Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Tahu FDK: War of the Heroes (2/2) - 10/14/07 12:52 AM
great story but I am missing the fight between Lois and Clark and Peter and MJ. I want to see Clark getting knocked out by Lois for finding out like this. Screams epilogue, don't you think?

I liked this story very much and I don't think it is silly.

I want more. laugh
Posted By: IreneD Re: FDK: War of the Heroes (2/2) - 10/14/07 06:00 AM
I loved this! Lots of fun. For me, it's great as written, but I can understand why some might want a part 3.

Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: War of the Heroes (2/2) - 10/14/07 07:26 AM
“But if the person keeps insisting on finding herself being held hostage by madmen and seduced by lunatic billionaires…”

MJ blew out a breath and rolled her eyes. “Been there, bought the T-shirts.
Cute. I take it that MJ has the same hobby of falling into harm's way?

“After I threatened him.”

For a moment, a ghost of a smile flickered across her face. “You were very menacing. And by menacing I meant pathetic.”

“Yes, you are. Now before I dismember my boyfriend, we’re going to give him the shock of his life and make him seethe with jealousy.”

“We are?” Clark gulped, but a quick glance back at Lois, who was leaning in closely to Peter’s head, hardened his resolve.

“And I have to go…” he glanced at Clark and for a moment their differences seemed to melt away as each recognized the cry for help in the other’s eyes.

“Do that thing!” Clark finished, giving the two girls a brilliant smile.
It must be pretty bad for Peter to allow Clark to fill in excuses for him.

Lois dug through Clark’s wallet, which he had left on the table, and left six twenties. On second thought… She looked in there again and shook the rest of the contents onto the table.

“That’s an expensive glass of wine,” Mary Jane commented as she blandly watched Lois rob Clark blind.

“Oh, trust me, when I get through with that man…”

“I know. Let’s go.”
Note to self: Never tick off Lois Lane.

And the ending---Bwa ha ha!

Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: War of the Heroes (2/2) - 10/14/07 12:39 PM
Can't believe I missed this the first time 'round!

Wonderful! I don't know much about Spidey [though I do know he's Peter Parker, but that's from Friends - when Rachel puts Parker Stevenson on her 'list' and Ross says "Spiderman?" and she says, "No, Hardy Boy" and he looks puzzled then Chandler says "Peter Parker"] but I didn't catch it in the Batman/Wedding fic.

I too wouldn't mind seeing some groveling etc. on the part of the two superheroes - or even another fic or two with them working together - can you imagine the four of them taking on the world's bad guys? Lois and Clark could even help Spidey get some good publicity!
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: War of the Heroes (2/2) - 10/14/07 01:37 PM
I have my own Peter Parker story.

There were Spiderman shorts that were part of the old PBS Electric Company. Of course, to simplify things, Spiderman didn't have a secret identity--he was simply Spiderman. His theme song said, "Spiderman--nobody knows who you are."

One day, my older sister turned to my mom and casually asked, "It's Peter Parker, right?"

"I think so," my mom answered.

I was floored. NOBODY knew who Spiderman was, except my mom and sister. Amazing!
Posted By: Laura S Re: FDK: War of the Heroes (2/2) - 10/14/07 01:53 PM
I admit, I was a big fan of the movies! That was actually sort of a part of how I got involved with the Lois and Clark fandom. I never realized I had a superhero fetish until I saw the first Spider-man. I tried my hand at fan fic there (... oh dear. It was scary. I was only 13.) Anyway, Peter Parker was my first superhero love, and so writing him with Clark Kent was really fun. An epilogue, hmm...? That sounds fun. laugh Maybe I'll give it a shot a little later. I was worried I had been writing Lois and Clark for too long, and that I had forgotten Peter and MJ's characters. I'm glad you guys enjoyed this. smile Thanks for the comments!

Posted By: Mister Data Re: FDK: War of the Heroes (2/2) - 10/30/07 10:00 PM
That was a riot!

Great story.

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