and, admittedly, missing! blush ) This is just a pre-emptive strike against a seasonal visit from these guys, wildguy , who I'm happy to say I've yet to be on the recieving end of!
Posted By: gr8shadesofElvis Re: FDK: Specimen 5/? - 12/18/07 01:35 PM
Since you've opened this door Alisha, let me be the first one to walk through it! grumble

wildguy wildguy wildguy

Consider yourself stalked!
Posted By: Alisha Knight Re: FDK: Specimen 5/? - 12/18/07 01:45 PM

Posted By: gr8shadesofElvis Re: FDK: Specimen 5/? - 12/18/07 01:50 PM
It's really a compliment, you know. Here, have another! laugh


Ps. It's my birthday next week. And since I'm now your favourite person, you'll just have to work harder!
Posted By: Alisha Knight Re: FDK: Specimen 5/? - 12/18/07 01:56 PM
It's really a compliment, you know.
What, you didn't realise that was what I was fishing for, some little sign that people cared? goofy Honestly!

I promise I'll try harder and give Specimen by undivided attention, goodbye ficathon story... mecry
Posted By: Alisha Knight Re: FDK: Specimen 5/? - 12/18/07 01:58 PM
goodbye ficathon story
- that was a joke by the way, I'm still writing it! razz
Posted By: gr8shadesofElvis Re: FDK: Specimen 5/? - 12/18/07 02:02 PM
I'll have Specimen for my birthday and the ficathon story for Christmas. Not too much to ask is it?

One more for luck!


Oh well, I'm sure Beth'll post some Honesty for me soon. smile
Posted By: Beth S. Re: FDK: Specimen 5/? - 12/21/07 10:11 PM
Sorry this is a little late. I'm still reading it though, I promise! I love the awkwardness Clark still has in the real world. Although he's technically free, he still doesn't really fit in. It's kind of sad, but it's nice to see Lois insisting on treating him like he's normal. But it's sad that Clark thinks he has to downplay his abilities to be accepted by her. Hopefully he will learn that he can live a normal life and still be extraordinary.

I love how Lois is so trusting of him. She can open up to him about all the pain she's been through and it's especially good that's she finds him "not unattractive"! I'm also waiting impatiently for Clark to meet the Kents. Hopefully this reunion will bring about some healing and acceptance for him.

(PS: gr8sahdes, thanks for the free publicity!)
Posted By: Alisha Knight Re: FDK: Specimen 5/? - 12/22/07 01:08 PM
Hi Beth, thanks for the feedback, any is welcome at any time! Oh, and if you want some more free publicity, I too am really enjoying Honesty and I'm sorry that so far I haven't left you any feedback! blush
Posted By: Beth S. Re: FDK: Specimen 5/? - 12/22/07 03:16 PM
Thanks Alisha! You know, I subscribe to the same policy about feedback as you do. It's never to late to post some! (hint hint)

Just kidding though. I'm pretty bad at feedback myself. I read pretty much all the stories posted here, but leave feedback on very few.
Posted By: Alisha Knight Re: FDK: Specimen 5/? - 01/19/08 12:43 PM

(clears throat) I have noticed that every time I've left fdk for Honesty, Beth has hinted at the lack of recent posts for this story. So for Beth, and anyone else who cares, I just thought I ought to say that I haven't forgotten about it, I've just been very busy. blush

This coming week is going to be so busy that I don't even know if I'll get onto these boards at all until the weekend, so I'm not expecting to get any more work done on Specimen this week, but part 6 is nearly ready for posting, so give me a couple of weeks and hopefully I'll start writing posting again after this rather long Christmas break!

- Alisha (who's crossing her fingers and hoping she hasn't made promises she won't be able to keep.)
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