Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Lady_Mirth Sinfully Great, or FDK Sin 1 - 10/08/07 01:44 PM
Queenie's back! Yay!

based on the 7 deadly sins, which are: Pride, Lust, Sloth, Envy, Snoring, Posting Vandalism on Wikipedia, and using double entendre in a story that's presumabely for children. Or something like that.

This stuff was based on real life? Honestly? Poor, deluded man. I feel so sorry for him. frown

Okay. I'm game. What wild road will you take us this time, I wonder, Mary?

And kudos to Labrat for gravitating back into the waters of LnC fanfic. You've hardly been here five minutes and already you've inspired two delicious fics! Enviable is the individual who can spice up so many lives just by being around. laugh
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Re: Sinfully Great, or FDK Sin 1 - 10/08/07 02:09 PM
Originally posted by Lady_Mirth:
Queenie's back! Yay!

This stuff was based on real life? Honestly? Poor, deluded man. I feel so sorry for him. frown

Okay. I'm game. What wild road will you take us this time, I wonder, Mary?
Woo! Feedback! hyper Glad you like! laugh

I wish I felt sorry for him. rotflol
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: Sinfully Great, or FDK Sin 1 - 10/08/07 02:16 PM
I thought this story was somewhat weird (in a good sense!), but your real life seems to be even better. Great beginning! (And broad grinning from me. smile )
Posted By: gr8shadesofElvis Re: Sinfully Great, or FDK Sin 1 - 10/08/07 02:45 PM
This isn't strictly relevant, but I was inspired by Ann's fdk post for Flawed 6, so blame her. She had a couple of pics relating to hell, so I did a similar search and came up with these.

Possibly what Sinny McSinnerson is thinking?

[Linked Image]

And I thought this was really funny, but then I am in a silly mood tonight.

[Linked Image]
Posted By: Mercy Re: Sinfully Great, or FDK Sin 1 - 10/08/07 05:18 PM
Mixed emotions here.

On the one hand, I love seeing stories that look at the lives of random people living in a world with Superman. I even enjoy exploring the whole "Superman as some sort of God figure" from time to time (er, the Christ allegory in SR was too much, but when lightly sprinkled...).

On the other hand, your scary priest is going to give me nightmares... especially because he is real!!
Posted By: Laura S Re: Sinfully Great, or FDK Sin 1 - 10/08/07 06:14 PM
Yikes! I can't believe how ignorant people are. Anyway, I can't wait to see how you handle this. This looks like it will be really, really interesting. Can't wait for part 2!

Posted By: TOC Re: Sinfully Great, or FDK Sin 1 - 10/08/07 09:34 PM
It is (theoretically...) based on the 7 deadly sins, which are: Pride, Lust, Sloth, Envy, Snoring, Posting Vandalism on Wikipedia, and using double entendre in a story that's presumabely for children.
You're killing me, Mary!!!! Snoring!!! And eh, using double entendre in a story that's presumably for children... <chokes on laughter> rotflol

As for the story... Forgive me for not quoting. But believe me, this story most vividly brings back a thousand memories from my childhood. Like the time when a button came loose on my blouse, and I found a needle and some thread and sewed it back on, feeling proud of myself for doing so. And then the phone rang, and it was my grandfather, and he asked me what I was doing, and I told him about the button... and he had a fit, you know? Because it was Sunday. I was doing work on a Sunday and now I might burn in hell, you know?

And my poor, dear aunt, who I miss terribly. She just loved Sound of Music with Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer, and she saw it on TV whenever Swedish TV showed it. But on one occasion she couldn't resist seeing it in a movie theater, and afterwards she was almost shaking with fear... because if you saw a movie in a movie theater you might go to hell, you know? frown

Incidentally... when I started reading Superman comics at the age of twelve (before that I absolutely didn't dare to read comics against my parents' will) I was also told, this time by my parents, that reading comics would probably twist my mind and turn me into a very bad person. So even being denounced and described as sinful because of Superman is nothing new to me, Mary. frown

So I know everything about people who will sentence you to hell for all kinds of crazy reasons! I'm really curious about where you are going to take this fic, Mary.

Posted By: Shadow Re: Sinfully Great, or FDK Sin 1 - 10/08/07 11:02 PM
Oh, we're all going to hell and we're all possessed by Satan, so shouts the preacher outside the graphic design building. wink Somtimes it gets so loud that my professor stops speaking and we all just look at each other and laugh.

That being said, this was a really interesting start for me!
Posted By: Lady_Mirth Re: Sinfully Great, or FDK Sin 1 - 10/08/07 11:45 PM
As for the story... Forgive me for not quoting. But believe me, this story most vividly brings back a thousand memories from my childhood. Like the time when a button came loose on my blouse, and I found a needle and some thread and sewed it back on, feeling proud of myself for doing so. And then the phone rang, and it was my grandfather, and he asked me what I was doing, and I told him about the button... and he had a fit, you know? Because it was Sunday. I was doing work on a Sunday and now I might burn in hell, you know?

And my poor, dear aunt, who I miss terribly. She just loved Sound of Music with Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer, and she saw it on TV whenever Swedish TV showed it. But on one occasion she couldn't resist seeing it in a movie theater, and afterwards she was almost shaking with fear... because if you saw a movie in a movie theater you might go to hell, you know? [Frown]
Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ, Ann! No wonder you turned atheist! I would've too. rotflol

Seriously though, it's sad that people are so hell -bent (pun intended) on turning something meant for beauty and comfort into something fearsome and nasty. It's like Mahatma Ghandi said isn't it? "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians."

Okay. </OT> laugh
Posted By: Melisa Re: Sinfully Great, or FDK Sin 1 - 10/08/07 11:47 PM
This guy sounds just like this man that comes to my campus named Moses.

I'm interested to see where this story leads.
Posted By: TOC Re: Sinfully Great, or FDK Sin 1 - 10/08/07 11:51 PM
You know what, Hasini? I like Jesus too. I really do! Very much so, actually! At least the Jesus you meet in the Gospels of Mark, Matthew and Luke. I'm far less impressed by the self-centered Jesus in the Gospel according to John. But Jesus in the other three Gospels - yes!! And please note that Jesus treats women absolutely like human beings. I mean, just imagine!!!

Posted By: Queen of the Capes Re: Sinfully Great, or FDK Sin 1 - 10/09/07 04:30 PM
Originally posted by Lara Joelle Kent:
I thought this story was somewhat weird (in a good sense!), but your real life seems to be even better.
Y'know, I'm inclined to agree. But if you think *my* life is nuts, you should meet my father! (Youngest of twenty, hit by lightning and lived, etc., etc.)

by Toc:

Incidentally... when I started reading Superman comics at the age of twelve (before that I absolutely didn't dare to read comics against my parents' will) I was also told, this time by my parents, that reading comics would probably twist my mind and turn me into a very bad person. So even being denounced and described as sinful because of Superman is nothing new to me, Mary.
Aww. frown *Hug*

My mom might not've been too comfy with my superhero obsession in the beginning, but the word "Hell" never really came up. She just wanted to make sure that I had my priorities straight and remembered that there is a much *bigger* God than that fellow in the silly tights. (More and more, I'm learning to appreciate my mom. goofy

And to the FoLCs who've had yelling people at their campuses: Eep. eek

Thanks for the feedback, everyone! smile
I'm glad you like it so far, and I hope I can keep up the pace and not disappoint. laugh
Posted By: LabRat Re: Sinfully Great, or FDK Sin 1 - 10/13/07 09:27 AM
Well, Labby? How am I doing so far?
Well, this first segment was way too short. <g> But, that aside, when I spotted that title in the fanfic folder, I ran around the room in little excited circles, going party Does that answer your question? <G>

Your preacher is spooky. You know, I don't know what's the most frightening about these people - that people take them seriously or that they don't. Sometimes, when they're simply ignored or treated as fools, that gives them a way to create great evil in the world before everyone realises how dangerous they truly are. frown Hope that didn't happen in your real life case, Mary!

Anyway, I'm keen to find out what happens next...so on with the show!

LabRat smile
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Re: Sinfully Great, or FDK Sin 1 - 10/13/07 09:59 PM
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by LabRat:
<strong>] that aside, when I spotted that title in the fanfic folder, I ran around the room in little excited circles, going goofy

I'll try to get part 3 up soon. Maybe tomorrow, but my Uncle is supposed to come over, so we'll have to see. Frankly, I don't want my family to see part 3 over my shoulder... blush
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