Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: jojo_da_crow A Startling Revelation 1/1 - 09/13/07 03:27 PM
It had never occurred to Lois that he would be hiding something like this from her. On second thought, she couldn’t really say he had hidden it from her... She just hadn’t believed him when he had made references to those “special abilities” that she was so clearly witnessing right now.

She was actually pretty impressed by these newfound skills of his. And really, who would have thought that he could have been able to wear that outfit with a straight face? She knew she wouldn’t have been able to put something like that on that so clearly shouted, “Hey look at me! I’m different!” But to each his own.

Sneaking around the corner of the building, she took out her camera and snapped a few shots of her co-worker in action. No one at the office was going to believe her without proof after all. Now she just had to figure out how to get the news out to the world. She’d have to sneak around the office so he didn’t know what she was up to. Maybe if she was quick enough she could get the story typed up and to the printers before he even had a clue what was going on.

With a smug smile on her face, Lois raced back to the Planet. If she was lucky, Clark would be there and he could help her out. After all, this was a story that the world had to know: Perry White wore lederhosen and had just won the annual Metropolis Yodeling Contest.


Notes: This story (if you can call it that) was written for Lara. In my last beta to her I made a comment about this quote from Perry: "Hey, I didn't become editor of a major newspaper because I can yodel."

I thought... wouldn’t it be funny if he actually could yodel?? Well this was my take on it.

Thanks to Lara for the quick beta on this one. ^_^
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